Quincy Jones, one of the American popular musical greats renowned as a brilliant creator and composer as well as an entrepreneur, has died at 91. He raised many singers to a different level including Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon and Aretha Franklin and propelled Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith to fame and fortune.
He was born in Chicago on March 14, 1933 at 8.40pm into grinding poverty during the Depression with his grandmother trapping and cooking rats when food was scarce. His musically gifted, schizophrenic mother was institutionalized when he was 7 and his father was on the payroll of a notorious street gang. He was headed to becoming a gangster when he discovered music in his teens.
He started out as a jazz trumpeter, playing with Ray Charles, later moving to Paris to study composition. He scored films, sharing an Emmy Award for the TV miniseries “Roots,” and produced Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” the top-selling pop release of all time. He produced the all-star charity song “We Are the World” in 1985, a best-selling single that raised $50 million for African famine relief. In the same year he coproduced the film “The Color Purple” and handpicked Winfrey, then a rising Chicago-based talk show host, for her breakout dramatic role.
He had a musical Pisces Sun in his performing 5th house widely conjunct Venus also in Pisces. His creative Neptune was opposition his Venus, conjunct a showbizzy Mars in Virgo; and on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Saturn sextile Mercury. His Scorpio Moon in his 1st house was on one leg of another yod sextile Mars Neptune inconjunct Mercury which destined him to be a communicator and teacher.
Accented Neptune and Mercury thrust him into a glittering musical and trailblazing career. He also had the disruptive Pluto square Uranus of his generation.
1933 with Mars, Neptune and Jupiter in Virgo produced a whole raft of distinguished creative and showbusiness types, including Michael Caine.
Quincy Jones’ 17th and 22nd harmonics are both strong – indicating the considerable effect he had on the culture of the time and in future.
How musically educated was he? I see that he seems to have been able to, of course, write and read orchestral scores and to conduct, and was a student of Nadia Boulanger for I don’t know how much, but I’m still kind of missing the breadth of his musical prowess and education and how and where he learnt to do all those things.
It should be remembered that
Frank Sinatra gave QJ his big break.
QJ arranged the music for “Live At
The Sands”, the only live album
released in Frank’s lifetime.
They remained very close friends.
He said Frank was very kind and
generous, a far cry from the public
perception of him.
He actually did some arrangement work for Ella Fitzgerald (which I imagine is where sinatra heard his work) .
Did he have any musical trademarks, does anybody know? Any recognizable traits?
Well, finally I can claim a bit of Orr gold
has rubbed off on me: upon reading abt Q’s 17th and 22nd harmonic I flashed on Thich Nhat Hanh and found this in Marjorie’s archive:
His healer/victim 12th harmonic was strong; as was his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H; and his global fame 22nd harmonic.
To be understood and recognized for good work within your lifetime and for value of that work to extend beyond your lifetime seems like the most satisfying combo out there.
Hi Marjorie,
Thanks for your post.
Just curious about your phrase “showbizzy Mars in Virgo.”
Are there other prominent examples of this?
An ex had this placement. I guess he was “showbizzy” — he was in the entertainment business, in leadership roles behind the scenes. He also had a showbizzy Leo stellium of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus, though.
Unfortunately, his Mars in Virgo trine Saturn seemed to manifest more as almost pathological indecisiveness or an obstinate refusal to choose regarding certain matters.
He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
He also refused to do Virgoan paperwork, which cost him enormously personally and somewhat financially.
Sorry badly phrased. Mars Neptune conjunction is showbizzy.
Indecisiveness sounds more like his overloaded Neptune
Thanks for the clarification, Marjorie.
Mars Neptune definitely sounds showbizzy.
Yes, you’re right about an overloaded Neptune.
The ex’s Neptune was / is square Mercury and Jupiter.
If I have his birth time correct, they’re all emphasized by being angular too, with Neptune in the 10th, and Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant.
Hi Grace, i’m fishing for insight on how neglecting paperwork cost your ex on more on a the personal level.
This caught my ear because of how “well” I understand paying financially for my Virgo-less paper messes.
Please share if possible,
understand if not~~~
Hi A,
I’m in the US. The ex was from another country.
Even though I paid a lawyer the equivalent in today’s money of about $15,000 to $18,000 out of my own pocket to help him get a working visa, he didn’t do the follow-up paperwork.
He also didn’t ask me to marry him (thank God), which would have solved the visa problem.
He was traveling back and forth on 90-day tourist visas.
One Christmas Eve, he was stopped at JFK Airport in New York and unceremoniously returned to his country.
He hadn’t bothered to count the total number of days he’d been in the US that year, and had exceeded the allowable number.
I don’t remember all the details, but the US imposes extra hurdles and delays on someone who’s overstayed their visa before they are allowed back in.
Thus the paperwork doldrums continued.
The ex had already been acting out in other major ways for several years.
Finally I ended our 6-year relationship that March.
For me, the deportation was actually a blessing.
I related a more detailed sequence of events to a sober, observant, and intuitive astrologer friend who had long before warned me that she believed the ex was a “professional alcoholic.”
She said she’s often not sure whether there is a God, but when she hears a story like mine, she thinks maybe there is!
Mercury square Neptune can signify someone who has problems with telling the truth, to put it that way, and is an aspect both Obama and Trump share, if I recall right, and also someone who doesn’t think/reason clearly.
Yes. My very grounded, down-to-earth Taurus lawyer said to me point blank, “[Ex] is a pathological liar.”
This was long before pathological liars and narcissists were ascendant and so much in the news here. I was naive. Live and learn.
Hi Grace, i’m fishing for insight on how neglecting paperwork cost your ex on more on a the personal level.
This caught my ear because of how “well” I understand paying financially for my Virgo-less paper messes.
Please share if possible,
understand if not~~~
John Hamblin works with harmonics up to 31.
The 29th Harmonic chart is strong in individuals who have a strong
belief in their own uniqueness and entrepreneurship. Quincy Jones was
one such individual. His 29th Harmonic chart brings together,
Uranus, uniqueness, in music, Venus-Neptune. This stellium aspects
Jones-Sun-Jupiter which further aspects the Orpheus, music-Moon- Saturn.
My parents inspired my life long love of soul music. QJ was an will remain, a legend producing some of the most successful artists