Questions & Factual Comments

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49 thoughts on “Questions & Factual Comments

  1. Canadian election: Pierre Poillievre currently has tr Jupiter conjunct his Sun, on election day it will be conjunct his Mercury and square his Moon.

    Astrotheme has a time of birth for Mark Carney of 7:56 a.m. That makes his ascendant 25 Taurus 16. Tr Uranus is conjunct his Asc – it made him Prime Minister 10 days ago, and will still be conjunct his Asc on election day. Interestingly, Trump’s midheaven at 24 Taurus is catching the same conjunction from Uranus.

    When John Major became PM unexpectedly in Nov 1990 when Thatcher was forced out, tr Uranus was at 8 Cap, conjunct his Asc at 6 Cap. So, very similar to how Carney came from nowhere to replace Trudeau after Trudeau was forced out.

  2. Breaking news story on Trump Administration: Apparently, “The Atlantic” editor Jeffrey Goldberg was added to a “principal’s committee” organizing group chat on Signal where bombing of Houthi Rebels on March 15th was planned by top Trump officials, including SoD, SoS, CIA leader, WH Chief of Staff, and VP. Goldberg actually thought it was so bonkers WH staff was communicating on a commercial app he thought it was a boof or a phishing attempt until WH announced the strike he had heard about two hours earlier.

    In any SANE administration, all parties involved would be made to resign immediately. With Trump, we might see one of the bunch taking the proverbial bullet. But what a mess, 5 Eyes countries in particular must be livid with this level of operational unsafety.

    • I read the whole story and whoaa, don’t these people come out as completely clueless. Interestingly, Hegseth of all people seems to be making soundest arguments. Vance comes off as an anti-European nihilist zealot, and argues against Trump’s line sustained by Hegseth. It’s ultimately Stephen Miller who cuts the conversation, telling what Trump wants. The Tucker Carlsson anointed “master diplomat” Witkoff joins in with emojis.

      It’s stated the group was started by Michael Waltz, ex-Special Operations soldier born January 31st, 1974, so if someone is taking fall for this, it’s him. Waltz has a very Aquarius and Libra heavy chart, with Taurus Moon and Mars about 10′ apart from each other. Pluto isn’t all done with his 29′ Capricorn Mercury. Ironically, Waltz also left his Congress seat vacant joining Trump administration. While Florida 6th is conservative, it isn’t Florida 1st, where Republicans seem unbeatable, so this might be a seat pickup for Democrats with the right kind of turnout.

  3. Hi Nicole,
    She did a post on 3rd Feb. Enter “Yarvin” and it will pop right up- which surprised me, I usually have trouble with the search

    • @Dean, thanks! I found it after JB directed me to it. It does my heart good — and allays s bit of my anxiety — to see from Marjorie’s analysis that Yarvin and his ilk don’t appear to be thriving or dominant in the coming years. Maybe there is a little justice in this world…

  4. Hi Marjorie! Thank you for your great work.

    I just watched an old Mike Leigh film from 1991. He has a film out now–I haven’t seen it yet, the one I watched was funny but it also dealt with harsh realities. I think the new one does as well.

    He is such a good film maker. Nearly all of his films are about “real” people (not real famous people as in biographies, etc., but just people living day to day.) Perhaps a post on him?

    • Topsy Turvey was a brilliant exception. A period piece about Gilbert and Sullivan producing the Mikado. Same but different to his other works. Many familiar faces from his usual stable of actors. Including Timothy Spall croaking out the Mikado song with all his heart.

  5. Hi. Would you please look at Lithuania? Acc to BILD, there might be a Russian invasion as early as the fall. Thanks.

    • @Amelia Pettufor, there’s a great post from January 2024 on this, and apparently, Baltic States are more pressed on 2017. It’s also a common conception among military strategists that Lithuanian won’t be the first hit if Russia choses to invade Baltic States. They are the most populous Baltic State, and have a long land boarder and common history with Poland.

  6. Marjorie, could you please take a look at Curtis Yarvin, the proponent of the “Dark Enlightenment” movement that’s the intellectual inspiration for Project 2025 and advocate for the destruction of US democracy and replacement with a tech-bro oligarchy? He seems to be a seminal figure for the current US chaos, well-connected with Peter Thiel and Vance.

    He was born in Brooklyn, NY,
    June 25, 1973. I’m not sure where to look for a birth time. Thanks so much.

  7. Game of Clue in Canton Massachusetts. Karen Read is on trial for the intentional death of her boyfriend, Officer John O’Keefe by backing into him with her Lexus on January 29, 2022 approximately12:30 a.m. The first trial ended in a mistrial and the second trial is scheduled for April, jury selection begins April 1, 2025. There is evidence of a potential cover up by the Norfolk County DA’s office. Officer O’Keefe was found dead on another officer’s front lawn. Karen’s DOB 02/25/1980, n bt, Okeefe DOB 12/8/1975, no bt.

    his injuries are inconsistent with Auto/Pedestrian event. He looked like he had been in a fight. did she do it?

    • Hi from Boston, Kate! I’m pretty sure this case isn’t on anyone’s radar outside of the Boston area news, where it must have played nightly for the past 3 years. I haven’t been all that interested in the story myself but clearly people are passionate on either side. I just did a quick look at their transits and nothing stood out for him on Jan 29 2022, but for her she had Neptune transiting her Mercury opposite Saturn (clouding judgement, getting drunk) and Jupiter conjunct her Sun Pisces and opposite her natal Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Virgo (amping up her natural tendency to fly off the handle maybe). Which doesn’t say she did it but they did get drunk and have a fight. Both their birth charts show Mars issues (his Mercury opp Mars, her Sun opp Mars) and Venus issues (his Venus conj Uranus, her Venus opp Pluto).

      Btw, birth locations were Braintree MA for him and Taunton MA for her.

  8. Marjorie Turkey has just taken a bad turn. Could you pls look at Ekrem Imamoglu’s prospects . DOB 3 June 71, Cevizli, Turkey.

    • From Marjorie’s April 2nd 2024 post on Erdogan and Orbán:

      “Erdogan, 26 February 1954, has tr Uranus upending his Pluto continuing from last year, repeating this May and again New Year through to March 2025 – so a highly unstable phase. Made worse as Solar Arc Saturn opposes his Uranus in 2025. Plus tr Saturn in Pisces square conjunct his Pisces Sun, Mercury and Venus and square his Jupiter – a confidence-denting year.”

      It somehow feels this a desperate attempt to cling to power from Erdogan, and will really culminate once Neptune will pass to Aries.

      • Having thought about “what about Syria?”, I actually wouldn’t be surprised if there was a successful military coup now. Erdogan seems eager about extending Turkish presence in Syria, but I am not convinced at all Turkish military wants to go further than Kurdistan.

        Therefore, if I had to name a big bang event happening days into Neptune in Aries, the likely one now would seem military coup/deposing Erdogan. Might be wrong, obviously.

  9. Another interesting pluto case it seems is Novak Djokovic who appears to be feeling the effect of Pluto moving out of Capricorn where he has his ascendant. He came to the fore when Pluto moved into Cap back around 2008. He had an almost metronomic and superhuman ability to return the ball with Pluto in Cap but he’s been struggling with injury during the last year and isnt making it past the first round in some of his games. Be interesting to see how his chart is faring and clues to his retirement.

    • As you can see, my first line was does a chart for the statement tell us anything?

      I would also refer you to policing many other posts with zero astrology and horrifying rumour spreading and nation hating.

      • I guess @mary jones was questioning the ‘factual comment ‘ of your last para but your reply suggests she shouldn’t ask because…..? But why not if it occurred to her? Just saying no need to get antsy.

    • Fair question, Mary. It’s actually pretty rare for me not to bring in the astrology when I post – most people here know I usually do! I was in a bit of a rush this morning, apologies I didn’t round it off properly. Busy day and totally forgot about it. However, I think this topic does have some astrological relevance, especially when we’re talking about major societal shifts.

      EA’s post made me think about how governments use big shocking numbers like the benefits bill to push certain narratives – often without full context. That kind of messaging leans into old Capricorn-era ideas of meritocracy: if you just work hard, everything will sort itself out. But with Pluto having left Capricorn, and with Saturn now in Pisces, we’re being asked to look at where those systems are dissolving or no longer make sense. There’s also Uranus in Taurus in the background – disrupting what we value, including housing, resources, and security.

      I think these conversations do fit into that wider astro picture. Critical thinking is part of navigating these times, and understanding where the pressure points are – both materially and astrologically.

      I’d be interested to hear your astrology thoughts too

  10. Does a Spring Statement chart from the Chancellor tell us anything?

    A few minutes ago on the Times Radio they mentioned an article in today’s Times titled “We’re paying more tax than ever, so why is Britain so skint?”, by The Times data editor Tom Calver, and the figures are dramatic.

    Government spending in the UK goes like this:

    1. Benefits: 314 billion GBP
    2. Health: 202 billion GBP
    3. Debt interest: 104 billion GBP

    Science and tech are 14th on that list, with 14 billion GBP.


    I am all for social justice and helping those in need, compassion, and fairness, but something is very off with the UK, and it has been for a very long time now… This is probably because a shift (towards what?) is in course, but it is taking a whole lot of time. The UK seems like a country with not that many rich people who hold a great piece of the cake and a whole lot of people who are not doing well, with maybe a bit of middle class squeezed in.

    • I wonder what chunk of the benefits bills is:

      1. State pension
      2. Housing Benefit (going to landlords and investors)
      3. Top up benefits to low paid workers (subsidised labour for big corporations)

      A 314 billion benefits bill with no context is a bit of a populist dog whistle to those who buy in to the meritocracy myth. Unfortunately governments seem to act like this now. The cost of the housing bubble that has been propped up for decades by some won’t be tackled.

    • It has been said that the US is a military with a country attached.

      Well, the UK is a health service with a country attached.

      The purpose of the government in the UK is to pay benefits. The crime rate can go through the roof, police and court funding can be cut, but God forbid that benefits and the state pension are cut.

      They should get rid of the triple lock while they are at it. Or modify it so that, rather than the highest of inflation, wage growth or 2.5%, the triple lock would be either the middle of the three values or the average of the three.

  11. Today felt like a day that the Sun came in and shine a light on all those Venus Mercury retrograde in Aries. Sun in 2 Aries. Hope everyone is feeling better after the eclipse.

  12. Could you please look at Mr. Trump’s shakedown of the US State of Maine, and also his attempt to silence American law firms, and the US Judiciary? Thanks for your helpful insights during these stressful times.

  13. Watch this space:

    According to the CBC Canada’s next election will take place on April 28

    PM Carney’s office says he’ll meet with the Gov. Gen. Mary Simon at noon ET on Sunday

  14. This is probably obvious but it occurred to me today that, just as the Pluto in Capricorn era kicked off properly when the Global Financial Crash; astro history will almost certainly record Trump’s arrival in office as the kick off event for Pluto in Aqua.

    • The real kick-off for Pluto in Aqua was the immense blast of AI that appeared out of a sudden and out of nowhere and quickly caused immense changes and redirections. And Trump was in the House before.

  15. Marjorie, please could you look at the chart of the massively talented british actor Stephen Graham? He was sensational in the film ‘This is England’ and well, pretty much everything.
    He also created and stars in the current global Netflix box office hit ‘Adolescence’, which is set to smash all streaming records. Thanks Marjorie.

    • I second this request 🙂 I haven’t even watched it yet but I can’t stop reading about the enormous impact it seems to be having on audiences. And after watching Peaky Blinders, who doesn’t love Stephen Graham ?

      • Ava, I’ve not seen Peaky Blinders, but it doesn’t surprise me he’s good in it. His chart is a complete mixture of all elements. I was expecting to see more water. His natural ability to convey emotion is superb. Stephen’s performance in ‘This is England’ – 1980s film, was phenomenal. Please Marjorie!!!

        • *correction, 2006 film, set in the 80s. He was very good in tv mini series White House Farm. A national treasure for sure.

  16. Hi Marjorie

    Could you look at the chart for F1 team boss Eddie Jordan, who passed away recently? He was one of the big characters in the pit lane and will be sadly missed.


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