11 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hello Marjorie, if you have time can you look at Eddie Mair, 12.11.65 please? No time known to me, suspect Jupiter in Cancer in the 3rd, Taurus rising.

    Not sure if you heard his forensic dismantling on R4 of the preposterous Boris Johnson? The second time he has dissected BJ and a joy to hear. Eddy is the best interviewer imo these days and wonder if we might hear and see more of him in the future, he’s wasted on radio.

  2. Dear Marjorie,

    Can you cast a chart for this two-year *session* of Parliament? I can imagine that it will be a very lively session, given that it runs almost exactly side-by-side with Brexit negotiations. Labour has already said that they will put down multiple amendments to the Address to the Queen’s Speech.

    The Queen gave the Speech today. She was scheduled to have started at 11:30AM, though I did not time her.

    Today is also the Summer Solstice. Is there any symbolism to the event occurring on this day?

  3. Good afternoon Marjorie,
    Daniel Day-Lewis announced that he is retiring from acting, does this reflect what’s going on in his Chart at moment?
    Best wishes,

  4. Marjorie, I think there is a chart for London in the archives. Could you indicate the month it appeared ? It seems to be bearing the brunt of the UK aspects as the rest of the country isn’t in such turmoil.It has always felt different to the rest of the UK. Many thanks

  5. Trump’s lawyer is blaming Tweet word count for his latest ails: “President’s lawyer blames Twitter character count for Trump’s tweet saying he was being investigated.” So, the lawyer is the new advertising agency? And Donald Trump has tapped Trump family’s wedding and event planner to oversee NY and NJ federal urban housing programs?

    A wedding planner?

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