86 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Many of the major UK supermarkets are now publicly supporting the farmers in their fight against small family farms paying inheritance tax.

    “Tesco, Lidl, Co-op and Aldi call for government to hit ‘pause’ on ‘Family Farm Tax’ Tesco has warned “the UK’s future food security is at stake” and called for a “pause” in the rollout of the government’s controversial reforms to Inheritance Tax for farming businesses.” The Grocer
    Those companies have been joined by Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s, and Asda today.

    I was curious to see if minor planet and grain goddess Ceres was involved. Ceres is 17 Aquarius today, squaring the UK financial Neptune, and one degree past UK Venus in Aquarius.
    Rachel Reeves, currently trying to attract investment to the UK, has her natal Mars at 18 Aquarius, square Uranus 20 Scorpio – a bumpy connection with the UK’s chart. Her composite with the UK has Chiron at 19 Aquarius. Her own Ceres is also in Aquarius, at 27 degrees.
    It will be interesting to see how this unfolds, on many levels – not least to see how Ceres might work astrologically.

  2. Elon Musk gave two Nazi salutes yesterday to Trump and the people there, not long after Trump was installed. USA media will not touch it or is back pedalling it. European Media is calling it what it is. Video is on Blue Sky.

    Trump pardoned all January 6th, including those convicted of violent Federal Crimes. There have been multiple police suicides since that January 6th day from Officers who defended the Capital.

    This has happened. Posted here as it is not astrology.

  3. With the discovery of Unity Mitford’s diaries, I wondered what if anything her astrology tells us about her obsession and relationship synastry/composite with Hitler. Thank you Marjorie.

  4. “Incoming first lady Melania Trump has launched a cryptocurrency on the eve of her husband’s inauguration as US president.

    The announcement comes a day after President-elect Donald Trump launched the $Trump cryptocurrency. Both coins have risen but have seen volatile trade.

    “The Official Melania Meme is live! You can buy $MELANIA now,” she posted on the social platform X on Sunday.

    The website for the “Official Melania Meme” says it is a crypto asset created and tracked on the Solana blockchain. ”


    • I was expecting su much more from her, but I probably didn’t know her well. I am also situated she did not visit Slovenia during the first term. She probably has no regrets that she left it, but it is a very orderly and prosperous society. It has its problems, but is a nice place to live.

      Good that she learnt Barron to speak Slovenian.

      I always wondered what do Ivanka and her brothers think of their Czech heritage. I presume they don’t speak the language.

        • Cue jokes about how being Trump’s wife is a job only migrants are willing to do, etc.

          All Trump’s children except Tiffany are EU citizens because of their mothers. And Tiffany is married to a Lebanese/Nigerian businessman. So enough legal boltholes for them to run away to, if they want to.

          • @UM I am bit puzzled please can you explain all Trump children, bar Tiffany, are USA citizens because of their mothers, Tiffany’s mother is the American one.

      • My understanding is that the boys spent every summer with their grandparents and know how to speak Czech. That was from a bio in Trump I

    • I just saw this Larry – she has Mercury at 22Tau and Venus at 28Tau which will be transited later in the year by Uranus. Cryptocurrency is perfection expression of the transit really.

        • Taurus and Venus value money.
          Uranus is technology and innovation.

          Cryptocurrency is therefore a good combo of the two. Mercury not so important but maybe she suddenly got inspiration/an idea to start a crytocurrency

          How the transit will play out I can’t say. Possibly you might see some unexpected changes in her money/income. Wouldn’t be surprised to see her cryto go up rapidly, maybe a bubble that bursts.

          Actually will be interesting to see how cryptocurrency performs once Uranus moves out of Taurus.

  5. The Peter Falconio, Joanne Lees abduction/murder mystery that happened in the Australian outback. Bradley John Murdoch (a shady person if you read his Wikipedia page) has been serving a life imprisonment sentence for the murder of Peter Falconio, but no body has yet been found.

  6. On 20th January 2025 the chart for the inauguration in USA shows Sun conjunct Pluto – by progression this will become exact on 7 November 2025, changes which cannot be avoided will manifest – will put the date in my astro diary with interest.

  7. Before we get bogged down in inaugurations etc, here’s something to consider astrologically for the future.
    Gen Alpha (2010-24) predominantly Pluto in Capricorn will be the biggest generation ever (2 billion), the most materially endowed, the most technologically savvy (iPad launched, Instagram created, App word of year 2010). Their economic value and effect massive. Interestingly some or many will still be alive in 22nd century. 39% of Africa’s population of 1,373 billion are Gen Alpha, while 66% are under 25.
    For comparison : China (1,411 billion) and India (1,429 billion) with 18% and 15% Gen A’s respectively. USA (335 billion) 18% Gen A’s, Europe, UK incl, (742 billion) 18% Gen A.
    The world is changing fast rendering obsolete our institutions and outlook. Perhaps with all its flaws Pluto in Aquarius as a collective, revolutionary turning point, is exactly what we need.

  8. I want to make sure our friends overseas understand that North America is getting ready to go through some strange things. I think a whole class of people will go through difficulty. I think Policies enacted in the 90’s will be seriously questioned. DJT did not win with a true Majority for a Mandate. Now regular republicans are very upset as Mike Turner has been removed as head of Intelligence Committee, and a core group of GOP is very upset. Mike Johnson just booted him with no real cause. We have a situation where if Hegseth (Nuclear Button access) and Gabbard (intelligence) get confirmed, there are no guarantees as to what will happen. Many of us are very worried. I am sure Misinformation will be rife on the tech platforms.
    We will experience the rise of Christian Nationalism. Pentagon and Oath to constitution will be tested. Firepower may be used on civilians.

    A silver lining I read about – China has control of Russia. China has banned Russia from using Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine War. So There is that.

    China Controls Russia. Russia controls USA. Been saying for a while this will be the rise of China. Empires Rise. Empires Decline.

    The Kings Commonwealth, and the rest of our Friends in Europe, Asia, the Mideast, Africa, South America, please stay strong. It is a situation here that is going to get very messy.
    Do not count on us for anything. Rest of world is on its own unless it personally benefits the first family.

    Donald Trump
    312 electoral votes
    Republican Party
    77,303,573 votes (49.9%)

    Kamala Harris
    226 electoral votes
    Democratic Party
    75,019,257 votes (48.4%)

    Jill Stein
    0 electoral votes
    Green Party
    782,528 votes (0.5%)

    Robert Kennedy
    0 electoral votes
    756,393 votes (0.5%)

    Chase Oliver
    0 electoral votes
    Libertarian Party
    641,289 votes (0.4%)

    Other candidates
    0 electoral votes
    388,787 votes (0.3%)

  9. There’s a news item on the BBC’s website titled “Cameron Diaz’s 10-year retirement ‘best years’ of her life”.

    Her astrology could be interesting.

  10. Some light humor from BBC about the new Trump official portrait. (“https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy4mmrr7j8mo”)

    “The photo appeared to use “monster” lighting, to dramatically illuminate the president-elect from below and make his eyes pop.

    The lighting setup gives the image an “ominous” look often seen in horror films, said Eliska Sky, a portrait photographer with the London Institute of Photography. She compared the portrayal of Trump to a boxer before a fight.

    The lighting “suggests seriousness and intent”, according to Paul Duerinckx, a senior documentary photography lecturer at the Swansea College of Art.

    “You definitely make photos to please the client…”

    Yes, seriousness, horror, and intent. Certain to please the client.

  11. Re moon-sag, I’m reminded of the photo the late astrologer Michael Lutin used to reflect the incorrigible Sagittarius cheerfulness. It showed a man in a full body cast lying in a hospital bed, his head and face heavily bandaged, legs elevated, IV drip attached to one hand, all kinds of tubes sprouting from every orifice. The caption read, “Can’t complain. Feelin’ good. How ’bout you?” LOL

    • @Julie, ha haa! I used to work with a guy who is a Sadgittarius Sun/Moon rising. And yes, he is not only positive, but truly the most resilient person I know. Lost the partner he had flipped two homes with and was about to start a family when in his late 30’s. 18 months in, he was expecting the first child and getting married to someone friends introduced him to. All while also having an international career in business, doing tech launches.

  12. The lunar eclipse on 14th March is almost exactly square Trump’s Nodes, Sun and Moon (he was born on a lunar eclipse).

    How would that eclipse impact him?

    We don’t need another article on him (I’m so heartily sick of American politics, I wish they were all on Mars), but Marjorie, can you (and others) please comment here on any impact on him of this particular eclipse.

      • CNN article about fire disaster aid is describing how GOP politics has derailed relief efforts. Those who are registered Democrats will not rcv aid, according to certain GOP politicians.

        Dontcha love living the high life in Amerika? Can’t wait to hear Trump’s Monday speech on the fire.

        • Especially since blue state tax dollars subsidize poorer right-wing red states. We are not happy with them lording it over us and stealing our tax dollars to damage us.

    • ditto @Unmystic Mum. On the other hand, it gives you heart. It’s always bigger and better in the good ol’ U S of A. Whatever we’re going through pales into insignificance. If they can live through it, we certainly can.

  13. Marjorie, Starmer has signed a 100 year pact with Ukraine. Does the astrology point to us going to war with Russia? While we have been backing Ukraine for quite some time, this looks like committing us to a more intense relationship.

  14. *** EDITED REQUEST ***

    Hi Marjorie,

    I know this is a strange request, but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing a write-up about the censorship wars that are now taking place between the government and the adult entertainment industry here in the U.S.

    As of January 01, 2025, age-verification laws went into effect in many Southern, Midwestern, and Mountain Western U.S. states and any resident who decides to visit adult-related or sexually explicit websites must be able to prove their identity before they can be granted access. From what I’ve read, many pornographic websites are now required to block IP addresses from anyone living in one of the U.S. states adhering to the new law until they submit a digitally scanned photo ID (like their driver’s license, passport, etc.) so it can be reviewed for approval.

    The Republicans led the effort for these new restrictions arguing that it’s in their interest to protect children and minors from exposure to adult-related websites. However, many adult film actors, actresses, entertainers, and customers argue that such restrictions are a violation of their First Amendment rights and a violation of their privacy (since many customers do not want adult websites to have copies of their photo IDs and other personal information).

    According to CBS News, some adult-related websites are choosing to defy the age-verification laws by refusing to block residents from participating states while other adult-related websites have chosen to simply block all residents from participating states altogether in protest of the law (CBS News mentioned that a major website called “Pornhub” has removed itself from over 40 U.S. states).

    Pornographic websites that refuse to comply with the new age-restriction laws are taking a huge risk because they can now face a fine of up to $50,000 or more.

    Pornography has always been a controversial topic and there are certainly many valid arguments for enforcing restrictions to ensure the underage people as well as uninterested adults are not exposed to it. However, it is a bit concerning to think that this could have a domino effect when it comes to internet censorship.

    For example, aside from pornography, there are many Republicans, religious groups, and far-right groups who are also advocating internet censorship of other material they don’t agree with. Some have advocated for the censorship of websites about human evolution, sex education, left-leaning news sources, and so on.

    Anyway, the current age-verification laws are being challenged and expected to be taken up by the Supreme Court. However, I’m curious to know what the astrologically suggests for all of this? Is there an indication that the U.S. could be facing even more restrictive internet censorship in the near future?

    • There are repeated British huffs and puffs at this. A new one has been reported today. I thought it was part of the Bread & Circuses to keep the people quiet. The electronification of sexual experience does seem to glide into Age Of Aquarius if I understand it correctly. I must say I find it all a bit lurid and dull. Strange bedfellows. It is all so repetitious and insincere and unnatural to be not really entertaining but more scientific and gynecological feats of photography and mimicking exaggerated responses. I won’t miss it myself but I think a lot might if they can’t access these pyrotechnical toddies.

  15. Article on Denmark and its working culture and achieving work-life balance and being rated as one of the happiest countries in the world which mostly seems to come down to emphasising the collective rather than the individual. Do you have a birthchart for Denmark which might show why this is?


    • The first thing that crossed my mind is I bet Denmark has a Sagittarius Moon since it does have actually a difficult chart with an 8th house Uranus Pluto and an aggravated Mars Saturn conjunction in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries – and hey presto it does.
      I will be forever grateful to Solaia a while back who pointed out that Moon Sag are ever the happy optimist and tend to skim over unpleasant realities.

      • Thanks Marjorie. There was a time a decade or so ago when it popped into my head to move to Denmark – no real plan – just an idea. Maybe I should have followed it through as my Jupiter-Descendant line of Astrocartography appears to go through the mainland and Odense. That said my Pluto-Descendant seems to run very close to Copenhagan so perhaps not!

  16. Marjorie, I just read the post on Mark Zuckerberg and was wondering have you ever posted a composite for Musk/Putin? I’d love to see it.

  17. Will the conservative party in the US that is seeking to “own the libs” ever wake up to the fact that the libs were never their enemy? That libs just want to live and let live by allowing people decide their futures? Will conservatives ever realize that they are being used but the ultra rich like Murdock, Musk, Trump and others to turn us into an uneducated, docile workforce fighting each other for scraps while they watch in their towers at our suffering? Will it take a recession or terrorist attack?
    I miss the days when working together and compromise was actually encouraged. Where it was actually frowned upon for one party to cheer when a husband of another political party was attacked by a hammer.
    Will we ever go back to those days?

  18. Can you do Bob Dylan /timothee chalamet and the movie ?

    Also – Cease fire agreement Hamas/Israel – not sure what is the exact time or if there is one yet ..

  19. Also – turns out that the fires in those expensive Los Angeles neighbourhoods were deliberately started. This follows the assasination of that healthcare CEO, with his alleged murderer becoming a folk hero, with ordinary Americans rooting for him.

    So the rich are under attack, it doesn’t seem to matter if they’re Democrats (as in LA) or Republicans.

    Would be interested to see if there are indications in the US chart. Is this the Pluto-return effect?

    (Observing from the British side of the Atlantic, this has a French Revolution feel, not a Civil War feel. Can Americans chime in to say whether this is correct or not?)

    • Marjorie, Where in the stars can you find what is going on with people spreading so much misinformation, quite a bit of it mean-spirited or ignorant (so much opining on things people have no knowledge about!) I realize much is due to how the internet is used. (I remember when I first was online it was used by the scientific community almost exclusively, then it spread to everyone else.)

      Candy–they haven’t found the initial cause of the fires. There have been seasonal fires in California forever, the natives talk about it and had their own techniques to deal with them. Many times fires have been started by people cooking food at a camp, sparks from a vehicle, electrical wires coming loose, or even, a fire that had been put out previously but was actually not all the way out and it re-ignighted.

      • It’s paranoia – someone out there, big brother or the demon wolf, is wreaking havoc rather than accepting that sh** happens, partly because of over warm climate, maybe electrical faults, stray cigarettes or whatever. Sometimes it is arson. Paranoia is a peasant reaction – in ye olden days conspiracy beliefs were rife.

        • Particularly after a pandemic! Historically, conspiracy theories flourish in these circumstances due to collective feelings of fear and uncertainty. The common people of 14th century Europe during and after the Black Death were convinced that God was punishing them for a whole host of reasons, including the wearing of ‘poulaines’ (a long, pointy shoe popular in the later middle ages popular with young men which was considered to be a phallic symbol by the clergy and therefore an offence to God).

        • Thank you! I need to keep this in mind. Maybe give me more compassion.
          We have now in LA right wing folks “Larping” pretending to be emergency service people, recruiting followers while giving Nazi salutes per a Wired magazine article.

          The situation with so much madness used to scare me. Now I’m more inclined to feel sad about it—but it is concerning.

          Yep-after Covid too.
          (I read once tgat cults are common after calendar events—change of centuries, the change to a new millennium but I didn’t expect such widespread madness.)

    • @ Candy,

      I haven’t read anything from any reputable news source that suggests the Los Angeles fires are connected to arson. However, you did make a very interesting observation about the wealthy.

      It’s also been my contention that there is a growing resentment towards the wealthy in this country. And as someone who comes from a college / university educated upper middle class family, I can’t help but sympathize with the vulnerable, struggling, financially disadvantaged, and marginalized communities because, in general, the very wealthy have been extremely indifferent and exploitative of the less fortunate in recent years.

      The wealthy appear to be impervious to any empathy or compassion to the homeless, those who are at risk of losing their health insurance, and those who face other life challenges due to their lower socio-economic status.

      You mentioned the healthcare executive who was recently assassinated. The assassin has indeed received more support from the general public than the victim and I think it’s because many lower income Americans are still enduring the trauma of healthcare expenses and challenges in this country and that executive had supposedly been corrupt (I think he was under investigation, but I don’t know the details).

      So, perhaps the Pluto return is the culprit for all of this.

      I remember when Pluto was hitting all of my personal planets back in the late 2000s and 2010s – it forced me to make certain changes in my life and it also forced me to let go of things I no longer needed in my life. Whenever I tried to resist Pluto’s influence, it only made things more challenging for me.

      However, at the end of the day, the changes in my life due to Pluto’s presence ended up benefiting me in the long run. I gave up sodas in 2009, I graduated from college, I became a lacto-ovo vegetarian, and I started prioritizing my mental health (I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a generalized anxiety disorder, and Bipolar Disorder).

      I’m not sure if the same can be said with what’s going on with the wealthy, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if Pluto is giving their butts a much needed wakeup call and telling them they better stop taking advantage of people and thinking only of themselves.

    • Can’t say too much, given the new environment we are going into. Dr Robert Reich talks about Marianne and Les Miserable. I have been worried about that very thing that you have brought up. After Biden Farewell where he discussed the rise of the Oligarchs here – google searches went way up with “What is an Oligarch”. Certain folks had no idea what they were voting for.

  20. The North Node is now at 29 Pisces. Which means it’s now conjunct the 29 Pisces Moon in the 12th house of the England 1066 chart. Plus tr Neptune is at 27 Pisces.

    If the Moon is the people, and the NN amplifies stuff, is deception (Neptune) being amplified? Or 12th house secrets? Vedic astrologers consider the NN to be a powerful malefic, so add that to the mix.

  21. Just a general thought. It seems to me that, to a limited extent, Pluto in Capricorn could be seen as having been the ‘death’ of standards and norms even rules and law. Particularly if it would allow something to be better monetised. With Pluto now wedging itself into Aqua, I’m noticing stories of societies, businesses, governments beginning to say “we’ve have enough, not just anybody doing whatever they want is welcome. We have some expectations of how our group is going to function”.

    • Yup. Starbucks apparently now reversing its rule that allowed people to use their facilities without buying anything.
      Next will be war on noise pollution. “Entitles” who think it’s fine to have their phone on loud speaker while in a public place.
      Aquarius energy never “takes the P”, rebellious yes, but not inconsiderate.

      • Starbucks was one of the articles I saw which crystallised this line of thinking – along with speaking to a golf playing friend who said that the golf club has removed some of its expectations on dress code. The exact opposite of what I would have expected during a Capricorn period but I suppose some of this is attributable to Uranus in Aries/Taurus.

        Also just reading that in the UK’s “All websites on which pornographic material can be found, including social media platforms, must introduce “robust” age-checking techniques such as demanding photo ID or running credit card checks for UK users by July” – (part of the Online Safety Act (OSA)). While understandable for porn sites – it puts social media sites in the position of choosing between moderating content and/or asking for age-verified sign up. Even way their userbase is going to grow smaller.

        • The social media companies will ignore. Most of them have more cash piles than most smaller country GDPs-including the UK. I can honestly see them ignoring any such ‘regulation’ designed to bring in ID (but never for voting of course) through the back door.

  22. Not a request just a comment. I heard that Oliviero Toscani died on 13 Jan – he was the creative vision and photographer of the Benetton ads that were so controversial in the 80s/90s. I had a quick look at his chart, he had a tight Saturn/Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus so upsetting the status quo fits, and Moon/Pluto/Chiron tight conjunction in Leo so he might enjoy the spotlight, with a Venus/Mercury in Aquarius for creative vision. Very fixed overall. As discussed on this site many times, Jupiter features around the death, with his Jupiter return with seconds of exact right now, as well as Uranus hitting its return on that Taurus stellium.

  23. A Vedic astrologer has predicted a recession in the US, starting in March of 2025. Now, I know you’ve previously covered the US economy; but, I was wondering if you see any bright spots, and if you think that housing-costs will decline? Thank you.

  24. How about a look at Tony Slattery who has just died. What a rollercoaster life he had. So much potential, and early success, but lost to drug addiction and mental illness. It did seem like he had come through that towards the end of his life, and lets face it he could have had a worse outcome and not lived the long life he did.

    He was in the same comedy troupe as Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie who all went on to sustained global success. And in the 1990s Slattery was on TV all the time, I remember seeing him on the West End Stage as the lead in Radio Times when I was a kid, then it all stopped.

    • Sadly reports mention he was SA’d by a priest age 8. With all the extreme drinking, drugs and adrenaline fulled career such destructive tendencies were probably in response to such a destabilising event + whatever unstable childhood he had on top of that. I hope at some point he found peace with his past.

      On another note, I suspect if more comedians fully faced and healed their trauma we would have way less comedians!

  25. can you explain some of the different ideas like midheaven, or different shapes of charts. You said to learn to read charts print out some charts, if you have a basic understanding of the houses, what do I look at next and especially if I’m looking at like a mother daughter relationship.


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