51 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie
    Happy new year!
    I wonder if you have an Astrological explanation for the right wing surge in parties and popularity that is going on in so many countries in Europe the US Canada and elsewhere as we moved towards Aquarius It all seems so un-Aquarius like

    • @Anita, there’s definitely a link between any type of radical thinking, including fascism and Aquarius. Challenges will rise when there’s an attempt to implement these thoughts. Right now, there is, unfortunately, a small window where getting through seemingly radical, but essentially authoritarian ideas, is possible.

      That said, I don’t think the long term response won’t be what’s expected, with Neptune moving to Aries and Uranus to Gemini. I think a surprising (to some) number people will be radicalized to the left, too. “Woke” is everything but dead.

  2. ‘Justin Trudeau – near the end of the political road’

    Marjorie you called it in September 24 in so many words with timeline of this year and he just resigned.

  3. Would you please give an update regarding P. Thiel? IIRC, your last post stated that 2025 is successful for him. Maybe an update could give a clue as to what we can expect for his co-horts, Musk and Trump. Were all 12 months smooth sailing for him? Thanks.

  4. Greenland has called for its status to change to a state independent from Denmark, with autonomy in negotiating its own decisions. Elections are due to take place there in April…Is this the age of aquarius manifesting and how will this unfold?

    • The question is, which date to take for the foundation of Greenland?

      It has never been an independent country, having been a part of the Kingdom of Norway since 1262 and then Denmark since 1814 (by the Treaty of Kiel signed 14 January 1814 in Kiel), which transferred mainland Norway from Danish control to Swedish control, but left other Norwegian possessions (Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland) with Denmark.

      Greenland became an integral part of the Danish realm in 1953, got Home Rule on 1st May 1979 and in 1985, became the only pre-Brexit exit from the EEC following a referendum (via the Greenland Treaty signed in Brussels on 13 March 1984, taking effect from 1 February 1985). It did remain and still is an OCT (overseas countries and territories) of the EU due to its connection with Denmark.

      About 60% of the Greenlandic budget is financed by a block grant from Denmark, which has put in place many prohibitions on mining and other developments on the island that can affect its nature.

      Would the US government be willing to fund 60% of a territorial budget? Or would Greenland be admitted as a state directly, and if so, how would it be funded? Would The US be willing to preserve the Greenlandic nature as it is or will Greenland be thrown open to American businesses to extract and exploit, as US businesses do with their workforce?

      • Why do you think Trump so interested in Greenland? Even a blind man can see it is everything to do with your suggestion in your last question after the word ‘or’

  5. Is there any significance in a chart having more square than trines to have the natal more into thinking the world is against them? Sue Tompkins mentioned something about the aspects before in her book.
    Eg: Luigi Mangione: 9 squares, 7 trines
    Dorothy Parker: think 7 squares, 5 trines
    Even USA chart without considering as and MC has 8 squares.

    • Squares brings resilience since they attract obstacles that have to be overcome and are ultimately strengthening. Too many trines and sextiles can be damaging since everything comes too easily and therefore when problems crop up there is no capacity to overcome them. A mix of both is good.

  6. Beautiful conjunction of crescent Moon/Venus in Pisces on this cold and frosty night, visible due to the crystal clear skies and shining bright and clear. Quite low in the sky atm, but it’s a lovely sight.

  7. I’m astounded by what’s been revealed recently regarding the child rapes from the “grooming gangs” of England and Scotland.

    Has something shifted astrologically? Is that why it’s being revealed on a global scale?

    • It’s been known for a couple of decades but never really gained traction. I would hate to be a Musk cheer leader but he may have a point.
      Background in today’s Guardian. ( I hate National Inquiries which take for ever, cost a fortune and no one takes any notice of their conclusions. Just a way of kicking difficult issues into the long grass.)

      Nazir Afzal, the ex-chief prosecutor who was central to successful prosecution of the Rochdale grooming gang, said lengthy and expensive previous inquiries were not acted upon by the previous Conservative government. He overturned a Crown Prosecution Service decision not to prosecute the Rochdale gang and the subsequent report found children in Oldham were failed by agencies that were meant to protect them amid alleged grooming by “predominantly Pakistani offenders”.
      Maggie Oliver, who resigned from Greater Manchester police to speak out about police failings in child exploitation, said “We’ve already had a national abuse inquiry – seven years, 20 recommendations and none implemented. We need someone who is going to do something not just talk – more empty promises and political manoeuvrings.”
      Led by Prof Alexis Jay, the previous inquiry looked into abuse by organised groups after multiple convictions of sexual offences against children between 2010 and 2014, including in Rotherham, Cornwall, Derbyshire, Rochdale and Bristol.

      • Thank you Marjorie. I agree with you, and Maggie Oliver, that action is required to implement at least some of the previous recommendations. Another enquiry will simply waste time and money.

        Maggie Oliver herself is a Libran, 23 October 1955. Her natal Uranus 2 Leo opposes Chiron 0 Aquarius – so the transiting Mars in Leo opposing Pluto connects, and perhaps Pluto is pushing to expose the huge extent of this ‘scandal’ once and for all. Some of the court documents now available are deeply disturbing and shocking. With UK Jupiter (law and justice?) at 1 Leo, sextile Uranus 1 legal Libra, and UK Pluto part of the Yod perhaps the time has finally come? Maggie Oliver’s natal Mercury, 13 Libra, aligns with UK’s South Node – maybe that connects with speaking out on the history of this horrible situation? She is not the only one either.

        There’s a BBC documentary, The Betrayed Girls, last broadcast in 2020. But nobody has yet covered the scale of what has been going on for many years, in multiple locations.
        Although a very different scandal from the awful Post Office injustices, the breaking wave of social media attention now may act in a similar way to the ITV Post Office drama series. Potentially, brushing things under the collective carpet will not work? Pluto in Aquarius?

        • Nazir Afzal is also a Libran, his leadership Leo NN forms part of a Yod on his Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Pisces as well as a T Square on his Moon/Neptune in Scorpio with Venus also in Scorpio in the 12th with Aquarius Saturn in Square to Moon/Neptune. Interesting chart. His Libran Sun is tightly conjunct Black Moon Lilith, so fitting that he advocates for women and girls who would otherwise be overlooked or written off by the establishment. It is right and proper that these girls receive some kind of justice. Some of the worst offenders are still at large in the towns and cities where the abuse took place, though they should have been deported.

          • To add insult to injury, rapists are rewarded with lifetime citizenship as they can then claim they may face persecution in their native country for being a pedophile.

          • I hope something radical is done, or at least attempted. The atmosphere may have changed since the Gisele Pelicot case, possibly people are more aware of how much damage men like these are capable of.

            Professor Alexis Jay, who led the previous inquiry, was born 25 April, 1949. Her natal Jupiter (law) is 1 Aquarius sextile Black Moon Lilith in Aries – a female warrior? That connects with Maggie Oliver’s Uranus/Chiron opposition, the UK’s Jupiter/Uranus sextile, and the Mars/Pluto opposition in place exactly today. Like Maggie Oliver, she is linked to the UK chart’s Nodes. Professor Jay’s natal Neptune is 13 Libra, again aligning with the UK karmic South Node in Libra. Her Saturn, 29 Leo, opposes the UK Pluto in Pisces.

          • Indeed, Jane & PC, it reminds me of the presumably well-intentioned but stupidly naive people who tried to prevent the deportation of a violent child abuser to Jamaica. Marjorie has mentioned before how Saturn/Neptune conjunctions tend to be beneficial for women and girls, and so I hope very much that these things move forward, though I have little faith in Keir Starmer right now.

          • Yes, the Saturn/Neptune conjunction might be helpful since it trines UK Jupiter and opposes that Libran Uranus. I’m not expecting miracles, and remain unimpressed with Keir Starmer – ever the lawyer and not the politician. But you never know. People in general have more ways to make their opinions known these days and Uranus in Gemini might help as well.

            And I saw that slender Moon with Venus in the early evening sky tonight – so lovely.

        • This seems to be the catalyst for the recent global notoriety: Two of the perps are being retried and for obscure legal reasons this meant the court transcripts of those cases (sentencing) have come out publicly, unlike most others, which were always blocked.

          If someone was up to a bit sleuthing, finding out the date and time of release, there’d be a proper date and time to work with.

        • Channel 4 had prepared a documentary on this in *2004*, but was apparently suppressed because the police were worried that it would lead to rioting/unrest at the time.

          So it was not unknown even then.

          • People have been looking the other way for generations.

            One Rotherham newspaper article that I’d seen, entitled; Girl (15) ‘very well used sexually’ went on to detail that the girl was later paid off in shillings.

            Despicable stuff. It has festered for over 50 years.

            If only it was decisively dealt with at the time.

            People are now raising money to have more court transcripts released. Apparently they are prohibitively expensive.

            God help the UK is this isn’t swiftly acted upon for once.

      • Thank you Marjorie. Transcripts of court proceedings popped into my timeline.
        I had little understanding of extensive and ongoing this was. Each revelation is worse than the other. I’d read a post or link to a news item and think, it can’t be. Sure enough it’s worse.

        • I read two clips of the transcripts that popped up in my feed. They were so revolting & physically sickening that I decided not to go any further.

          On a sidenote, Urfan Sharif, who had brutally killed his own daughter Sara (70+ wounds were found at the inquest), had his throat slashed with the lid of a tuna can in his first month in prison. He was only sentenced just before Christmas and has a 40 year sentence. So he will likely serve at least 10 years, now most likely in solitary confinement, for his own safety. Even in prison, there are some people who are beyond the pale.

          In the article on Jupiter and Saturn (1st Jan 2025), Hugh Fowler commented that Jupiter squaring Saturn is an indication of rioting in the UK.

          I won’t at all be surprised if these details coming out lead to ethnic/race riots here.

      • I’m not sure Musk really cares about these victims beyond the power of using an emotive issue to manipulate people politically.

        This seems to be merely emotional priming for his second step of cheer leading for Tommy Robinson. A bit like what thé psychologist Robert Cialdini described as “pre-suasion”.

  8. Luke Littler has got through to the World Dart Championship. Could we see his chart? He’s only 17 but looks 37. He seems an extraordinary talent. Thank you Marjorie, if you can.

  9. There are news articles appearing that describe “new rules” being imposed onto school education in Syria by the new leader. All slanted toward extreme-ism.

    Honeymoon is over, kiddos!

  10. Hello Marjorie , I hope this is the right forum, I have been wondering about the situation of women in Afghanistan with the most recent news that women are to be shielded from sight, i.e, women should not be seen in windows and this to be retrofitted. I find it barely credible that women are being treated in such a medieval manner. Any signs of change?

  11. I have to ask…. how is Meghan Markle version 3.0 going to go? She relaunched on Instagram on Jan 1st, and her lifestyle show is launching on Jan 15th. Will this finally be a success?

    • Marjorie covered H&M on Dec 27th. I’ve just seen the article* about the new Netflix series ” a lifestyle show that blends practical how-to’s and candid conversation”. She doesn’t strike me as a woman who has any “practical how-to’s” and her candid conversation on the Archetypes podcast was reportedly terrible.

      She seems to just be an actress constantly trying to find a role to suit her. I’m not sure where that shows in her chart – I suppose Leo Sun in 1st is exploring the self with Libra Jupiter-Saturn-Moon in 3rd reflecting a need to learn bit-by-bit all the things she isn’t.

      * “https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0q0vvywl2eo”

      • She wants to be famous and hasn’t quite worked out that a) it takes a huge amount of preparatory work plus a dollop of good luck. She seems to be praying for manna to drop from heaven and transform her in the wave of a magic wand into a global superstar.

    • Have added a sentence at the end of the previous Meg & Harry post. Launching on a Sun Pluto opposition Mars does not look too hopeful.

      • I hope inexperienced cooks do not follow her lead in that MM cooks with long hair dangling near the food, as well as with rings and bangles. Not sanitary. ICK. Even Jennifer Garner who has a casual cooking show on YouTube pulls her hair back and removes the jewellery.

        • It looks very glamorous but I was thinking the same thing about her hair when I saw the promo. How does she not know this or why has someone not told her?

          • Have to disagree that it’s glamorous. Maybe it’s really for merching the clothes, jewellery and cooking supplies? She doesn’t even hold the knives properly. Rumors are that she is broke. Netflix is allowing comments on the YouTube channel for her trailer. And oh boy, the comments are brutal. Wonder why Netflix is allowing comments? Weird.

  12. Completely non-astrological, though I did think about Marjorie’s article today about Jupiter square Saturn and extrapolated from that to squares in mathematics.

    2025 = 45 squared.

    This will likely be the only year which is a square number in our lifetime.

    The previous one was 1936 and the next one will be 2116, so, for sure not in my lifetime.

  13. Happy New Year to Marjorie and all!

    The planets appear to influence us. Slightly off planetary topic, as more to do with time. I noticed that 6th January, traditionally Twelth Night, is also the last day in the Northern Hemisphere, before the mornings begin to get lighter. Can anyone tell me if any astrologer/astronomers/ mystics in antiquity wrote about this and previous celebrations.

    • Interesting. I hadn’t known of that. I wonder how that ties in with Candlemas on 2nd February, traditionally the day when one could start working by natural light and could thus put candles away, and with Makar Sankranti, the Capricorn Ingress according to Vedic astrology, which happens on 14th January.

        • In my neck of the woods, Plough Monday (the first Monday after January 6th) is celebrated – January 6th was the start of the agricultural year and the last day before labourers returned to work – though it was revived in more recent times. There’s also the Straw Bear, where one individual is dressed in bundles of straw and paraded as the focus of the Celebration to mark the late Winter season.

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