78 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. On an optimistic note there has been mention of a transatlantic tunnel linking london and ny in one hour. I like to think about the positives of disruptive tech and new transportation.

  2. Is it possible to look at jay z after being accused of assault of a minor along with diddy. As well as his marriage chart with Beyoncé. This seems like a massive transit for him.

  3. Hi Marjorie.
    Pop culture readings; Jay Z who got sued for rape with Diddy, and Taylor Swift who is wrapping up her two year $1B tour.

    Thank you!!

  4. Can you please take on board that this is NOT an opinion website for any stray thoughts you may have. Astrology plus factual info for background context only.

  5. Che Guevara.
    Alexandros Panagoulis.
    The Masked Man Who Shot Greed CEO.

    I wonder what the first two would make of the third. And I wonder what astrology makes of various revolutionaries.

  6. It would be interesting to see Angela Rayner’s chart. She’s determined to solve the UK’s housing crisis and is a very forthright person who warns people not to underestimate her. She became a single mum aged 16 and worked as a carer for years, so empathises with those needing help, but her often challenging personality can lose her support.

  7. The world burns once again. (Actually, has it ever really stopped?)

    – State of emergency in South Korea
    – French political crisis
    – Assad regime falls
    – Tension in Kosovo
    – Protests in Georgia
    – Bitcoin rises
    – Hungary facing the loss of EU funds

    Just a jolly good time.

    • And…overturn the 14th amendment of the US constitution regarding birthright citizenship. There is a long, winding process for such changes…not by “executive order”.

      He’ll find just what the limits of his unbridled power are.

      Lots of changes on the astrological menu!

  8. Current Transits: Eris at 24 Aries, Uranus at 24 Taurus, Neptune at 27 Pisces. So Eris the Chaos Dwarf Planet is at the midpoint of Uranus/Neptune. And Eris will still remain at 24 Aries for a long time.

    • The midpoint of reform, innovation, and revolution (Uranus) and Neptune (chaos, illusion, I think somewhere someone said also ruler of Communism, and also ideals, dreams, hopes), and on it stands the dwarf planet named after the goddess of discord and feuding. Apt.

  9. Chris, I think you need to cool off. The way you so cruelly declared in that other Comments section that all immigrants be deported when Trump won and all that other stuff and here sending people to death with such conviction is chilling.

    • I think that all of us who have humanity’s welfare at heart can only hope that the people of Syria find peace, let us hope that the transition is an improvement rather than having a nasty regime replaced by something else equally awful.

      • From the Guardian ‘HTS is now the most powerful rebel faction in Syria.
        It is designated as a terrorist group by the US and there are serious human rights concerns in the area it controls, including executions for those accused of affiliation with rival groups and over allegations of blasphemy and adultery.’

        The major winner(and speaking direct from Doha setting the scene) is Turkey who will want -for itself-the 3million Syrian refugees it sheltered to return to Syria. Turkey will exact other things for seeing this operation to its ‘end’-we don’t know what yet, but it will be labyrinthine in its complexity and ramifications.

        As in all things middle east (versus the simple western idea of good/bad duality) the enemy of my enemy may not be my friend.

        • Virginia and anna, yes, we should be hopeful. But history taught us that once a dictatorial regime gets toppled, there are times it gets replaced with something even nastier: the wished-for improvement never happens. Instead you get years, maybe even decades, of instability and chaos, the mixing waters of competing interests, and you do wonder, maybe just as in marriages and families, if people only knew one kind of rule for decades, are they capable to form a new, better, more democratic society, for the benefit of all?

          I am referring to marriages and families, because I kind of think that people whose parents had a bad marriage or are divorced, end up in either dysfunctional marriages themselves or get divorced. That is because, by osmosis, I’d say, they haven’t learnt in childhood subconsciously and consciously the modes, modalities, and ways of a successful partnership.

          So many people in Syria never even saw anything similar to democracy.

    • @ El Aznar,

      You’ve either confused me with another commenter or you misunderstood my comment. I never advocated for the mass deportation of immigrants. I said that if voters from immigrant backgrounds were foolish or arrogant enough to vote for the candidate (that being Donald Trump) who ran on deporting migrants, then they’re simply going to have to face the consequences of their own actions. That may sound insensitive to you, but I’ve become exasperated with people who keep making poor choices that lead to collective punishment for ALL of us.

      And I stand by what I said about Bashar al-Assad. He is a war criminal and I do indeed hope he is tried by a court of law, found guilty, and receives the death penalty. He used chemical weapons on his own people, he sent mercenaries to Ukraine to murder innocent Ukrainian civilians, and he’s had many opposition figures imprisoned for over 13 years now. I’m not going to have empathy for someone like that.

      Anyway, I have a Sun-Mercury conjunction, a Sun-Venus conjunction, and my Sun trines Uranus and sexiles Jupiter. So, I do have strong opinions that often rail against the collective at times…but I also have strong morals and ethics and I am very much a humanitarian who supports the marginalized.

  10. Bachar Al Assad’s Virgo stellium (11th September 1965) with Uranus/Pluto/Sun at 15, 16 amd 18 degrees respectively has come under pressure from the current mutable Pisces Saturn, Gemini Jupiter square just as the various Syrian rebel groups, specifically the jihadist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham have taken Aleppo and Hama. I wonder if Assad’s allies, namely Russia and Iran will come to the rescue or will he be toppled? I notice on his Solar Arc, his Uranus/Pluto/Sun is now conjunct his slippery Mars/Neptune in Scorpio. It seems many of the 1965 generation are being challenged right now by the Jupiter Saturn square.

        • Everything Everywhere All at Once is the title of a movie showing on TV tonight. Quite apt.
          Of interest – the current transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint, with its military themes, is 24 Taurus – and there’s tr Uranus. The transiting Uranus/Pluto midpoint is 27 Pisces, upheavals, secrets, sudden shifts in power? Tr Neptune is 27 Pisces at the moment.
          Assad’s natal IC is 24 Taurus. His SA Moon, on Marjorie’s recent Syria post, is 23 Taurus.

          • Thanks Jane, I haven’t seen the film but the astrology of these events is extraordinary. I see too that our Government have just put out a press release announcing further funding for the White Helmets following the 2 million £ they have provided during the past year.

          • I agree VF the astro is extraordinary. I’ve been looking at various fixed stars too. There’s quite a few in focus. This is of particular interest I think:

            “* The Islamic Calendar begins with the Hegira; the entrance of Mohammed into Medina at sunset on July 2, 622 AD; the true SNode at that moment was 6 AQU 29, the mean SNode 7 AQU 29. Neptune was closing on Zavijava, beta Virginis, the star the Chinese called “The Right-Hand Maintainer of Law.” Diana Rosenberg, ye-stars.com

            Mars has just gone retrograde in Leo, 6 degrees so on the North Node of the Islamic Calendar. Tr Neptune opposes Zavijava in Virgo, 27 degrees. The name of this star

            “Zavijava probably derives from Al Zawiyah which among other things mean a small Mosque, subsidiary to a larger one nearby. Since such a Mosque is very much a symbol of authority in its locality, as a parish church is in other communities, the idea conveyed here is of someone holding a position of command, but subject to a higher command behind them.” Dr Eric Morse, The Living Stars

            Assad means ‘Lion’. There’s warrior Mars in Leo, turning back for a bad time to start a war. The Cosmos, or perhaps the Cosmic Joker, is certainly throwing multiple signs and portents our way! And I haven’t even gone into the potential of Alkaid in Ursa Major, 26 Virgo and implicated in the Virgo/Pisces lunar eclipses of last autumn and next spring. Islamic astrologers called it “the destroyer of nations”…….

          • @Jane, I was watching Notre-Dame re-consagration, given my very good heretic status I found it throughly impressive on spiritual side, and amusing for politics.

            It’s also St. Ambrose, Patron Saint of Milan and thus “La Prima” at La Scala tonight. Aptly, the piece they are giving is “La Forza del Destino”, which is known as the cursed opera. Most notably, baritone Leonard Warren died during the performance at The Met in 1960, but there’s also is a history of fires related to this piece.

          • Astrology King says; ‘ZAVIJAVA. β Virginis. A pale yellow star situated below the head of Virgo. From Al Zawiah, the Angle or Corner (see Zaniah), but according to Bullinger the name means the Gloriously Beautiful. Symbolically called Correct Weighing. Of the nature of Mercury and Mars. It gives beneficence, force of character, strength, combative movements and destructiveness.’

            Neptune 27 Pisces.

            Just recently I was reading about the history of Boudica’s rebellion and as it turns out, during the years of the Roman occupation of Britain in 60 to 61 AD, Neptune was 27/29 degrees of Pisces and Pluto at 29/0 degrees of Capricorn and Aquarius. This is Scheat in Pegasus opposite Zawiah and of course Boudica was in myth at least, renowned for her red hair and her horse-drawn chariot as well as her ferocity. But then that’s another story.

          • Thanks Solaia and VF, more fascinating food for thought. The “forces of destiny”, like the three Fates of myth, are out of our control. Judging by the gale force winds here in the UK, Nature herself is joining in.
            Notre Dame looks stunning, an amazing job. I remember how potent the emotions were when it was burning. I,too, am a happy heretic of some kind, but the building has real power on some level.

          • Notre Dame was breathtaking, Jane andd Solaia and I too have a love of cathedrals and churches – mosques too – for their beauty and grandeur as well as the craftsmanship that goes into these places of worship, despite my heathen nature. It was also heartening to see that Zelensky received a standing ovation from the crowd as well as from the world leaders at the Notre Dame opening ceremony.

    • His regime has fallen. Rebels are driving through Damascus suburbs leading to his palace unopposed, several private and Syrian Government planes have left the civilian airport that is still (barely) held by Government.

      What comes next isn’t clear yet, but the hatred all Syrians feel, is tangible.

      I keep an eye on this, since I think rebels will take the palace by the midnight Damascus.

        • @Virgoflake, the apparent calm from some quarters of the past few years was deceiving. It was to come to the end with serious economical issues foreign players had. In Syria, it’s been essentially Iran, Russia, and Turkey after the US withdrew troops from the North.

          Both Russia and Iran, which had an official presence, are withdrawing. Russia likely still needs to negotiate to keep their naval base, but Iran and Turkey do not have similar pressing interests.

          • Oh, Russian fleet has had orders to leave Tartus. That meeting Lavrov had with Iranians and Turkish must have been interesting. Also, great that Macron likely got to deliver the news to Trump. Not a fan of his in general, but he knows how to tromm Trump.

          • Thanks Solaia. V helpful. Will do a further look and pull up the previous Syria post tomorrow – but the astrology is really spot on which is always reassuring.

          • Hama military airport now abandoned according to the BBC and rebels approaching Syria’s most notorious prison, Saydnaya. Assad executed thousands and goodness only knows what the prisoners there have been through.

      • They took a couple of hours more than I thought, so I fell asleep. But try to look at the timeline.

        I just hope they will be able to secure as much evidence on war
        crimes and human right abuses as possible.

  11. This is a real question about the Karen meme/movement.

    Is this related to generational focus or…something astrological ?

    Is it centered on American “karens” or is this a world-wide phenomenon?

    Recently lost a job bcuz of a workplace Karen. Not hammering women, mind you…!

    • @larryc, I’m sorry to hear about the jobloss! Middle aged women can, in general, be a handful, and the Virgo stellium people born in the late 1960’s may bring that to extremes, being either incredibly charitable or selfish. But I would say Karens are an uniquely (white) American phenomenon. Americans in general tend to be the most individualistic people in the World. As a flipside, many have strong sense of entitlement.

      • I would add in a thought for mothers in cars on school runs to private schools in London who can be abominably rude and arrogant.

      • “Karen” and I started working the same day as contractors. From Day 1, she started her whining and complaining. By the end of Wk 1, I remvoed my hearing aids, which she took particular note of. “You just don;t want to help me. You’re avoiding me. You hv people problems…”

        Filed a complaint thru my agency, which the agency said was warranted. Two days later, I was fired yet she was kept on. “Inability to integrate with our culturally diverse workforce.”

        Did some online research: mixed results. those with heavy earth, water, and mutable signs are perfect Karens. So, didn;t make sense. “It’s always aries, pisces, scorpio, virgo, capricorns, leos…Yes, always virgos and Capricorns!” Again, the whole kitchen sink.

        Guess I’ll walk around in ignorance and silence w/o the hearing aids.

        • Larry, this sounds like a DEI problem where they keep the woman and get rid of the man. “Unable to integrate into our culturally diverse workplace is the clue.” Don’t know if this was Boeing, which you have mentioned before, but they just recently ditched DEI which is a step in the right direction. Work should be merit based IMHO.

          • Hello Maggie. It is quite frustrating, after all. Sitting alone, in my cubical……working away and then someone wheels her chair up to my desk, knocks loudly on the desktop and gives me the drippy, sad-eye. “IT Help Desk cannot help me…”

            I don’t think anyone can, dearie. Have a Coke and smile.

            No, it isn;t Boeing but the Big B has me blacklisted. I applied this year and last to almost 30 job postings – rejected on all. While it is only 2 miles to work, and the buffet breakfasts are terrific, mgmt is “old school” and the office temperatures are 80 degrees F. I dozed off during lunch one day and I was reprimanded.

            Coming up on a New Year.

        • Larry, Thanks for the reply, best wishes for better luck in the new year. As far as Karen’s, all I can think when I hear that is the sextuplet mother on TV (Kate Gosselin) who was the ultimate Karen and had the hairdo to match.

        • Sorry Larry, this post didn’t display for me earlier. Mercury Rx is strong – I was also on a rail replacement bus!

          I would ask them for evidence of that claim and assurances that it was not down to your hearing disability, as one colleague wasn’t very understanding about it. But I appreciate that things may be different where you are, but it’s worth a shot.

          With Mars Rx, I wonder if they may regret it already as the collègue sounds incredibly needy and slightly bonkers. They may even reconsider. Best of luck to you

    • What behaviour are you describing with the word “Karen”? Can you please explain? Sorry for your job loss and hope you find something soon.

      I heard the term a lot a few years ago. It started out as a way to describe a certain type of white privilege, but seemed to morph into a somewhat sexist, ageist and ironically racist pejorative. Over time it reminded me a bit of the way the term “chav” was used to mock and demonise working class people.

  12. News of the murder of the United Healthcare executive in NYC at 6:45 am yesterday unleashed a torrent of horror stories of denial of coverage for necessary healthcare on my social media feeds. Little if any sympathy for the death nor condemnation of gun violence, but instead pointing out the deaths and debt resulting from US insurance industry practices, with UHC being the largest offender (something north of 30% denials of claims), with the CEO having a $10M annual salary. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US.
    The outpouring of fury over the state of US healthcare and lack of sympathy if not outright glee at the CEO’s murder made me think of Pluto in Aquarius (French Revolution echoes?). Any thoughts?

    • @Les, it has long baffled my mind how carefree American rich seem about their physical safety. Aren’t they at all concerned about violence that may arise from the disgruntled poor, and even middle classes? Yes, multi billionaires and even companies have private security staff, and there are gated communities, but there seems to be very little consideration on possibility of economical terrorism. This is such a stark difference to Europe, where assassinations of elites were common place and terrorist groups financed their operations through kidnappings as late as the early 1990’s.

      But I absolutely think this will become a prominent theme in with Pluto in Aquarius, and especially as Uranus moves to Gemini.

      • Ages ago I read an explanation of why the poor people in the USA would vote against their own best interests… tax cuts, etc. A generalization, of course, and also true for many.

        The power of the myth of the American Dream is SO strong that a poor person would believe that they, too, could one day be as rich as a Trump. The “self made man”. So, when they, the poor, become rich, THEYwould not want to be taxed to support social programs, etc for “the poor”!!!

        The USA Pluto return certainly brought forward the rot at the core of this myth… and the ripples will move into Pluto in Aquarius.

        Even though this will never happen for most people, it is a driving force in their political choices. They are voting for the future, rich person they will never become. So, the rich are held in great regard in many ways. Europe did not have this myth at its foundation.

    • Very much Pluto in Aquarius. The chart for the assassination is timed for 6.44 am 4 December 2024 in New York. The chart has Mars in the 8th house in a wide opposition to Pluto in the second. Jupiter at 16 Gemini in the 7th house was in exact opposition to retrograde Mercury at 16 Sagittarius. The Sun at 12 Sagittarius was square Saturn at 13 Pisces.

      Brian Thompson born 10 July 1974 had natal Moon and retrograde Jupiter conjunct at 17 Pisces squaring natal Venus at 16 Gemini.

      Jupiter being triggered in death charts is something that has been mentioned on here before.

      I suppose the unknown factor here is motive but the killing does appear to have triggered a torrent of loathing from US citizens about the way they are treated by their health insurers. It might also indicate a wider hatred of the super rich in the USA

      • I have noticed that Jupiter was conjunct Thompsons south node at 17 Gemini when he died and that retrograde Mercury was triggering his north node at 17 Sagittarius . There is something karmic about the event.

        • Thanks Hugh. First quarter Moon tomorrow is 17 Pisces, amidst the stars of Pegasus – continuing one of the mythic tales in current astrology – Perseus, Medusa, Pegasus – with Uranus close to powerful Algol/Medusa, and Neptune close to Scheat in Pegasus, a rise-and-fall star with wide implications.

          Donald Trump’s natal Uranus is 17 Gemini.

      • Thank you, Hugh. I also felt this was a Pluto in Aquarius moment and as for the Mercury Jupiter opposition, powerful with mutual reception aa well as retrograde, it seemed to play a part in the recent failed martial law attempt in South Korea, particularly since President Yoon is a natal Sun and Moon in Sagittarius.

        I think there will be increasing disillusionment with the excesses of the super rich as well as the increasing wealth gap. Aquarius is associated with financial speculation, so it will be interesting to see what effect Pluto’s presence in the sign has on stock markets around the world.

        • The New Moon on the 1st December 2024 was a 9 Sagittarius close to the Antares/Adebaran axis. Antares was within orb of the ascendant at the time of the killing. The star is associated with with violence but it also gives mental alertness, strategic ability and courage

      • Oh! Wow…

        I have Venus 17* Pisces, MarsR 16* Virgo with transit Jupiter sq. Both… two hours ago I sent an email that I hope shakes up/ wakes up the large public post secondary education system here to the horrible effects of sexual violence within the institution…

        I do feel that I may experience reprisal… hope it’s nothing of the magnitude of mr. Thompson…

        • Ok, that’s even weirder… my nodes oppose his exactly, sheesh, what have I done…

          Hopefully, I will still be writing here in the coming days, months, years…!?!

  13. I know you only recently did a post on Starmer and his government so not looking for another.

    But yesterday brought a relaunch, a set of 5 pledges and criticism of the Civil Service.

    What is it about this Government’s chart or Starmer that has made it so ‘unstable’ so far?

    • The Daily Mail called the government “talentless”, and it kind of rang true.

      I am voting for the South Korea chaos. That is some drama and chaos. Merco retro is certainly helping matters.

    • The 24/7 ravings of the predominantly right-wing billionaire-ownied media might just have a role in it. See Allister Heath, Daily Tel…

  14. This is not apropos of the discussion here, but just in case anyone is interested in timing of earthquakes – I live in a little coastal town in Northern California. We had a 7.0 magnitude earthquake this morning at 10:40 am pst. AC at 0.21 AQ, Pl at 0.20 AQ, IC at 23.11 Taurus, Uranus at 24.28 Taurus located just off our beaches. It was a whopper.

  15. Hi Marjorie,

    The BBC is reporting that the military junta in Niger has just seized control of a uranium mine that was used by the French nuclear power company Orano. Experts believe Niger is hoping the Russian Federation and Türkiye will invest in these uranium mines in place of France.

    I’ve noticed that Türkiye appears to have a growing influence in Africa. In fact, Türkiye has invested in a number of African countries inlcuding: Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, and Somalia.

    I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind looking taking a look at Türkiye’s growing involvement in Africa. Does the astrology suggest Türkiye becoming a major key player in Africa – on the same level as China, the United States, France, and the Russian Federation?

  16. On 12/17/24, the Electors will vote for the US President, and Vice President on separate ballots; but, more than a few prognosticators are claiming there will be an upset of some kind. Is there anything to this? Thanks.

    • @ JC,

      Many respectable and well known astrologers and Tarot readers have been predicting major information about the election to be divulged sometime after December 6th. I’m curious to see what happens.

      • MSNBC journalist Rachel Maddow has been asking the questions many should be asking: why did Donald Trump tell his voters they didn’t need to vote? The polls showed a 50/50 chance of either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris winning….so, it’s bizarre he would tell his voters that they didn’t need to vote.

        This was a very strange election. I hope we get some clarity soon.

        • I think the 50/50 was the popular vote which meant that Trump would have won the Electoral College in a landslide with corresponds to the final numbers we are seeing that Trump only won the popular vote by less than 1%.

          What doesn’t make sense is why there were millions fewer votes in blue states like California, NJ and NY which cost the Democrats control of the HoR.

          I guess some Jews in NJ and NY were upset and didn’t vote because some Democrats didn’t bow down to AIPAC and publicly spoke out against Bibi’s genocide of the Palestinians.

          It wasn’t a strange election–it was definitely rigged but by the rich and powerful who wanted to see Trump or any Republican back in office so they could get another round of those sweet corporate and personal tax cuts.

          I knew a couple of years ago that ‘inflation’ was actually price gouging to make sure that Biden and the Democrats would be unpopular going into the 2022-midterm and the 2024 election.

          Bezos and the owner of the LA Times confirmed it when they reached down into the editorial room and made sure that there was no endorsement for president.

          But ironically Trump appointing all of these billionaires to the government is just setting up for the populace to rebel against the over-reach from the wealthy elite, and the death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is an early manifestation of Pluto in Aquarius.

  17. Very low stakes compared to the serious events happening in the world but do the charts show Beckham finally getting his knighthood? lol He seems to really be working for it.

  18. I would find a comparison of charts of Oliver Postgate and Nick Park both very successful stop motion animators both delivering quirkiness and British whimsy most interesting.

    Thank you

    • Hi Marjorie,

      Can you look into Romania’s chart for what’s to come in 2025, after our presidential elections on December 8? We’re about to elect a far-right president, Calin Georgescu, after Russia seemingly intervened through a massive influencer campaign on tic-tok to get him through round I, whereas polls were initially placing him at 1%. Our democracy is in danger and the reasonable part of the electorate are crapping ourselves.
      The two candidates are: Calin Georgescu, 26 March 1962 and Elena Lasconi, 20 April 1972.

      Lasconi is going through a Pluto transit, in a square to her Sun, and Jupiter is crossing over her Mars.
      Meanwhile, transit NN is crossing over Georgescu’s Sun, which I feel is a bad omen, and transit Saturn is conjunct his Mars and Mercury.

      Sadly, reason and feeling are telling me he has a better chance at winning.

      Would greatly appreciate your input.

      Many thanks!

      • @Teodora
        Having just watched the news I have just heard the interview with the far right? candidate, another domino being played, I am not surprised moderate people are scared.

  19. My comment disappeared so hope this doesn’t double post but can you look at Queen Camilla’s chart (without the focus being on Harry and Meghan…no offense intended).
    She seems to be going through a rough patch of schedule adjustments/cancellations recently.

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