9 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Sir General Mike Jackson, high profile British army chief, has died from cancer today. Born into a military family on 21 April 1944 with a zero degree Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries, he was probably always destined for a career in combat.

  2. Can you look at budget day 30th Oct.

    It has tr Mercury at 25 Scorpio, quite close to the 1801 UK Neptune at 19 Scorpio in the second house. Opposing is tr Uranus at 25 Taurus conjunct Algol. So the UK financial houses are activated.

    Tr Mars is at 28 Cancer opposite Tr Pluto at 29 Cap. They’re sending squares to the tr Mercury and Uranus (Grand Cross).

    It seems stressful for budgets to have malefics squaring and opposing Mercury in the 2nd house.

    For Liz Truss’s mini budget on 23 Sept 2022, tr Uranus was at 18 Taurus, exactly opposite the UK Neptune in the 2nd house. So the financial houses were activated. Tr Saturn was at 19 Aquarius, squaring both the UK Neptune and tr Uranus. Mars was at 19 Gemini.

  3. With recent revelations of plagiarism, Kamala Harris now joins the ranks of Harvard’s Claudine Gay. How might their charts compare, I wonder?

    Lovely image of grass, like frozen fireworks.

  4. What is Starmer’s chart Marjorie? I’ve heard a few people say they think he is not up to it and will step down? I don’t know much about politics to be honest, but he seems to be picking up a mass of hot potatoes on immigration and riots about it. He also is inheriting a lot of wars that all seem to be going nowhere that previous have ignited and left him. Starmer seems to be getting up and announcing things and trying to smooth things over. I’m just curious why so many are saying he will step down.

  5. Recently I came across a composite chart of a long married couple, where there were unaspected planets (Pluto and Uranus) in the 4th and 5th houses. What do unaspected planets mean in a composite chart? I found it additionally peculiar that their synastry was especially heavy with nearly exact quadrats.

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