51 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. A question for Solaia, but others please contribute too.

    I’m looking at astrocartographical charts for somebody moving to Sweden, but most house systems look absolutely ridiculous for places near the Arctic circle. What house systems do you all use in the extreme north or south?

    As an aside, noticed that quite a few Swedes and Norwegians play in the ice-hockey leagues in Canada and the US. Not something I expected to see.

    And on a completely non-astrological level, I remember reading that everybody’s income tax returns are openly accessible in Norway. Is that (a) true, (b) a uniquely Norwegian thing or (c) a common Scandinavian trait?

  2. Could you take a look at the chart of Min Yoongi (Suga of BTS)? He is in troubles because of driving under influence, and many are demanding that he leaves BTS because of this.

  3. Horrible sporting and familu tragedy that’s haunted me for two days now: NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew were ran over by an apparently drunken driver near their family home where they were preparing to their sister’s wedding in Salem, New Jersey, late in the evening of August 29th. Johnny was born August 13th, 1993, and had just turned 31. He was already a father of two and genuinely loved in hockey World, not only because of this talent, but for being overall likeable, goofy, but goodhearted person. Any astrological indications on tragedy? (I might be able to find the exact time of the incident, too.)

  4. A really long-range forecast!

    I wonder if you have seen the UN’s World Population Prospects 2024 report? It’s the latest projections for the world’s population for a century ahead.

    In light of the often heated and even corrosive debates around immigration, it’s worth seeing how things will change with declining populations and lower fertility in many countries. It looks like the countries that have an ongoing immigration program will fare better as they will supplement their ageing native populations with younger, productive immigrants. Ironically, the countries that Trump derisively called “sh#@hole” countries are the ones with young populations that will be in great demand and much sought after for the economic and ‘care’ work forces of the ageing countries. They could have the last laugh!

    Would you please consider picking out some countries and look 50, 80 and 100 years hence to see what the situation may be? All comments from the talented astrologers on this site would be most welcome! I fully understand this may take some time as you’ll need time to think deeply about something so far away. Web links with population info are below.

    As with anything, there are good and bad things about a declining world population. The obvious one is there will be a reduced impact on an extremely stressed environment. Also the role and participation of women will need to change for the better. However, some countries will calamitously decline unless they change course. There are also many ways to handle immigration – one is to have permanent immigration while another is to have workforce permits that only allow you in a country while you have a job (many of the Middle Eastern countries have this arrangement).

    World Population Prospects 2024: Summary of Results

    Birthrates are plummeting worldwide. Can governments turn the tide?

    ‘Dramatic’ shift in world’s population could impact how we live our lives

    Global population predictions offer ‘hopeful sign’ for planet

    Nearly 40,000 people died home alone in Japan this year, report says

    • When you are free again, Pavel Durov (October 10, 1984 Leningrad, Russia) might be an interesting subject. Perhaps Pluto in Aquarius (and critical degree 29 Capricorn) taking on the tech mafia — He’s been arrested in France and by the time legal proceedings actually move forward, Pluto will probably be officially back in its new sign.

      • Briefest glance at the ephemeris shows Pluto and Neptune squaring their natal points, and his natal node at 29 Tau/Sco catching that Pluto square too.

        • Thanks JB. Pluto will most definitely keep him busy for a while. And it reminds me to pay more attention to the nodes — even in my own chart!

    • Ah, the joys and wonders of modern technology! If only it worked seamlessly like in the movies!

      I can already feel the changes from the end of Mercury Retrograde, though I know the shadow is still there. But all the missed connections and inability to schedule interviews and run dates for my freelance articles are starting to clear. Mercury Retrograde has always affected me, sometimes, like now, disproportionately.

      • @Montgomery, I know Telegram has been mostly off radar for most people who are not avid Russia watchers, but going against “tech mafia” isn’t why he is in trouble. It’s because Telegram is a platform for the worst of humanity.

        There also is talk about him being “arrested” the way Sinaloa Cartel founders are “arrested” in the US. It is suggested they are actually collaborating with the US authorities. French authorities probably have something really bad they can nail Durov for (enabling child abuse material exchange, abuse “rings” etc.), but he on the other hand has knowledge on financial dealings of Vladimir Putin.

        Astrologically, he has some really interesting stuff going on. He is a Libra Sun (conjunct Mercury) Aries Moon Full Moon baby. He has a relatively tight Scorpio Venus/Saturn and Capricorn Mars/Jupiter conjunctions. He is also one of the first Pluto in Scorpio babies of the 20th century. It looks like he has a very Oriental chart, not uncommon for people in his age group born later in the year.

  5. Someone’s gonna ask…about Trump’s new indictment.

    “Trump’s new indictment rocks his newly reshaped race against Kamala Harris ”


  6. Just wanted to point out that the August Full Moon was on Starmer’s Sun/ Moon midpoint. It suddenly struck me at the weekend, that it could be circa his midpoint. Just checked – it was. Look at the week he has had! The reaction to his policies and from the pensioners.

  7. Hi. Would you please look into the historian, Heather Cox Richardson? She is reportedly the most successful person on Substack. She has seven books to her credit and three degrees, all from Harvard. She reminds me of Doris Kearns Goodwin in terms of being plain spoken yet dynamic and compelling. HCR married quite late in life which I find interesting, as well. Thanks.

    • She is so impressive. I’m a subscriber and rely on her thoughtful insights and long historical perspective. I believe she was married previously and has an adult daughter from her first marriage to (I think) a fellow academic. She married her lobsterman husband, Buddy Poland, on Sept. 11, 2022. I haven’t seen a birthdate for her yet.

      The person I go to for sound legal insight, also on Substack, is Joyce White Vance, former US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama and a law professor and legal commentator now.

  8. Yet another supercentenarian hit the lists…

    John Alfred Tinniswood is a British supercentenarian who, at the age of 112 years, 0 days, was born on 26 August 1912 in Liverpool, Lancashire, (now Merseyside) England.

    He was also said to be “the world’s oldest surviving male World War II veteran” upon being recognised by Guinness.

    What can be gleaned from his natal chart? TOB was unavailable.

  9. Hello, since a few weeks there has been a fair number of articles on a Manchester City football player, Kyle Walker and his ex-mistress with whom he shares 2 kids. The Walker story is that they had a few encounters between them and a lot of blackmail and her story is a long standing loving relationship. A judge seems to side. with the footballer and deems the woman untrustworthy. What is baffling to me is her behaviour: controlling the stories, going after the footballers wife and general playing the victim. Any indication in her chart as to where that obsessed behaviour comes from? I have no birth date but they can be found online I presume. Thank you

  10. NASA has decided to have Space X send a spacecraft to retrieve the astronauts stuck up at the International Space Station. Those poor astronauts! Of all the places to get stuck!

    Marjorie, what is your take astrologically (of the whole thing! My goodness! getting stuck! Surviving up there for longer than expected and of course, the use of Space X which brings in Musk.)

  11. I noticed you skipped William and Kate’s relationship the other day when doing Williams chart. Theres plenty of Harry, Meghan and Charles who haven’t been headline news to the extent Kate has.
    Is there a reason for that? Can you see whats in the charts for Kate as well and their marriage as William ascends?

  12. The astonishing tale of Ray Holmes, RAF fighter pilot, might be worth a look at.

    His encounter over the skies of London beggars belief.

  13. @Chris, regarding demonstrations, I keep a tag on some of the older generation – 1980’s Millennials and even Gen X – activist. And it seems even they are annoyed by the selective and demonstrative outrage of many in the pro-Palestine crowd. While supporting and even participating in the protest, they see some of the protestors are absolutely bad faith and not sharing their ideals on social justice in general. These might be spoiled Gen Zers, but do not remember how it was to be LGTBQI+ as recently as 15 years ago, or Arabs who actually are very conservative in everything but this issue (also, interestingly enough abortion, because Jewish and Muslim scholars have a different view on soul from the Catholic doctrine which has taken over American Christian thought).

    But I also hear not everything at DNC was perfect logistically, therefore the attendee experience might not have been optimal.

    • Hmm, I get the need to critically evaluate the motivations behind activism, I think it’s important not to overgeneralise or dismiss people because they don’t fit into neat ideological boxes.

      • @tara. I think the problem that Solaia is pointing out is that when your group is a member of a coalition party like the Democratic party being exclusionary hurts your cause.

        It seems as though even Democrats have succumb to the right-wing tilt of this country since Reagan and the crossover of the 1960s where groups who weren’t directly impacted by something lent their voices to other causes like Jews marching alongside blacks during the Civil Rights movement and black women supporting the feminist movement which mostly benefited white women.

        Now there seems to be an attitude where groups hold onto their right-wing beliefs (anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc.) and have to be convinced to put those beliefs aside and look at the big picture and vote Democratic anyway.

        Dennis Kucinich was an anti-choice Democrat until he lost his seat in 2012 during the Democratic primary.

        I remember during Obama’s 2008 campaign there was a dust-up during the South Carolina primary where a black female duo who were against gay rights were invited to perform at a rally and gay Democrats were able to get them cancelled.

    • @Solaia, I watched all four nights of the Dem convention and was amazed at how smoothly everything ran. I’ve never attended a national convention (a dream of my younger years), but watched most of them since I was a little kid and attended many state (Virginia and California) conventions. At those, both the televised national and in person state conventions, I experienced many delays, disputes and disruptions from disorganization and animosity from feuding factions or rivalries from competing candidates’ supporters.

      This convention displayed none of those characteristics. In fact I marveled at how well everything was orchestrated and choreographed, with rapid program substitutions or deletion of speakers and relatively minor glitches. The display of unity and quality of programming were especially impressive, considering how quickly everything had to be reconfigured with the change of candidate and message. It reminded me in spirit of the joyous 1992 Clinton and 2008 Obama conventions, but this one appeared to run far more smoothly.

      I’m also old enough to remember the disastrous 1968 Chicago convention with its brutal treatment of anti-war protestors. The protests this year were minor in comparison to just about every other convention in my memory. You have to understand there are ALWAYS some protests at political conventions. I was dancing with joy and excitement along with the convention delegates, wishing I were there. The campaign will be tough and vicious but I think the energy generated by the convention will help excite enough Democrats and volunteers to do the work needed to win and get out the vote. I’m writing postcards this year to infrequent votes to spur them to vote in critical races.

    • Hi. I was fortunate enough to be there on the first night. I chose that night because I wanted to see Joe. It was smooth as silk. The security line was orderly and impressive. The only issue was with shuttle buses. There were no signs and it was confusing. Most people took Ubers. Concession prices were crazy!! $4.75 for a bottle of water. The energy was incredible —esp when Kamala was on the stage. I saw Newsom up close -very friendly and pressing the flesh a lot, very patient with selfies. Also was about a foot away from Bernie at one point. He was frail and hanging onto his wife while he walked the hall. I was hoping to see Mark Hamill because I’m a huge Star Wars fan but no such luck. I was in tears for most of the night.

      • Edited to add: I saw Bret Baier outside and said to him twice, in a loud voice (but without eye contact -not sure if he actually heard me) “why are you treating Trump like a normal, serious candidate?” My adult child was upset that I did that. I think it goes to show that stating the obvious during this polarised time is so risky. But I felt so compelled. I’m thinking it’s Neptune in Pisces. Hope N in Aries gives people more courage to state the obvious.

      • Thank you, Aim! I’m so glad your experience coincided with my (remote) impressions. How fortunate to be there in person!

        I saw the clip of Bret Baier and, I think, Martha McCallum trying to contain Trump when he called in during or after Kamala’s speech. They were trying to shut him up and get him off the air, treating him as the inconvenient embarrassment he increasingly has become.

        • Nicole-truly a wonderful experience that I will always cherish!
          Dems in array! The intense Astro for that night gave me such pause that I almost didn’t attend. So glad that I changed my mind!

  14. The Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aries. Does this signify the M Pox plus Chiron also in Aries.
    I also mused on the men who want to be women. Going back to Chiron Aries 1960s and 1970s, long hair for men and I always think of Wizzard with his fabulous make up which has now come full circle.. Just wondering Marjorie.

    • Thank you – a lucky shot in the garden. I will put up more – usually they go on my FB/Tw as a way of providing a distraction from the woes and frazzle elsewhere.

  15. Hi Marjorie,
    My question is around the scheduled debate between Kamala and Trump on 10 September in Philadelphia. What does the astrology show for this date? will trump even turn up ? Many thanks for your time.

    • @Mary, I don’t know if there’s anything to back this up astrologically (Moon Void Of Course or Mercury Retro would betelling signs for hiccups), but at this point I’d be surprised if Trump showed up. His narcissistic non-ego has been hurt He’ll get covid or something and refuses a virtual debate

      • @Solai, yes thought the same Mercury Retro Shadow still in place, so could be cancelled/ technical issues or as you say trump will find an excuse not to show.
        Thank you

  16. curios2: My thoughts precisely. Most astrologers, including alarmist Steve Judd, were predicting a wild and crazy event full of Uranian shocks, upheavals, reversals, etc. But nothing…. The DNC went off without a hitch. Well orchestrated, well done….smooth from start to finish. One astrologer adamantly proclaimed that Harris was going to suffer a huge meltdown mid-week due to some catastrophic revelation about a supposed sleazy scandal from her past. Nothing. I know, from personal experience, that astrology works, but there are times when it just doesn’t.

    • @ Julie,

      Many astrologers were predicting chaos and havoc around the DNC. While their predictions about the actual DNC didn’t manifest as such…they weren’t entirely wrong.

      The ridiculous and obnoxious pro-Palestine protesters did try to disrupt the DNC but failed miserably. They held a few rallies outside but most people ignored them and the protesters who were bold enough to get out of line were quickly arrested for put in their place.

      • Not being an astrologer myself (just got an amateur interest) my hunch is that what Marjorie wrote below is accurate: Uranus gives surprises.

        Perhaps when we expect drama, Uranus gives us calm!

  17. Several years ago, I think after Hillary lost the election, a question was asked on here about women & what the prospects were of a woman becoming president in the US. Marjorie wrote about it. I’ve been trying to find the post to see what it might indicate about Kamala’s prospects, but I cant find it.
    Can anyone locate the post? If not, any astro thoughts on the prospects of women as leaders in the US in the next few years?

  18. There was a lot of online hype about the August full moon on the 19th (not, I should add, on this particular site).
    But it seems to have been quite a non event in the end, apart from the boat sinking off the Sicilian coast.

    Quite a few astrologers seemed convinced, because of all the tension of the t-squares and Uranus being involved, that something explosive was going to happen.

    So, how come nothing happened?

    • Curious2 – were you expecting something awful to occur? I think the Democratic Convention was a very important moment for the history books, and pretty Aquarian in the way it presented a woman of colour as presidential candidate. The US chart’s Moon (the public) is in Aquarius. You could also consider Indian PM Modi’s visit to Ukraine as highly significant, particularly considering his previous visit to Russia, and offers to broker peace talks at some point. Ukraine 1991 has an Aquarian Moon, opposing Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Leo – peace talks? all in range of August’s Moon and Uranus. India 1947 national chart has an Aquarian MC, and that Moon squared its 28 Taurus/Scorpio Nodes – alliances and connections, and perhaps a touch of fate too.

    • Uranus can be a trickster and just when you expect an earthquake it turns out to be a gift.
      Full Moons I never pay much attention to unless they are eclipses. It just so happened this one had a Uranus square but that comes round four times a year to the Sun so pass remarkable.
      I would have expected more ‘events’ in the Middle East/Israel which is simmering and horrible enough for the poor Gazans but not much in terms of flare ups on the day itself.
      Eclipses have been known to have delayed effects – either to the next New/Full Moon or even longer. But this was just a run of the mill Full Moon.

      • Thanks Marjorie (and the others who commented).

        It’s great to get that sanity check.
        Perhaps I was too quick to believe some of the hype being spun on YouTube.

    • Unexpected, explosive, doesnt necessarily mean bad. This convention was Very different from the usual, complete with abundant, positive, energetic, energy rather than negative. I would say that absolutely fits the definition of a uranian surprise.

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