55 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. A revision to my comment re the Treaty of the Organization of American States (OEA), it would appear that the Act never reached the stage of Treaty, however what exists has still prevented escalation. Some countries are managing to circle around the Act and pay lip service to the letter of the Act rather than the spirit which is why three of the largest countries, Brasil, Mexico and Colombia have failed to condemn the results of the election in Venezuela, instead offering some sort of mediation but these three are left wing.

  2. In the past 24 hours, we’ve had news of assassination of Hedzbollah leader Fuad Shukur in Beirut, Hamas leader Ismael Haiyeh in Teheran and now leader of Islamic Revolutionary Guard leader Hajk Baiib Zadeh in Syria. What ever you think of targeted strikes like this, the first reports have been praising Israeli capacities and telling how embarrassing this is on Iran. But surely, this couldn’t have happened without SEVERAL moles in Iranian Security Services, which makes me think that maybe there’s something even bigger coming soon. I’m thinking about Military Coup/Insurrection.

    Which is interesting, because we might see something similar in Venezuela. It seems at least part of the police forces have joined the demonstration.

    I don’t know, but something in the energy reminds me of late 1989/early 1990. Is there astrology here?

    • Not really for 1989/1990 which was the triple conjunction in Capricorn which brought down the Berlin Wall and caused a major global shift.
      But this July/August was always going to be a high-jeopardy time. If you look in Search – Israel and Iran there are a couple of recent April posts.
      I was waiting to see what Iran’s response would be – maybe tomorrow.
      The 19th August Full Moon square Uranus might be a trigger and late December into early 2025 looks fraught for Israel.

      • Oh, BTW, slash out Iranian Revolutionary Guard leaders being targeted for now. Apparently, a person of this name does not exists. There are rumors of an airforce commander being killed in Syria, but I’m going to wait for Oz Katerji’s confirmation. He still has really good sources in Syria, despite having concentrated on Ukraine. However, Katerji also seems to think Israel couldn’t have hit Hamas and Hezbollah leaders without help from Iran.

        And yes, that 1989 Capricorn was intense… It’s precisely because there isn’t anything major in the skies before Saturn/Neptune next year I’m wondering.

        A short term effect that I have noticed is Mars moving to Gemini, because things move FAST now after “ground building” Mars in Taurus. And there will be a Mars/Jupiter conjunction of the two planets August 14th, squaring Neptune.

  3. If there is any interest, I could use some feedback on the use of whole sign vs. Placidus and even more importantly relocated charts vs. natal. I never use whole sign and I generally use relocated charts for transits and natal for progressions.
    Currently, I have an associate I’m trying to assist and their chart has multiple ingresses of major planets all over the place and the planets are, of course, retrograding back and forth. The easy statement to make is that there is more to learn, but that seems to sound like a cop out. Feedback from any and all would be appreciated. Thank you.

    • The house question is enormously complicated. My rule of thumb is test whole house, Placidus, Koch and whatever out on a chart you know and pick which works best and then stick to it.
      On relocation you can end up with endless data. Always go back to the birth chart as the basic information source. Transits/progressions will always be reflected on the birth chart – maybe if you like frills add in transits/progressions to the relocated but don’t lose sight of birth chart.

  4. Huw Edwards has pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children. How far he has fallen after an incredible career. I wonder if his chart reveals a predisposition to such activities and if his chart shows present stress now he’s about to be sentenced.

    • Just my penny’s worth, but he has Mercury at 29 Leo, on fixed star Regulus when was born which also conjuncts NN, Uranus and Sun. Regulus is associated with a rise to position and a subsequent and sudden fall. I note next year as Neptune ingresses into Aries, it opposes his Mars in Libra.

      • Thanks for this, Virgoflake. Most interesting about Regulus. I always thought Regulus was a royal star and an asset in charts, I didn’t know it also indicates a sudden fall. What a tragedy for his family.

        • It is the royal star, traditionally indicating royal or military honour but if the individual is selfish or unethical, it’s said to bring about a fall from grace.

          Astrology King:

          ‘This star imparts to its natives great honours, power and authority, high government or business is possible, great influence over friends. Natives with this conjunction should exercise caution else they be subject to troubles and possible ruin. Natives with a negatively aspected Sun must exercise greater caution else they be subjected not only to ruin but also to disgrace, violence and many troubles – – any benefits they have gained will seldom last.’

          • T
            We’ve been hoping and praying for Trump’s spectacular fall from Grace with his 29 Leo and being selfish and unethical, but only mini falls which seems to draw him closer to martyrdom. I swear that man visits the magic doctor for his protection spell.

          • He does seem to lead a charmed life. But since Kamala Harris is faring pretty well in the latest polls, he looks increasingly rattled imo. There’s plenty of time from now until November for him to undo himself and I have a feeling he will.

  5. Health & Safety act is 50 years old today – became law on 31 July 1974. Might be interesting to look at the chart as it has made a hugely positive impact on safety but has also been derided as nonsense

    BBC article here “https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czvx25xn7k8o”

  6. My apologies for the closed Rolling Stone link. More will come out soon in other media. I just wanted to suggest that there’s a link to the Neptune influence you saw in the Harris chart.

    • Thanks. It is all very odd – her chart I mean. It should be registering more than it seems to be at the moment. Certainly she has Jupiter at 24 Taurus that gets a lift but she also has fairly catastrophic happenings at the same time. Even her partner Doug Emhoff’s chart is strangely blank for what should be a momentous time. No doubt it will become clear at some point – I hope.

  7. The veepstakes. I say Buttigieg based on he’s the only one that has Presidential campaign experience and has added familiarity advantage as he’s a part of the administration. So Harris not only knows Secretary Pete, but also Campaign Pete(road tested and approved). 5 years of getting to know someone will highlight chemistry.
    Marjorie’s last write up about him stated he’s in good stead right up to 2028!

    • @Troy, I love Pete, backed him when Warren dropped out, but I think he’s too risky a choice in this era of so much anti-LGBTQ fervor. With a Black/Asian woman at the top of the ticket Kamala needs the more familiar choice of a middle-of-the-road straight White male to balance the ticket. With Pete’s exceptional political talent and appealing persona, I feel confident his time will come — but not quite yet. The anti-gay hysteria needs to calm down a bit more first, IMHO.

      What shocked me in 2020 was that my once-right-wing local San Diego newspaper endorsed Pete in the presidential primary, for all the stellar qualities we know. But the ugly side of the US still needs a bit more time — and a more tolerant generation — to get him into the Oval Office.

      • @Nicole: 5 years ago I would have agreed with. But not this time. The winds of change are at the Dems sails. If there’s enthusiasm for a mixed non white female, then a well known, liked and respected astute white gay man is no longer a big problem.
        Boldness is knocking loudly! Open the door and embrace it.

        • @Troy, if it were up to me I’d say yes, but I suspect she’ll stay on the more cautious side. I gather we’ll know by next Tuesday

        • I completely agree. The game has flipped 360 degrees. She is going to win and I think she will send an incredible message by picking Pete a/of confidence b/ of inclusivity. Biden would approve of that ticket so delegates will love it too.

        • Kamala Harris is likely going to pick Josh Shapiro. She’s even holding a rally in Pennsylvania next Tuesday. The choice is obvious.

          I was rooting for Roy Cooper….but I can see why she would go with Josh Shapiro. Democrats want to keep Pennsylvania and the Great Lakes States on lock.

          Anyway, I think Kamala Harris is going to win this November regardless of whomever she picks.

          • the philly mayor’s video announcing the harris/ shapiro ticket which mistakenl went out before Monday when it was due is certainly a large clue 😀

  8. From an article on Radio Free Asia –

    “North Korea’s Kim preparing daughter as next leader: Seoul”


    Little Rocket Man seems to be grooming his daughter Kim Ju Ae as a replacement in case his affinity for good food, smokes, and booze takes its toll. Foreign comments suggest she takes after his “large” size. She is believed to be between 10 and 12 years old.

    Is this something meaningful to review?

      • Yes direct and indirect. eg Trans women allowed to compete against women at Paris Olympics. Overt and covert misogyny in society runs more deeply than ever.

        • And they winning?? Lets see this played out on track next week. What a sham.

          Why does man think their drugs more powerful than what nature has created for a particular reason? Okay I’m not trying to open up another can of worms debate on this so please don’t come for me

      • Yup – on Solar Arc Directions SA Uranus has moved to the exact degree exactly now – though the exact aspect does not come for another nine months. If that makes sense. SA Uranus now at 11 Taurus 00 and UK Mars is at 11 Taurus 45 mins.
        Mars in 8th is deeply buried anger/destructiveness which Uranus has just lobbed a firecracker into.

        • Around 11:47 am Southport 29th July, the Guardian report the attack began. The astrology may be compelling, not sure i appropriate?

          • Uranus closely conjunct Algol with a Taurus Moon rapidly closing to a conjunction in the hours thereafter. Both in the 8th at the start along with Mars with mirrors the UK chart. Plus Pluto in the 4th at zero Aquarius when the stabbing took place which suggests a mutinous population. Pluto opposition Sun – a power struggle. Chiron in the 7th highlighting relationship problems with the Other, i.e. immigrants from a different culture/religion. Jupiter in the 9th expanding on the religious theme.
            Police I think come under the mundane 6th house wherein confused, devastated Neptune at 29 Pisces and Scheat fall, along with Saturn.

          • Yup Anna. That fits Marjories description” “Mars in 8th is deeply buried anger/destructiveness which Uranus has just lobbed a firecracker into.”

          • UK starting to see more french style protesting e.g. torching buses/police cars. We saw it in Leeds too. It’s what happens when people feel that they don’t have a voice.

        • The widespread rioting in the UK between 6th August, 2011, and 11th August, had Jupiter at 9 Taurus. The 1066 Mars is 8 Aquarius. Those riots, which were very destructive, also had Mars, Pluto and Uranus in a t-square, with Mars square UK 1801 Uranus in Libra at the start. Neptune was 29 Aquarius, pressing on UK Pluto in Pisces, and that UK Yod. Possibly Neptune is now pushing on the Yod again, approaching the opposition to UK Uranus in Libra? Neptune does seem to reflect the zeitgeist in some way.

    • A whole spate of violence in the UK just recently. But Southport is truly sickening. I too worry about the increasing violence and violent rhetoric against women and girls.

      • the sahm rule has just been triggered in the us indicating recession. Job numbers are also bad. President Harris is going to have very tough economy to contend with. there are however 35 trillion dollars parked in retirement funds available to her so who knows what could happen there.

  9. Yesterday was Jackie Kennedy’s birthday. I know you’ve written about her and Onassis a few times, but it is such an interesting story she lived through. And he as well, separately from the time with her. Athina Onassis is also an interesting person, as are all the stories of Greek shipowner families, such as the Livanos and the Niarchos clans.

    There was also an interesting story of a physicist and her PhD in her 90s, but there was no birth date around (she was born in 1926).

  10. @Chris Romero
    The only hope that poor country now has is that international community rallies around, I am not surprised that several Latin American countries are refusing to recognized that flawed election result, they also know that Venezuela, like Cuba, is exporting a failing economic model with all the trappings of tyranny. A tragedy.

  11. Hi Marjorie,

    I know you just wrote about Venezuela…but I was wondering if you had anything to add now that the election has just taken place.

    Both Nicolas Maduro and Edmundo González Urrutia ste declaring victory. The opposition has raised concern about voting irregularities amd false tabulation in certain areas.

    Maduro’s camp claims they won with 51% of the vote while the opposition refutes this. Some countries here in the Americas are even refusing to recognize Maduro’s supposed victory (like Peru, Argentina, Guatemala, Paraguay, Costa Rica, and a few others).

    • It’s a complete sham. Democracy only works if everybody plays by the rules – the Pluto in Capricorn era has seen governments around the world gerrrymandering the rules to their own benefits.

      It seems to me there are only two possibilities for Venezuela:

      Outside intervention – unfortunately America seems to have lost it cajones for being the saviour of the world – surely they realise there’s oil reserves there?!? Let’s not forget Maduro is now beginning to claim land in Guyana so this isn’t just a Venezuelan problem.

      Alternatively the Pluto in Aquarius kicks in and the people rise up in revolution.

      • @GD We must remember that the Treaty of the Organization of American States forbids foreign intervention in an internal conflict or taking sides if war breaks out between two states. This is designed to avoid escalation.
        This is why Cuba has managed to avoid an armed intervention for 65 years, I am afraid it will up to the Venezuelan people to sort out or not. Once a left wing dictatorship takes hold it is nigh impossible to shift, even the horrible right wing dictatorships in Argentine and Chile were eventually overcome.
        What astro pointers are relevant is difficult to say as they run for so many years no doubt the outer planets influence these trends bu on a massive scale.

        • Thanks for the extra info Virginia.

          As for Guyana, it’s an ex-British territory and we did send one part of our small Navy when things began to occur last summer. I’d assume we aren’t bounded by aforementioned Treaty – but I can’t see us doing any much more than that without support from others.

          • @GD I am afraid the Treaty does apply to Guyana as an American state, The British Navy can rattle as much as it likes but the Treaty still applies, witness Haiti, a mess if ever there was one, however it is still bound by the Treaty, which leads me to think that the much talked about intervention from Kenya would be outside the American states. I am afraid it is up to the Venezuelan people with strong support from the international community.
            We in Europe have still have not grasped the implications of a communist state on the mainland of South America, it could derail a lot of countries with vast geopolitical consequences.

          • @Kurt

            Not really the Treaty has prevented conflicts from escalating, The Falklands was a legitimate one as they are an integral part of the UK. Guyana on the other hand became independent on 26 May 1966 with Sun, Mercury in Taurus, Venus and Mars in Aries and a republic on 23rd Feb 1970 so she is on her own; the disputed region The Esequibo has been on the cards for nearly 200 years, although the international Court has ruled in its favour, Maduro is doing what dictators do rallying people behind to distract from internal problems.

    • Maria Corina Machado who was not allowed to stand but it is the voice of the opposition has some upbeat moments through August and September, again next spring. But whether that is enough to oust Maduro is questionable from his astrology.

      • @Marjorie, I think that the situation in Venezuela is akin to Ukraine 2014 and Belarus 2021. Whether Maduro will end up like Yanukovych or Lukashenko will depend on how the military reacts. In both cases, he could be considered “lucky”.

        But it seems that something is cooking, and it has a lot to do with Putin’s regime FINALLY feeling the economic heat. There have been, again, a disproportionate number of Russian economists and stock exchange functionaries falling off windows and boats…

        • Maybe we can hope that the Saturn Neptune conjunction that accompanied Stalin’s death and the one before that which oversaw the Bolshevik Revolution/death of the ruling Czar might manage to repeat itself in 2025 and remove Putin.

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