38 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. On BBC: Facebook suspends Trump accounts for two years

    Former president Trump is not pleased. “They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our country can’t take this abuse anymore!” along with “Next time I’m in the White House there will be no more dinners, at his request, with Mark Zuckerberg and his wife,” the former president said. “It will be all business!”

    Wow. Tough talk. I’d be frightened. What is he and his planning to do to “win”? There is no mention of his plan to win. His blog has mysteriously disappeared.

    Will Trump meet his astro-nemesis before that? He’s giving it his all with forcing the overturning of US election results…and the GOP follows behind like sheep for the shearing.

  2. I hesitate to ask…. anything on England’s prospects for Euro 2020?
    Debating how much of my emotions to invest in this. Avoid it & spare the devastation?

    • Yes, I’m curious too Belle. I’ve got as far as getting the dates for the first England international game, 30 November 1872, and the first England game – 5th March 1870. Both have a mutable Sun trine Uranus, with Uranus aspecting Mars in both these charts. Erratic actions? Sort of explains a little of why England can be a bewildering team to support. It would be interesting to look more deeply, but I am lowering my personal expectations! I sort of imagine the possibility of a close call, but probably not the final triumph…….

      • Thanks Zita. It’s hard to know where to begin with this kind of thing. Gareth Southgate’s astrology might show something I suppose. But he’s probably just delighted anyway, after waiting for a very strange year for the tournament to begin.

        • Gareth currently has Jupiter on his Pisces north node and trine his natal Jupiter in Scorpio. Hope that’s not going to manifest as too much optimism!

          • Oh, I like that! Gareth has a face built for expressing delicate worrying. I can’t imagine him going over the top somehow. But Jupiter on the nodes is uplifting, and also suggests the support of the fans I think. Distant though most of them will be. At least the England lads seem positive, and unlike the sulky lot of years ago. Watching football is exhausting. I don’t know why I put myself through it.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me, when an actor thinks that changing his or her
    career and becoming a politician is the next logical step. I would hope that it takes more than an inflated ego and a firm fan base, and pc or populist credentials to motivate them.

    But I am not holding my breath. As for Matthew, coming from acting, to snake oil salesman, I mean inspirational speaker isn’t such a stretch after all! So maybe he’ll manage to convince everyone he has what it takes.

    • Totally. We seem to be in a cult of celebrity & personality. What happened to qualified people with the right skill-set to do the job. Maybe it was always like that though. Was in my doctors office this week & she had a sign up saying ‘Don’t confuse your google search with my medical degree’, which I enjoyed a lot!

  4. I don’t know if anyone is aware that the ancient Egyptians used to execute celtic slaves that had red hair. Why they did it, I don’t know. But I do know that Julius Caesar kept 180,000 gladiators as slaves. He kept them for the most part stationed in Rome. They were all from Gaul.

    In those days the Roman army wasn’t allowed to enter Rome, in order to stop coups from happening. So it kind of explains how he became a dictator and why he was dispatched in the end.

    Slavery existed well before the Egyptians and the Romans, and unfortunately exists today. There are precious few areas of the world that haven’t experienced it. So it would be nice to know if the age of Aquarius will see an end to this inhumane practice.

  5. Could you please take a look at the iber-ambitious, Trump wannabe Gov
    Ron DeSantis, aka DeDemon, of Florida, DOB, September 14, 1978, Jacksonville, Florida? He’s up for reelection 2022 and clearly wants to be the next Trump. Thanks!

    • See previous post July 18 2020 – he’s logjammed every which way in 2021/22. Picking up a head of steam by 2024.

      • @Nicole and Marjorie, what’s interesting here is that he can’t be a credible candidate for Presidency in 2024 if he loses Florida in 2022. And many Democratic strategist don’t really count on Florida for anything any more. I think Biden Campaign – who seem to have had great internal polling – ultimately allocated resources from Florida to Arizona and Georgia, because they suddenly saw those states “winnable”.

        So, if a Democrat beats DeSantis, against the odds, his 2024 “astro boost” must come from elsewhere.

        On a side note, I think there have been some low key strange happenings in Trump World for a couple of weeks. Most recently, is just established “social media page” (in other words, a blog) went offline after being there for just over a month today. I’ve got a new day job, so haven’t been looking at astrology as closely, but I think this is Jupiter in Pisces working, having passed to DJT’s 7th house at late degrees of Acquarius.

    • As far as I see(based on data not Astro), the only way DeSantis loses his position next year is if he’s outed as a child molester with very very very very very strong evidence to the point where conviction is swift. In other words, he should win easily; likewise Rubio.
      Dems should focus on Texas.

  6. Hi Marjorie,
    Any thoughts on Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola? He is being blamed for the team’s loss of the Champions to Chelsea but is regarded as having transformed British football as well as having had a stellar career with Barcelona.

  7. Hi again Marjorie, could you look into the shocking story of the 215 remains of Indian children found in Kamloops, British Columbia, a few days ago? It concerns the horrifying history of residential schools that were forced onto native indians. Canada has it’s own dark history with the way it has dealt with the indigenous people there. Residential schools across Canada and America went into force in the 1890’s and eventually ceased in 1996. They were run by the Catholic Church, surprise surprise, in which the motto was, ‘Kill the indian and save the man,’ who took great delight in trying to aggressively destroy their culture. Cue decades of abuse, rape, and murder, as the Kamloops news shows. The 215 children who were forcibly removed from their own families were dumped into a hole and were as young as 3 years old! Because of the horrific abuse these people have had to endure it has naturally played out in negative and tragic ways in their own environments. It absolutely sickens me that we colonialists thought we were/are so superior to these people whom we looked on as ‘savages’ and used such depraved acts as torture, raping children, and killing them to get them to adjust to our ‘evolved’ ways.

    So, is the Canadian government going to have a ‘chickens coming home to roost’ moment like the USA is having at the moment. The indigenous people appear to have no faith in Justin Trudeau. And will the evil of the Catholic Church ever be held accountable (dare I hope being dismantled brick by brick?) for all it’s despicable and satanic crimes it has weilded on so many innocents? The current Pope was supposedly going to crack down on all of this disturbing abuse but he ended up promoting a well-known peadophile just a few years ago (after his famous speech on this matter) within his own ranks so, I wouldn’t trust a damn word coming out of his mouth either.

    If you think african-americans have it hard you want to look into the horrifying way indigenous indians are treated. It’s a whole load worse if you can even imagine. We really need to get our history books updated and learn about how our ancestors and even closer family members treated/treat black, indigenous, and people of colour ASAP. For as long as we don’t learn about the more disturbing aspects of our ‘colonial greatness’ in the classroom we are doomed to keep repeating this disgusting pattern of ours of dehumanizing others in order to stay as the apex predator at the top of the pyramid. We truly are a despicable aspect of our own species.

    • ‘If you think african-americans have it hard you want to look into the horrifying way indigenous indians are treated. It’s a whole load worse if you can even imagine. ‘

      Why does it need to be a comparison exercise on any level? Bad is just bad. There is no ‘good, better or best’ in worse.

      • I didn’t mean to offend, Jennifer, and they were probably the worst choice of words to use. But even indigenous people are getting frustrated at not being heard in the current climate of racial tensions that are being aired out to be heard. They have expressed openly that they wish to be inlcuded in the racial movement and often told to find their own cause. Even when native americans are killed at higher rates by the police in America why is nobody even mentioning this and why are they still being erased out of the mainstream narrative as they have always done? I’ve just read now that a laywer in BC has claimed indigenous girls as young as 9 have been forced to have IUD’s to prevent them from reproducing. Today in the 21st century in a first world country. And nobody in any of the current zeitgeist movements going on want to even take this on to expose yet another layer to the horrific treatment to people of colour.

        • No problem.

          ‘They have expressed openly that they wish to be inlcuded in the racial movement and often told to find their own cause’

          Didn’t know that is happening which shouldn’t be so because these people have the same cause. You would think these movements know there is strength in numbers. Someone needs to tell them!

          • Strength in numbers, yes! I agree!

            I think the narrative in the media is that the BLM movement appears to focus more on the white vs. black systemic racial injustices and to a lesser extent racism against the hispanics (hope I’m using the correct term!). But I have never seen anything about the indigenous indians and their voices. I hadn’t even thought about it until a few months ago when I kind of fell into reading and listening about indigenous culture. And I was shocked.

            Then I started to hear more about Native Indians wanting to be part of the racial conversation via their news articles or on social media. One elder in an article I read said something like, “We kind of get mentioned as an after-thought in all of this or not at all but our struggles are the same.” But they are very much in soldarity with the BLM movement themselves.

            Hopefully, this sickening news of the Kamloops Residential School and now the call to turn over every other school to look for more bodies will throw much needed light and finally give them a voice in the mainstream. Lord knows, it’s long overdue.

          • Thanks @Jo, I’ll take a look. I have watched some documentaries so know they went through their hell also. Very similar and even the same atrocities. Just didn’t know they haven’t been allowed to be represented at or invited to join this movement . The politics of it all!

      • I@ jennifer
        Indeed, and the native aboriginals did undergo the same fate by australian colonisators and are still treated badly.
        There are lots of rotten people around. But of course all ” good christians” going to church ( of any kind) every sunday….

        • I wish they would just do away with organized religion altogether. It’s one of the worst forms of colonialism out there and is truly evil in my eyes. It thrives on damaging others and division. And the mounting evidence showing that the church has a particular predilection for peadophilia is utterly disgusting. Any other business/group/venture, etc. would be shut down by now. You can still do compassionate loving things for others without following these people. But I guess it’s that controlling line of the church that if you do not give your faith to their God (who was all for the genocide of certain sections of society, might I add), then your soul will be damned to eternal hell. To be honest, I’d rather go to hell if these things exist. At least I wouldn’t be surrounded by child torturers, baby rapists and murderers who think they are better than everybody else out there.

    • Justin Trudeau and his government have had SIX YEARS to ensure that all people on Indigenous reserves have drinking water because of adequate water treatment plants. They have totally failed. Maybe NOW the Trudeau Liberals will be moved to real action!

  8. Good day Marjorie.
    Texas Governor Greg Abbott is leading the voter suppression effort in that state so much so that he’s threatening local Dem legislators with withholding their salaries. Given pretty boy actor Matthew is looking good in coming years, what are Abbott’s prospects for next year and beyond?
    Texas is the new Florida it seems.

    • He’s in a very bad way come 2024/2025 so not a happy camper over the election. This year and next he’s bullishly confident but running into multiple problems so he’s losing as much as he’s gaining.

      • Lol yeah I pretty much get that astrologers have Dems booming and Reps glooming(not sure this is a word but it rhymes) in 2024. I was more seeking clarity on Matthew vs. Abbott for governor and how Texas looks in the 2022 midterms.

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