21 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. The first Pfizer vaccine jab was delivered this morning, at 06.31GMT, in University Hospital, Coventry. I noticed that in the 1066 chart for the UK the transiting Sun is square 1066 Saturn in health and hygiene Virgo (16), plus today’s Virgo Moon was conjunct the 1066 node at 20 Virgo. Today’s transiting nodes are square the 1066 nodes exactly. Pretty good symbolism for vaccinating the masses (nodes) and beginning with very old people (Saturn). The first woman to be vaccinated was in her 90’s. Transiting Neptune opposes from Pisces, moving through the 1066 12th house of hospitals, and just four degrees off 1066 Chiron at 22 Pisces for more “healing” symbolism.

    It’s also amusing (and possibly symbolic) that the second person to be vaccinated was a man called William Shakespeare…..

  2. I read somewhere that one of the upcoming “major events”–I think it’s the Dec. 21 conjunction–occurs near the star Altair.

    Any significance to that?

  3. Afternoon Marjorie. Any thoughts on the following? Thank You.

    “On Dec. 21, humans can witness something not seen in nearly 800 years. That’s right, during the upcoming winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will line up to create what is known as the “Christmas Star” or “Star of Bethlehem.”



      • I posted this separately, but, so you can see it: I read that the star Altair is involved.
        I have my reasons for being an Altair Stan. Anything significant about Altair? It’s one of the stars in Orion’s sword I think.

    • Apparently, they’ve framed the gay orgy as a “private party” in Hungary. Benefits of having a total control of media of a very linguistically isolated media market, as I mentioned in the latest Orbàn thread.

  4. Squares bring blocks or obstacles that have to be overcome. Since they represent challenges they can be character building and promote resilience. It helps if it is a T square then there is a specific focus for the ‘grit in the oyster’ to lead to a positive outcome. But only if effort is applied.

    • Is the arc of a square which you consider significant? What is the difference of influence between an arc of 0 to 3 vs. one that is 8 to 10?

  5. Hi Marjorie

    Farmers are protesting Indian government. Many famers are camping in the cold bitter winter to protest new laws that will take away protections in place for decades to ensure farmers get a minimum price for their crop. (Funnily enough these are the same exact same protections mid Western farmers in the US demand!)

    It is suspected that the primary reason for this is that Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani want to enter the agri-business and as their chief enabler of constructing a Bezos-like monopoly in India, Modi is passing these laws. You may recognize Adam I’d name as the person trying to mine coal in Australia in indigenous lands.

    Would you be kind enough to look at the charts of these individuals (Ambani, Modi) to see how much havoc they will wreak on these policies that have kept India’s self sufficient in grain for decades since independence? The greed is really breathtaking. Do the farmers stand a chance?

  6. LOVE your blog! Thank you for doing it.

    I do have a question. Sometimes you say or imply that a square aspect is positive, and sometimes you say it’s negative.

    What makes a square aspect positive or negative?

    Thank you so much!!

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