9 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her cancer has returned. Obviously hoping for the best for her. Would be such a loss to the supreme court, especially if Trump tries to nominate another person in (hopefully) his last few months as president. March 15, 1933, Brooklyn, New York.

  2. Marjorie

    Are there any significant transits in 2020s astrology about the health/break up of the UK? I recall you mentioning the last triple Capricorn conjunction of the outer planets in 1285 had resonances for English/Welsh/Scots history.

  3. It came across my news feed today that conservative U.S. pundit Ann Coulter has appeared to endorse the Democrat running against Mitch McConnell. Would be interesting to see some commentary about her chart—she has Saturn at 27 Capricorn, which makes aspect to the U.S. Sibly chart, so in the thick of the current Saturn/Pluto drama. Also, she is in the throes of her 2nd Saturn return. Seems Saturn may have reality-checked her?


  4. Does anyone know why Ophiuchus (the thirteenth zodiac sign??) and Sagittarius (which has apparently been demoted) are trending on twitter today?

    • Found an article published 2011 in Time magazine about it ruling from November 19 to December 17. So demoting both Scorpio and Sagittarius but clearly that hasn’t taken off cause we in 2020 and its not officially used and no one talking about it. Who decides these things and why?

    • A very hoary old chestnut dragged out every so often by the supposedly ‘scientific’ lobby who have utterly no understanding and can’t be bothered to learn how astrology works.

    • Neowise? It is stunning, get a look of it if you can. I have no idea of it’s astrological significance, but no doubt ancient astrologers would have found it very significant. Then again, I wonder what the ancients would’ve also made of the ISS gliding rapidly across the sky or Musk’s Starlink satellites that were so visible. It’s not just the “Gods” in the sky now, but the visible mark of humanity – which reminded me of Marjorie’s recent Aquarius post

  5. It would be interesting to see a quick rundown of Tammy Duckworth, 12 March 1968 Bangkok (not sure of time) as she has been newsworthy of late and is possibly on the list of potential VP candidates for the US election.

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