15 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Firstly, big fan. Secondly, your summaries predict a pretty lackluster 2020 for the remaining Dems – with Buttigieg the least bad. What do you think this means and is there any hope for anti-Trumpers. And, yes, I do note that 2020 isn’t so great for him either. Thanks.

  2. The Coronavirus has now begun to dominate news headlines, with several Chinese cities now reported as being under lockdown and new or suspected cases turning up in US, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan. The latest updates on this potential pandemic are that the virus has mutated and the death rate has crept up to 2%. This is the same as the 1918 Spanish Flu which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Looking at current transits, I do not see similarities with those of the 1918 pandemic – which began just after Jupiter and Venus were conjunct Pluto in Cancer – other than Chiron in Aries. Normally I would expect a chart showing a planetary conjunction with Algol or Neptune playing a key role. What do you think, Marjorie? Is this influenza something we should be concerned about or is this being blown out of proportion?

    • I’ve been puzzling over the astrology. The 1918/19 Spanish flu happened on the back of a Saturn Neptune conjunction which is associated with epidemics. But nothing similar now . Even the China chart is fairly blank apart from Progressed Moon conjunct the 7th house Pluto (Mars) which will pass by within a few weeks. Will ponder further but not much to say at the moment astro-wise.

  3. Gotta wonder about the synastry between Hillary Clinton and Tulsi Gabbard. The latter has filed a $100 million defamation lawsuit against H., who called Gabbard a “Russian plant.” Whoa! It’s gonna get down and dirty. H. has also recently stuck it to Bernie Sanders. A double Scorpio, she’s obviously struggling with letting go.

  4. Hello Marjorie,

    I’ve just read a fascinating article on Jon Peters, who lived with Barbra Streisand for a tumultuous 12 years. He has now married Pamela Stephenson, who was recently hanging out with Julian Assange.
    Would love to learn the astrology of the Peters/Streisand hookup in particular, as well as the new marriage.
    His life is beyond extraordinary.
    Make a change from all this other stuff!

    Many thanks if you do, and for all you have written.
    All best,

  5. Following up on Prestine’s post, Elizabeth Warren (along with Amy Klobuchar) has been endorsed by The New York Times. That’s quite significant, I think. Another prominent, well-respected astrologer points to Warren’s “strong” chart, predicting that she will go the distance and become Madame President. I believe you once said that her prospects were dim and that she might even drop out before the start of 2020. Could you possibly take another look at her chances/chart? I like her platform and spunk….think she’d make an excellent prez.

  6. Marjorie,

    I actually have a more important request. Would you mind giving us an astrological update on Obamacare?

    Today, we had some dreadful news, the U.S. Supreme Court announced they will be delaying their decision regarding the pending lawsuits against Obamacare.

    This is obviously a tactic to help the Republicans. They know if they vote to strike down Obamacare, the Republicans will lose horribly this November. However, by delaying it, there is the awful possibility Trump could get reelected and then they could strike it down without worrying about the consequences.

    Any insights you could provide on this destressing matter would be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you so much for your daily posts.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville FL, U.S.

  7. Considering Lawrence Fox’s age, I wonder what impact uranus, Co. I g up opposing his natal Ur is having on his current outbursts.

  8. Marjorie,

    It’s just been announced that Hulu has just made a documentary about Hillary Clinton and they will be releasing it on March 6th (during Women’s History Month). #HillaryOnHulu has been trending on Twitter.

    The documentary is titled “Hillary” and they interview Hillary Clinton herself as President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and other people who know her personally.

    Apparently, the documentary covers Hillary Clinton’s long history in politics, her social activism, and her personal family history. Clips from archive footage will be shown as well.

    I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing a post about this.

    It appears Hillary Clinton has been all the rave lately and I was wondering if you had any astrological insights as to what to how things might be looking for her this year. Is Hillary headed for a celebrity status? Also, I noticed Hillary appears to be more open about her life story than she was in th past.

    Anyway, I’m a Hulu subscriber so I will definitely watch this documentary when it’s released. Hillary Clinton has lived an amazing and interesting life.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

  9. I find it interesting and hopeful that Trump, his “quills” and Barr all have bad aspects during Feb through April, which coincides with the end of the impeachment trial. What does McConnell’s chart look like for those months?

  10. Today is Buttigieg’s Solar Return it seems. I saw this quote from another astrologer that’s quite interesting. I’m curious as to your thoughts Marjorie; and anyone else who wish to opine.

    “Wow, Pete Buttigieg’s Inauguration Day Solar Return chart is very, very interesting. The Sun is exactly conjunct the Ascendant, making the year all about him. Being himself to the utmost fullest.

    The Capricorn Ascendant itself shows a certain degree of poise and ambition, maybe even status or an increase in status.

    The Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn will take place in the first house, along with Mercury, which I take to be a symbol of good luck, or at least great power.”

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