9 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie

    I’m really curious and wonder whether you could take a look at the chart of Wendy Williams, US talk show host notorious for her scathing comments/opinions about celebrities. The talk show host everyone loves to hate. She has been going through a lot, and not good, lately especially in the last couple of years and because of her reputation, she gets some sympathy but mostly not. Most are asking will she come out the other end of all this in tact or continue to ‘go down in flames’. Born July 18, 1964 at 9.30pm, New Jersey.

    Thanks for your time

  2. Hi Marjorie,
    I often wonder why music was so wonderful in the 1960s up to the early 1980s and was wondering as
    Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo in the 1960s along with Jupiter for a while and then Uranus and Pluto
    were in Libra and had added help from Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo then both of the latter in Libra would this have any effect?
    One thinks of the Beatles/Stones and then disco and Abba in these various times.
    So thought I’d ask! Thank you if you look into!!

    • Hi Norman
      Maybe it’s the Neptune in Virgo and Libra generations coming to maturity in those years? Lennon/McCartney, Dylan, Hendrix, Marley, Wonder, Bowie, Bolan, Lou Reed, and many more reaching their creative years, sparked by the transits you referred to…?

  3. Today’s article on Reuters – “Britain has the option of using martial law to quell civil disorder that might ensue under a no-deal Brexit, but that is not the focus of the government’s attention, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on Sunday.

    The Sunday Times cited unnamed officials as saying the government had been examining the powers at its disposal if a no-deal Brexit resulted in civil disobedience, including martial law, curfews, and the use of the army to quell rioting.”


    My god, has it come to this?

    • Worst case scenarios that I guess all Governments have to consider in major events like this. I think it’s just the way the media is stoking the fire …… I am no expert and I might be too much of an optimist but I really don’t get the feeling or sense that it will come to that. I may be completely wrong of course

  4. Marjorie,

    there are rumblings that Bernie Sanders is about to announce his run for the presidency for 2020 soon. I’m a Democrat but I’m NOT a Bernie Sanders fan by any stretch. I’m just curious if you had any insights about Sanders’s prospects for 2020.

    I’m actually supporting Kamala Harris and I hope she wins the primaries next year.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

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