4 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie, I see in the UK Independent newspaper today that government plans to stockpile food in case of a no-deal brexit have been scuppered because all available storage space for frozen and chilled food has been taken. Where has all this storage space gone? An enquiry set up by MPs has been informed that Amazon are rumoured to have snapped up all available space in the run-up to their entry into the food market during the next few months. At present, a veil of secrecy appears to hang over this issue, with only rumours and gossip to support this idea. There are concerns that food stockpiling will drive up prices. I was wondering if this potential ‘hoarding’ scenario – for the UK, at any rate – might be portrayed by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020? With Ceres involved, as well as the Sun and Mercury – could issues surrounding the control of foodstuffs play a central role? How do the transits of the 2020 conjunction impact Amazon’s chart? Especially in relation to we, the people? Just a thought.

  2. Hello Marjorie,

    Curious if you have thoughts on the Casey Anthony murder trial. I read her Father George was in a terrible accident today here in the U.S. Then I read that he’d sexually abused his daughter. As you remember, Casey’s three year old daughter was murdered, in a case that fascinated the nation. She was found guilty. I am confused by the whole thing. Yet many women thought she did it.

  3. Hi, can you see if Taylor swift’s recording contract this week to Universal Music will be a productive marriage? One of her clauses states that UM must agree to, “share any gains from a future sale of Spotify with ALL its artists, not just those whose accounts are in the black. It’s a major victory that closes a loophole that let Universal promise to give money to artists without ever doing so, and still reaping the PR benefits.” Regarding Spotify, in the past she removed her music from its platform, stating they didn’t pay their artists well or give them enough control over their content and wouldn’t put her music back up until they reconsidered – a battle she won. This wasn’t just about her – she was also fighting for other artists (of which she got a lot of criticism, ironically, from many of them for her stance). It seems for all the drama that follows this woman regarding her love life and celebrity spats (of which i’m sure if she were a man, wouldn’t get half as much slating), she’s actually very smart and is out there fighting for others against some of the biggest kingpins on the planet and forcing them publicly to take a stand of integrity in their dealings. I wouldn’t be surprised if later in life she has her own label, looking out for other artists.

  4. Hello Marjorie

    Do you have any thoughts on the astrology of 2019? I’m thinking in particular of the the eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn, in proximity to the already heavy influences in the latter sign especially. Thanks for your good work,

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