10 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie, Have you taken a look at Nigel Farage’s chart lately? He seems to be a major troublemaker and if I remember was the genesis of the whole brexit conversation and resulting mess. He has kept popping up with trump, assange, bannon etal connections and seems to be fomenting this anti immigrant meme. My hope is that his nefarious influence is waning. During the trump election he was popping across the pond often. I wonder if he’s somehow involved in Trump’s Russia scandal?

  2. Hi Marjorie

    China has built dams on the Mekong and the Brahmaputra. It can now cut off or reduce water to farmers in Cambodia, Vietnam, India and Bangladesh. All its actions are bullying and military. With the rise of Xi as absolute monarch, for lack of a better word, and a nation ready to march to his whim – this seems even more terrifying. You mentioned in an earlier post that there are dangerous war-like aspects in 2019/2020 with India.

    But in all of this, we’ve forgotten Tibet. Could you perhaps also take a look at Tibet or the Dalai Lama?


  3. While touring England, “U.S. President Donald Trump said he intends to run for re-election in 2020 because “everybody wants me to” and there are no Democratic candidates who could defeat him…”

    I suppose this announcement makes it official…but we’ll see. Gods help us if he really runs…and wins yet again.

  4. Marjorie, please would you look at Lewis Hamilton’s chart, not so much to see if he retains the World Championship, as to where he is in his life. There seems to be some sort of shift.
    Many thanks, as always, for your great work.

  5. Matthew Parris quoted H L Mencken – on July 26, 1920 the greatest columnist in the history of English language journalism wrote this in The Baltimore Sun: “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

  6. Wow! What an insane past few days! What, in Trump’s and the Republican Party’s charts (especially McConnell) makes them so open to undermining their own country? The brazenness! Will they get away with their Russian (and other) shady deals? Will there be any real consequences?

    And to those overseas: sorry for our president. The majority of Americans did not elect him!

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