4 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. I was extremely surprised to read your analysis of Ted Cruz”s chart as I assume you have given him a libra ascendant.Could it be possible that his time of birth is wrong? Libra’s although usually rather cold people do have some charm and are at least good looking or at least pleasent in appearance. Cruz has neither and it’s clear why he is so disliked. Hopefully my question can be answered. thank you.

  2. TOP, Progressed Moon through the 10th usually heightens your ambitions at work and out in the world for two to two and a half years depending the size of your 10th house. The North Node in your 10th points to career being a significant factor in your life since it makes you strive to make a mark of some sort. But North Nodes can be under-developed since it takes an effort to release their potential.
    I would imagine Prog Moon on the Node here might bring a moment of enlightenment in which you realise what you really need to be doing to fulfil your destiny in finding the right purposeful vocation that suits your talents. It will be subtle so don’t expect neon lights to flash on.
    The Cancer North Node also suggests a need to reach out and be helpful at work – more mothering and nurturing to others – and less concerned about personal ego-centred ambition. i.e. not to slide back into the Capricorn South Node which tends to be proud and rather standoffish.

    Tr Uranus moving through the first is always a time of rebellion when you want to step out as yourself and hang everyone else’s reaction. When it opposes Saturn it brings tensions out into the open, sometimes in a crockery-flying eruption. The old restrictions won’t be tolerable anymore. With Saturn in the 7th close relationships tend to involve work or too much duty so maybe you’ll be kicking out against that in some way. Even if it’s only an internal conflict, you’ll be telling yourself smartly not to be so rigid about your obligations in relationships.

  3. Hello,

    Do you have any information about progressed Moon conj. North Node (10th house cancer) or Uranus opposite Saturn (1st house transits)? Most of your archive writings can’t be found, so I have no material to compare.


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