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9 thoughts on “Questions & Comments”
Hi Marjorie,
I saw the trailer for Terrence Malick’s “Voyage of Time” and although brief it looks astonishing.
It will be released on October 7 next here in the U.S. Narration by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett
and TM is teaming up with San Glass who provided special effects to The Matrix Trilogy of films
and Douglas Trumbull who provided special effects for 2001 A Space Odyssey/Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Blade Runner
which were all ground breaking works. The Original Score will be provided by Ennio Morricone who last worked with TM
on 1978’s Days of Heaven. TM is notably JD Salinger like reclusive, has other Projects in the works
and was born on November 30 1943 in Ottawa, Illinois.
What do you make of this Project? Thank you if you look into.
All the best, Michael
What do you see on August 23rd when Mars and Saturn are conjunct at 9 degrees Sag? A Vedic astrologer had this to say:
She said Aug 23 big crises worldwide to change direction of election and world, catastrophic, truth comes out, questions if there will even be an election this fall. I think she also said a worldwide tragedy at New Years.
Michael Heseltine really had a go at Boris Johnson on BBC News earlier, what does MH and indeed John Major feel like at moment
and what are there Transits looking like? MH born on 21 March 1933 in Swansea, JM born on 29 March 1943 in Carshalton.
Thank you if you look into, always liked both.
Hello Marjorie,
Thank you for interesting response and time you give.
Mary Jane Seacole, nee Grant, I understand to be born 23rd November 1805. Kingston, Jamaica. Died 14th May 1881, Paddington London 1881. Scottish and African descent. Who set up British Hospital in Crimean war. Nationality British.
A very brave caring woman.
A statue in her honour has been unveiled.
Is it possible for her chart to be considered?
With thanks and appreciation.
Kind regards,
Marjorie, you didn’t mention Theresa May, what are her chances ?
Hi Marjorie, could you look at the potential trading relationships with both India (I believe India is going to be a super-power in the not too distance future) and New Zealand. Today in the Telegraph, New Zealand have announced that they would like to offer the UK by giving it’s top negotiators for a post-Brexit deal. As quoted:
“New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.
The Telegraph understands that the Commonwealth country has made an offer to loan staff to the British civil service, which has few trade negotiators of its own.
Wellington’s olive branch came alongside an offer to discuss a trade agreement with the UK, which would help Britain get out of the starting blocks and begin replacing the trade access lost as a result of the Brexit vote.”
Jo 🙂
Jaqueline, I had done her in previous post but thought the election would be later at that point. Have added a paragraph. She’s certainly in with a shout.
The surprises keep on coming in UK politics, don’t they? While Corbyn proves intractable, Gove apparently changes his mind about not wanting to be leader after the so-called ‘leak’ from his wife, and now Mr. Blond Ambition himself, Boris is pulling out of the leadership contest. It’s all very odd.
LM, It is – in a different way – very like the time around Princess Diana’s death. The country seems to have lost its marbles altogether.
Hi Marjorie,
I saw the trailer for Terrence Malick’s “Voyage of Time” and although brief it looks astonishing.
It will be released on October 7 next here in the U.S. Narration by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett
and TM is teaming up with San Glass who provided special effects to The Matrix Trilogy of films
and Douglas Trumbull who provided special effects for 2001 A Space Odyssey/Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Blade Runner
which were all ground breaking works. The Original Score will be provided by Ennio Morricone who last worked with TM
on 1978’s Days of Heaven. TM is notably JD Salinger like reclusive, has other Projects in the works
and was born on November 30 1943 in Ottawa, Illinois.
What do you make of this Project? Thank you if you look into.
All the best, Michael
What do you see on August 23rd when Mars and Saturn are conjunct at 9 degrees Sag? A Vedic astrologer had this to say:
She said Aug 23 big crises worldwide to change direction of election and world, catastrophic, truth comes out, questions if there will even be an election this fall. I think she also said a worldwide tragedy at New Years.
Michael Heseltine really had a go at Boris Johnson on BBC News earlier, what does MH and indeed John Major feel like at moment
and what are there Transits looking like? MH born on 21 March 1933 in Swansea, JM born on 29 March 1943 in Carshalton.
Thank you if you look into, always liked both.
Hello Marjorie,
Thank you for interesting response and time you give.
Mary Jane Seacole, nee Grant, I understand to be born 23rd November 1805. Kingston, Jamaica. Died 14th May 1881, Paddington London 1881. Scottish and African descent. Who set up British Hospital in Crimean war. Nationality British.
A very brave caring woman.
A statue in her honour has been unveiled.
Is it possible for her chart to be considered?
With thanks and appreciation.
Kind regards,
Marjorie, you didn’t mention Theresa May, what are her chances ?
Hi Marjorie, could you look at the potential trading relationships with both India (I believe India is going to be a super-power in the not too distance future) and New Zealand. Today in the Telegraph, New Zealand have announced that they would like to offer the UK by giving it’s top negotiators for a post-Brexit deal. As quoted:
“New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.
The Telegraph understands that the Commonwealth country has made an offer to loan staff to the British civil service, which has few trade negotiators of its own.
Wellington’s olive branch came alongside an offer to discuss a trade agreement with the UK, which would help Britain get out of the starting blocks and begin replacing the trade access lost as a result of the Brexit vote.”
Jo 🙂
Jaqueline, I had done her in previous post but thought the election would be later at that point. Have added a paragraph. She’s certainly in with a shout.
The surprises keep on coming in UK politics, don’t they? While Corbyn proves intractable, Gove apparently changes his mind about not wanting to be leader after the so-called ‘leak’ from his wife, and now Mr. Blond Ambition himself, Boris is pulling out of the leadership contest. It’s all very odd.
LM, It is – in a different way – very like the time around Princess Diana’s death. The country seems to have lost its marbles altogether.