10 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie
    You always include something on harmonics and I found that Astro.com have now included them as options to select but I don’t know how to read them. How do I find out what my strong harmonics are using that website? I am intrigued after reading all that you write about them.
    Many thanks for any steer you can share. Much love for your work. J

  2. Marjorie: Multi-millionaire televangelist Joel Osteen, who lives in a $40 million mansion, has been shamed into opening his mega church in Houston to Harvey evacuees. Initially, he said he would open his church (which seats 17,000) when all other facilities reached capacity. The blowback has been fierce. Osteen is being slammed in the media for his blatant lack of Christian compassion. Finally, under great public pressure, he’s opening his church. Unbelievable how many people are duped by this con man….and others like him. Can you provide an astro profile of Joel Osteen, plus any insights re the impact his deplorable behavior might have on his future in the religion business?

  3. What about when Pluto comes close to crossing a person’s natal Saturn? It came close this year in April and then backtracked. The person in question has it in the 6th house and works very hard. Should it reap many rewards?

    • Tr Pluto on Saturn is a drag usually and rolls on for about 18 months – making do with less, conserving energy and keeping your spirits up are priorities.

  4. Wow, I am now wondering how far ahead do you feel the aspect with these two major players? And whether/how signs matter?

    The chickens are coming home to roost!!!

  5. Hello Marjorie
    With the Saturn + Pluto in Capricorn fast approaching, do you have any thoughts on the political impact, UK, USA and indeed wider afield of this ? The karmic aspect of Saturn, potent in his own sign, that “you get back what you put in” especially in a political context is potentially interesting. Have you written on this in any depth and I’ve missed it? I’m ever hopeful it may catalyse the end of Strangelove Trump and who knows, T May. Cheers, Alex

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