49 thoughts on “Questions and Facts for context

  1. The Canadians online keep referencing the wars of 1775 and 1812 in their current battles with the US, so Canadian identity was formed long before they got dominion status in 1861.

    I wonder if the correct start of Canada is The Royal Proclamation of 1763. It contains the first legal recognition of First Nations rights, as well as incorporating Quebec into British North America, and these threads have continued in Canada ever since.

    Royal Proclamations are only valid when they are published in The Gazette. Though the Royal Proclamation was signed on 7th Oct 1763, it wasn’t published till 11th Oct 1763. Here it is: thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/10356/page/1

    It was sent by post to subscribers, it was not for sale in shops – so time of receipt would be morning – 7 a.m.?

    Anyway, I cast the horoscope for 11th Oct 1763, 7 a.m. London.

    It has 19 Libra 24 rising conjunct the Sun at 17 Libra 43, sextile Moon at 16 Sag 58, and Jupiter at 16 Gem 36 (opposing the Moon and trining the Sun). I think it describes Canada really well – the politeness from Libra and their friendliness from Sag. The trine from Jupiter giving them prosperity and harmony.

    Tension comes from Mars at 11 Virgo squaring the Moon and Jupiter.

    The whole chart is under pressure at the moment from tr Saturn which is squaring the Moon and Jupiter, opposing the Mars and quincunxing the Sun and Ascendant.

  2. It seems that the much-announced Agatha Christie adaptation of Towards Zero with Anjelica Huston finally saw the light of day. There is a brief, 3-minute, interview with Anjelica on the BBC’s website. I looked Anjelica up here on the blog, and it seems that you haven’t written about her. So if she is of any interest, I’d like to see her profile. We have her exact time of birth (even quoted on Wikipedia!). Thank you!

  3. Hello. Question re: big three of sun, moon and ASC placements. If someone has the same lineup as a known public figure, can that celebrity’s experiences be similar to one’s own trajectory irrespective of having different outer planets? Will there be parallels in terms of talents and abilities, perhaps? Sort of having a similar energy pattern-vibe? Thanks.

  4. Something to note during the month of March, would could be something or nothing. Due to the amount of planets bunched into Pisces, early Aquarius and early Aries (with Venus Rx), certain VOC periods will last longer – such as the next one in Leo. But further to that, using the traditional Hellenistic technique, which regards a VOC as continuing into the next sign until it perfects it’s next major aspect – IF the planet it previously aspected is more than 30 degrees away (I hope I’ve explained that well enough).

    These hellenistic VOCs don’t happen too often – a few times a year I think, tops (usually). But this year there are a few just in March alone. So the VOC Moon in Leo on the 10th of March, which will already be long enough, will be drawn out until the 13th March. We’ll then have:

    VOC in Libra/Scorpio 16th – 19th March
    VOC in Pisces/Aries 25th – 27th March
    VOC in Aries/Tau 30th March – 1st April

    Then that’s it until New Year’s Eve

    With the new Trump administratiion making so many rapid changes and so many talks and negotiations going on with Ukraine at the moment, I just though it might be worth bearing these periods in mind. Any thoughts?

    • @Tara, I think the March 10th and 16-19th VOCs might be significant in that March tends to be a big month in Russia’s history. Also, many, if not most, current Kremlin leaders have planets late Libra.

    • “But further to that, using the traditional Hellenistic technique, which regards a VOC as continuing into the next sign until it perfects it’s next major aspect – IF the planet it previously aspected is more than 30 degrees away (I hope I’ve explained that well enough).”

      You might have explained it well, but I have a better question: where do we easily find a Hellenistic VOC ephemeris online? Or elsewhere?

      It is funny that e.g. Vedic doesn’t really believe in VOC. An opposite view.

  5. Dear Marjorie
    Are there indications of UK martial involvement in Ukraine and if so what might transpire? Thank you if you have time to look

  6. Dear Marjorie –
    Thank you for your steadfastly informative, generous site.
    If it interests you, an entry on Dorothy Dunnett would be greatly appreciated.
    25 August, 1923 Dunfermline, Scotland
    Her Lymond Chronicles got me through November & December of last year. Astrology pops up in her novels.
    Many thanks

  7. Something else…Inga Arvad born 6/Oct/1913, former Miss Denmark, journalist, one of few scandinavians to interview Hitler,JFK and her fell in love hard (there were tapes!!), suspected spy for Nazis during WW3, filmwriter for MGM, engaged to Brit MP…is there nothing this Libra girl could not do?

  8. New era, not much change.

    Today I read in The Daily Mail that Sir Lindsay Hoyle’s expenses reveal he blew more than £180,000 (€218,000 or $228,000 with today’s rates) of taxpayers’ cash on flights in two years.


    “Absolutely disgraceful. Trough”

    “How utterly ridiculous. How many other speakers from other countries have racked up similar obscene levels of expenses? In 2 years. I’ll tell you. None.”

    “All of parliaments inhabitants, be it Westminster or devolved circuses treat the population like fools. It is time that it is stopped.”

  9. Marjorie,

    As an experienced astrologer, human, someone who is well-versed in therapy, after all these years of interaction with humans, can you offer some insights into hypocrisy and how to deal with it?

  10. Personally know and noticed so many couples/families split up after last child born of/to relationship is a Pisces. Five couples off the top my head. Sometimes the breakup of the union after the birth of the Pisces child is intense-violence or drama involved. I know Pisces can be obviously about endings. Has anyone else noticed this as a pattern amongst people you know? Thanks.

    • I’ve observed Pisces to be overly-dramatic, do-or-die lash-outs. Flip coin is that they spend far too much time rescuing those who are better off left alone.

      • That was my Piscean mother when she was younger, larry! Love her dearly, but she couldn’t stop rescuing really quite dreadful people who would then treat her badly. However, she did eventually realise the futility of it and moved on to rescuing cats, a far more healthy pursuit.

    • @ Amelia Pettyfor
      Can it be connected with the time of conception, they would be conceived during the summer, holiday time, perhaps not planned or conceived during a relaxed phase during a relationship.

      • Hi. Possibly. I’m thinking these relationships were Neptunian in nature and folks couldn’t see the reality. With one couple, both were drug addicted and then they broke up almost immediately after the birth of their Pisces daughter. The mother became sober but the father sadly overdosed.

        • @Amelia Pettyfor, your observation is a very interesting notion to contemplate. After reading that and thinking about all the Pisces I have or had in my family they actually are/were the last child, in my instance all females, and yes the relationship of their parents ended.

          Interesting idea for sure!! Now makes me really curious about others I may know as such but not know their dynamic.

  11. In the State visit post, the Queen-Donald Trump composite chart has a planet on the midheaven. It’s little upward sticks with a tail. It is at 28 Aquarius. I’ve tried finding that symbol but haven’t seen it. What is that planet? Thanks for the information.

  12. Was it ever discussed about how Trump and Canada would mix in an annexation? I read again the recent Canada posting…sure, there are twisted nerves but nothing popped out regarding a Trump takeover of Canada, same manner as Russia stole Crimea.

    Or…do I need a new reading prescription?


    • I really hope that does not happen. He thinks himself a king, but Canada already has a king. I may go live in King Charles dominion if I have to deal with Kings. The Gaza video showed him all in Gold. If he knew anything about the bible at all he would know it was like the Golden Calf. Crazy times here in the USA.

    • I’ve asked Marjorie about this on my plans to leave the US and move to France and/or Germany. Germany was not as upbeat and supportive yet France was way better, still not without hiccups. I speak both languages but the larger disruption now might be my age.

  13. Dear Marjorie, I wonder whether you could write a piece on Friedrich Merz. I have heard only two or three speeches from him and he strikes me as having more substance than either Messrs Trump, Starmer and Macron.

    • Merz is arranging for German car manufacturers to start building tanks instead of cars. So it could be quite interesting for Marjorie to give her take on him.

  14. Much ado about the asset value of the “mineral reserves” in Ukraine. In context, the original surveys were performed by the Soviet Union. Long ago.

    The Sovs never developed the assets.

    Point to consider: what if those locations are all bogus? And…there really are no such assets? Maybe just…old car battery dumps?

    This is in response to another’s posting about Venus retrograde.

    • @larryc, this would be funny. That said, Zelensky’s father is a computer scientist who used work in mining industry. In fact, I think pretty much his whole family is somehow involved in this, given they have been in Kryvyi Rih, an iron orw mining town, for generations. I would say he’d been much more relaxed if he suspected the calculations were off and he knew they were to gain by getting an over evaluated offer.


    I realize everyone is overwrought but please remember this is NOT a political chat site. It is astrology or background facts only.

    Your opinions may be important to you but they are not necessarily of interest to others.

  16. Venus, a planet of diplomacy, is retro. Doesn’t bode well for a peace deal. Here’s a quick overview of the don’ts:

    [*] Avoid Major Decisions: “decisions made now might be regretted later”.

    [*] Steer Clear of New Relationships: “The energy is more suited for reflection and reassessment rather than new beginnings.”

    [*] Avoid Major Purchases: “Hold off on making major purchases, especially those related to beauty or aesthetics. You might find that your tastes or preferences change once Venus goes direct.”

    [*] Skip Cosmetic Procedures: “Avoid getting any significant cosmetic procedures done. The results might not be as you expect, and you could end up regretting them.”

    [*] Don’t Rush into Commitments: “Be cautious about making any formal commitments, such as engagements or marriages. The energy of Venus retrograde can cloud your judgment, leading to decisions that may not stand the test of time.”

      • I don’t think so. I never really found an explanation about retrograde natal planets I like and that I could remember. I think there was something somewhere around here not to long ago when we discussed it, but I forgot.

        Also remember that a retrograde can become direct through progressions.

      • O. K., Jennifer, I turned to Vedic astrologers, and found at least a part of an explanation.

        Retrograde Venus, and Venus is a planet of marriage, can result in unusual alliances, an unconventional view of alliances or when in relationships, not knowing how to express love well.

        Venus is also a planet of femininity – when retrograde, women don’t know how to express their feminine side. They can become overtly masculine or forget to dress feminine and be feminine.

        A dangerous thing is to hunt for homosexuality in a chart, but as I understood, a retrograde Venus can be found in such male charts, because they want something different from their relationships and the concept of women in their life is different.

        Venus rules the water element, and the human body is composed of over 85% water. Water is emotions, taste, happiness and peace – retrograde Venus can create problems with all these. The sacral, swadhishthana, chakra can also be blocked.

        • I also wonder if how we were shown love from birth is a factor in ‘not knowing how to express love well’? I thought a baby’s default setting at birth is love, so the Venus R would have had to unlearn it? Another train of thought is that if Venus expresses love outwardly to others, somehow Venus R was necessary for the native to learn how to love inwardly him/herself. Hmm….!. Interesting, and you’re right that there isn’t much out there.

          • It’s good if it’s just a train of thought. I’d be very wary of trying to psychoengineer a child based on his or her birth chart. I might try to find it if I get the inspiration and time, but I know that a birth chart of a newborn or a small child (2 years) was a special service offered by one student of Hamaker’s. It is a very tricky and sensitive area. I also think I saw that the mother–daughter relationship was another category, service, and I think it was a two- or maybe three-times appointment. That’s how complex it was to decipher. And it was obviously a bit pricey.

            You need a real master in astrology to do it, if you want it done right, but also a person who is a supreme knower of human psychology and a benevolent, kind being.

          • It was more around the train of thought that says we choose to be born when we do and our chart shows us what we are here to work on. Almost as if whilst we are free to choose the method and timing , certain aspects give us the themes we are here to work on.

          • El Aznar, Not sure why reading a baby’s birth chart is psycho engineering. The virtue of it is to give the parent a sense of the child’s personality thereby hopefully helping the parent to allow him/her to unfold as an individual – not as the parent wants or thinks they should be.
            It can also be very helpful to do mother child chemistry since it can flag up where personality differences could cause problems. And some of these can be random chance – one has a Fire Moon the other has a Water Moon for example. As well as the parent handing on generational patterns on the child.

          • What I think the problem there is, Marjorie, and I think you’ve had questions here from mothers who saw “scary” aspectes in their child’s chart and were freaked out about it, that you never really fully know how an aspect might manifest. For example, I seem to recall a mother here, and maybe my memory is playing tricks with me, who saw a red-flag Moon–Pluto aspect in her child’s chart and feared her child would see her as frightful, or something like that. Which she didn’t want to be.

            But then I think that if you try to plug one hole, you might open seven new ones.

            There is something missing that we cannot seem to grasp and which can end up with unforeseen consequences, and of the worse kind.

            In a way it reminds me of those parents who try to engineer a child prodigy, such as e.g. that story of those two sisters from the UK who the father tried to make genius mathematicians (and one ended up being one and is now a professor in Israel), but he created so much damage in the process. Not every case is so pronounced, but there is a risk.

            This also reminds me of when people seek to see a synastry immediately after meeting someone or seeing it for a prospective partner. Somewhere I once read an opinion, and I think I agree, that first you need to give it some time for the dynamics to develop, and then go and see someone to explain them to you and see what can be done about it.

          • EA, I am not sure what the problem is. If the child has ‘scary’ aspects and the mother wants to know how to handle it – it could (hopefully) bring some self-awareness on her part. Moon Pluto – she’s too possessive/controlling of which she may be unaware. Moon Saturn – she’s too detached presumably because of her own childhood experience of mother. Moon Mars – she blocks her child’s assertiveness and anger. All aspects are on a spectrum but that does not mean there will not be a nugget of truth about the sign/aspect involved.

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