Queen Camilla recovering from a recent bout of pneumonia still appears to have a busy schedule of state dinners and book club jaunts. She has had a punishing year with her husband King Charles’ cancer diagnosis and treatment as well as the Princess of Wales – and is known for not finding overseas visits especially to hot countries easy. So the recent down-under one will have taken its toll.
Born 17 July 1947 7.10 am (biography) London, she has a happy-behind-the-scenes 12th house Cancer Sun and Moon Venus in Cancer as well. She was born at the time of the formidably tough Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo which sits on her Ascendant on the midpoint of a showy Mars trine Neptune. Jupiter in Scorpio in her 4th points to a happy upbringing and focus on a contented family life.
Her Solar Arc Sun has been conjunct her Neptune through recent months and continuing on for another six months – which will make her less energetic than usual. Tr Pluto has been moving through her 6th house of health for more than a decade and exits within a year or so which may help to lift pressure from her on the minor ailment front.
She clearly makes Charles happy which is not surprising with her Jupiter conjunct his 4th house Sun and her Sun, Moon, Venus in his 12th giving him discreet support.
Their relationship chart has an easy going, supportive composite Moon opposition Jupiter – and an encouraging, morale-boosting composite Pluto trine Jupiter. But it will have its fractious moments with the composite Sun Mercury opposing Mars and the Sun being square Uranus. A busy schedule with separate houses will help to soak up the Mars and provide space from each other.
Her Chiron falls in his 4th house conjunct his South Node and his Chiron falls in her 4th house conjunct her South Node. I have absolutely no idea how to interpret that – well the 4th house makes sense of healing old childhood wounds and bringing domestic stability. But the South Node? Hmm.
Melanie Rhinehart suggests that in an individual’s chart Chiron on either Node suggests a strong vocational interest. So maybe in a relationship it means that each supports the other in their career and purpose in life.
Chiron on SN suggests to me each would help the other to release toxic emotions linked to their family status, psychological roots and aristocratic upbringing. I suppose humor would help. And real love.
Here’s a coincidence: both Queen Camilla and Princess Catherine have Saturn-Pluto conjunctions. Kate’s is in Libra (Saturn 22 Libra, Pluto 27 Libra).
There are 3 indicators for pneumonia, named after microbiologists, Avery,
Pasteur and Sternberga, who studied the malady. Here is Queen Camilla’s
biwheel for her pneumonia.