Putin is issuing threats about being at war with the UK, USA and NATO if Ukraine is allowed to use UK-made Storm Shadow missiles against targets across the border in Russia. Keir Starmer and Joe Biden are holding talks today in the White House with concerns about Moscow escalating the conflict by buying ballistic missiles from Iran. It could be a pivotal moment in the conflict though US analysts have expressed concern that any additional challenges could lead to Russia using tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield.
Relations between the UK and Russia do look strained ahead. With the Russia 8 December 1991 chart, there will be insecurity/high anxiety late this November to mid December and again mid March 2025 into April with tr Uranus square the composite Mars. With the composite Sun being squared by both tr Neptune and tr Saturn – exactly now and on and off till early 2026. With the Russia 8 November 1917 chart there will be similarly uncertain relations. But it will be 2026/27/28 which are the peak stress times with the composite yod of Pluto sextile Jupiter Mars inconjunct Mercury being triggered by tr Uranus opposition the focal point Mercury from 2026, tr Pluto square the Pluto also and in 2027 tr Neptune square the Jupiter.
If Putin’s 1952 birthdate is sound then the Starmer/Putin relationship will be aggravated now with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars into 2025, in turmoil mid 2025 onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto and in a general muddle with rising suspicion and evasion with tr Pluto square the Neptune Venus now till late 2026. The Lunar Eclipse this month, next March and the Solar Eclipse next September will all impact their composite Sun hinting at an ongoing disagreement.
The USA/Russia 1991 chart is similarly afflicted through these eclipses ahead with the composite Sun opposition Uranus square Pluto not only being triggered by eclipses but also undermined by tr Neptune Nep[tune in hard aspect. With 2026/27 being high tension times as well with tr Uranus square the composite Venus.
The NATO/Russia 1991 relationship chart also has a composite Mars in late Virgo, catching all these eclipses across the next eighteen months. With the NATO chart being keyed up by tr Uranus square the Sun from mid 2025 on into 2026.
This upcoming Lunar Eclipse on 18 September located to Moscow has a successful, confident Jupiter on the Midheaven, though with an evasive Sun Neptune in the 7th.
Keir Starmer’s government chart located to Kiev, Ukraine puts Pluto on his IC which is stuck, boxed on and frustrated so not an area where he feels he is winning.
So finally someone who can barracks….as an Indian v have news of many indian immigrants in Russia tortured to enter Ukraine to fight for Russia…they r starved in ice cold weather …it’s getting huge money to bribe Russians and huge govt submissions n freebies to get those back to India..so clearly Russia doesn’t have enough soldiers to fight but if Trump wins then zelensky is gone n war is over ..so lot depends on us elections for Russia than its own chart..:-)
Re the upcoming Lunar Eclipse – it might be worth noting that this eclipse occurs against the backdrop of the constellation of the winged horse, Pegasus. Tr Neptune, ‘father’ of Pegasus, with Algol the Medusa, is already spending much time aligned with Scheat in Pegasus. Alpha Pegasus is Markab, 23 Pisces. Alongside are Sadalbari, 24 Pisces, and Matar 25 Pisces. Scheat is associated with accidents at sea, and also plane crashes – perhaps because of the symbolism of Bellerophon, the rider of Pegasus who fell to earth while the horse continued soaring upwards. Airborne missiles and drones seem to catch this symbolism to me.
Here’s a few meanings for Markab, and the Pegasus constellation:
Influences: According to Ptolemy the bright stars are like Mars and Mercury. The constellation gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and bad judgment. [Robson, p.56.]
The constellation portends events concerning ships and the ocean and also changes in the weather. In medieval times it was said to indicate vain individuals with a great deal of ambition, but with very poor judgment. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.]
It has a Mercury-Mars nature. Tradition has it that, in conjunction with Mars, Uranus or Saturn, this will bring dangers from fire, weapons or explosions. Tied up with propitious stellar bodies, Markeb is said to influence above all the spiritual and mental nature, to give a good head for figures, intellectual alertness, mental powers in general and last but not least, the ability to further propaganda activity, if at the same time relevant aspects are also present. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.81.]
It’s possible that the eclipse will resonate with some of the meanings of this constellation. Or is already releasing those meanings, since we’re almost there.
I’m obvs a fan of astrology and have seen it work. But I know of so many astrologers who were convinced Russia was on the verge of collapse -since around 2017. I also read a politico who has some time of algorithm regarding the economy, possibility of unrest, etc. and was convinced that end was nigh around that same time. Some entity must be propping Russia up and not just their local mafia. I think it was McCain who said it’s a mob operation essentially. But, not a single astro prediction has ever come true. I mean no disrespect at all. There must be something bigger at play, IMO.
@Aim, it seems many are too attached to the US sense of 2-year-electoral cycles as the measure of political change. In Russia, things seem to be the same until they really aren’t. Happened in 1917, happened in the late 1980’s.
It’s also a question of what one is looking at. I honestly don’t like ANY of the Russia charts for predictive purposes (although I must say Patrushev’s chart ties to October Revolution are intriguing, but that’s more of a synastry interpretation…). These work the best for relatively modern, relatively democratic entities. They do not work for political entities that have several founding dates. I’m also of an opinion Putin’s birthdate might be fake (not to the point of him being a disappeared son of Caucasian peasant woman, but I think he might be son of his mother’s villager relatives relatively well to do city couple who’d lost their child took in), so not much help there.
But if we are looking at certain astrological influences, then there are patterns. André mentioned Saturn-Neptune conjunction, I’d add Capricorn-Cancer Pluto cycle. And for rulers/tyrants of Russia, March not being a good month.
July 2025
I think Putin will be done in by the Saturn-Neptune conjunction of 2025-26. Such conjunctions have long had a major impact on Russian history. They last took place at the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the death of Stalin in 1953 and the fall of the Berlin wall which brought the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the independence of Ukraine in 1991. They have signaled regime change in Russia.
This is not to say Russia will not be a major concern afterwards. I read recently a book about the often-forgotten Russian civil war that followed World War One. It killed millions in a savage and barbarous period. The British, American, French (even Canadian) forces intervened on Russian soil. Surprisingly, one of the strongest fighting units in Russia against Trotsky’s Red Army was the newly minted Czech army, which almost saved czar Nicholas II and his family from execution.
I hope this does not happen again in our time.
@André, I think the astrology is right on Putin.
There was a long form article about power struggle in Kremlin at a Finnish newspaper “Ilta-Sanomat” a couple of weeks ago. While in tabloid format, they used to have a formidable Moscow correspondent who left the country well before the 2022 attack to Ukraine, but who continues to have connections, so I think the sources are solid.
According to the article, while Putin has been visiting the few friendly countries remaining, he is very invisible in day-to-day operations in Kremlin. Kremlin is ran by Nikolai Patrushev, an ex-KGB hardliner some may remember from the great “Ditto Heads” post. Patrushev has pushed his son Dmitry (13th October 1977) to a deputy prime minister role. However, he is opposed by another KGB silovik, Sergey Chemezov, who is the head of Rostec, a state owned military industry conglomerate. In addition, it seems Putin and Patrushev have taken steps in undermining the power of FSB, lead by Alexander Bortnikov. FSB has failed (possibly intentionally) in detecting several ISIS operations in the past few months. It’s said Putin might want his ex-body guard Aleksey Dyumin (28th August 1972) to replace Bortnikov.
Therefore, it’s safe to say he situation is far from stable, but it still seems to be in realm of “palace intrigue”. To put it in historic terms, it all looks far more like 1906 than 1916, yet to say 1917. We’ve yet to see Russian Army openly defying orders in scale that would lead to a military coup, which was the case in 1917.
I recently listened to a podcast on one of the most overlooked events of 1917, mutiny of the Imperial Russian Baltic Fleet in Helsinki following the February Revolution. The event has always fascinated me, because I have a view to then barracks of the fleet, now Foreign Ministry, from my window, and know there were officers trying to flee and slaughered on the ice trying to reach this side of the shore. What became apparent was how incredibly disillusioned much of even the higher ranks of the Navy were, not to mention crews.
I honestly don’t think Russian Military, for all the dysfunction, has reached those levels yet. Putin has been smart in that sense, he hasn’t mobilized the brightest people (also, elites have done everything possible to keep their children from enrolling since the 1980’s, so the current leadership lacks the cultural capital that was very much there for most of the 20th century).
What I see, instead, is erosion from the “outskirts”. Caucasus had a generation slaughtered in Chechen Wars and other conflicts 20 some years ago. But the children have grown up. They are now in their “prime” and not everybody wants to be Kadyrov’s TikTok Soldiers. Central Asian and Siberian parts have much more affinity to Mongolia, China, Turkey, Iran, than the central government in Moscow. Even the “heartland” has its’ issues, with Kursk Oblast inhabitants welcoming Ukrainian troops in own their native Ukrainian, and Tatarstan right there at the Volga bend having a strong local economy.
But whatever will come, I think it will be LARGER in a sense of lost Muscovite power than 1920’s, when Pluto in Cancer helped in creating the Soviet ethos of “common will of the peoples”.