Princess Beatrice had her first baby, a girl, on 18th September at 11.42pm in London. It’s her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi’s second child.
She has a private, home-loving 4th house Virgo Sun opposition a 10th house Neptune so may well follow her mother’s charitable direction. Mars close to her Sun suggests an argumentative or overly busy home life. A Pisces Moon in the 9th along with Jupiter suggests a love of books and foreign travel with the probability of living abroad at some point. She has Pluto in the 7th making for intense close relationships. But she’ll also be ambivalent about her romantic life with a fun-loving and seductive 5th house Venus in Scorpio in a wayward opposition to Uranus and squaring onto a defensive 8th house Saturn. She may settle later than most to a committed partnership.
The emphasised Saturn in the 8th also points to a significant and not altogether warm-hearted grandparent. She arrives just as Prince Andrew’s woes are mounting which must be giving Princess Beatrice a good deal of concern.
A crunch point may be coming soon in his legal standoff over the Guiffre lawsuit – with October for him looking insecure and rattled, with more downers into November. The point to watch is mid November to mid December when his relationship with his mother is at an all-time low. December will also be a high-stress and trapped month for his sort-of-ex Sarah Ferguson.
I am so glad those girls married and now have their own families, they need to be around better people than their parents.
It’s interesting that you mention that chilly Saturn in the 8th as a marker for a significant grandparent, Marjorie as it is the focal point of a T-square with Venus opposition Uranus and I hope it isn’t to be a burden for the child to carry through life. I can’t help but see the connection between that placement and a distant grandparent who is yet to even meet his grandchild and who hides behind the walls at fortress Balmoral in order to avoid legal process.
I’ve always liked Sarah fergie daughters. princess beatric baby all be beautiful and have dreamy eyes bc of pisces moon.
Sarah Ferguson has that Sun/Mars in Libra and Prince Harry has Sun square Mars. In Sarah’s case a military father and ex husband come to mind – in Harry’s, his military career – and of course both individuals are rather prone to impulsiveness!