Prince William is coping with a great deal, stepping up to be heir, with Catherine still undergoing cancer treatment as is his father, and minus his ‘wingman’ brother.
Born 21 June 1982 9.03pm London, he has a New Moon in Cancer in his 7th house of relationships which is an odd mix of needing a partner while being self-sufficient at the same time. His short-tempered 9th house Mars Saturn conjunction in Libra in his opinionated 9th is boosted by an influential and stubborn Pluto. A lucky Jupiter in Scorpio on his Midheaven, legacy of a drama-queen mother, will make him highly respected the older he gets and it forms an easy trine to his Moon Sun in Cancer. He has a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune on his Ascendant inconjunct a 5th house Venus in Taurus Chiron conjunction. A Venus yod focal point would have made him socially awkward initially, finding it difficult to be spontaneous. With maturity, Venus brings social goals into focus, allowing him to make a difference out in society and also to form more meaningful relationships. Having children will have made a considerable difference in softening down his defences.
His Venus Chiron conjunction will make him sensitive to conflict and disharmony in relationships around him with feelings of guilt when peacemaking initiatives fail. He would be affected by having warring parents and now a brother at odds. One result can be to back off and steer clear of the field of battle. Both his Venus and Chiron are affected by tr Uranus conjunct this year, once already in late June/July, again this November and next April 2025. It will have an emotionally unsettling impact but also, given, the yod, potentially set him off on a different track in life.
Tr Pluto is square his Jupiter this year (and last) giving him a confidence boost and moves on to square his Jupiter/MC midpoint and Midheaven till late 2025 – both challenging and successful. Though the celestial transition of the outer planets will have a significant effect on him with tr Neptune Saturn in Aries square his Sun and then Moon from May 2025 through till 2027 which could be undermining or softening or indecisive. He is just emerging from a lower-profile few years since 2017 when he wanted to spend more time on his personal life and family. He’ll gradually step up his outer world ambitions and activities but it will be 2028 before he is moving up onto the next level as tr Saturn moves across his IC.
Tr Uranus will bring his midlife crisis as it opposes his natal Uranus from mid 2025 through 2026 which will be restless.
His relationship with both King Charles and Camilla has always been subject to fluctuations and there will be ripples and moments of froideur but nothing like as aggravated as Harry with Charles and Camilla.
With Harry relations give no sign of tensions easing with neither side willing to give way or let go – and that extends right through into the early 2030s as the composite, argumentative Sun square Mars has tr Pluto hard aspects. If anything the early 2030s are likely to exacerbate bad feelings.
What is intriguing is how Meghan’s birth chart impacts the composite chart between Harry and Will. Her Leo Sun is exactly conjunct their composite Sun; her Uranus falls in their composite 10th; her Pluto is square their composite Mercury; and her Neptune is conjunct their composite South Node. Whatever fault lines there were in their togetherness which was never as matey as the media would believe, she magnified.
The relationship charts between William and Catherine with Meghan if anything look to be exploding into more fireworks as tr Uranus squares the composite Mars on both relationship charts – at the same time as William’s Venus is being shaken up. With more disruptions through 2025 and on. There did seem to be an inbuilt tussle for the upper hand between Meghan and both William and Catherine with a composite Jupiter Pluto in both relationship charts. Meghan appeared not to have grasped that she could not upstage higher rankers in the hierarchy. Pulling together it could have been the fab four but pulling apart it became rancorous.
I have heard that the way Harry and Meghan met is not true. That they met in 2014, and that Eugenie introduced them. How this impacts all that has gone on, I don’t know. But tactically, from her angle, it gave her more opportunity to burrow her way in.
If I was to give William any advice, it would be to choose your battle. Because you can’t fight all of them. And he is in the enviable position, that his enemies that cause all the chaos, are more likely to bring that chaos down unto themselves.
Thank you, Marjorie. I remember in the 80s when my mother was studying astrology, she told me that astrologers had said that William would be a great king when he came to the throne. I do think he is shaping up to be a fine monarch. I’m also impressed with Charlotte who seems to embody many of her great grandmother’s qualities.
Is it here that I asked do you use multicomposites (Meghan–William–Catharine)?
Software does not do multi composites. Not sure what they would tell you.
I keep hearing astrologers and interpreters of prophesies predict that Harry will become king one day.
The proposition seems crazy, but I guess odder things have happened.
Perhaps he can be offered the Kingdom of St Helena.
William is a treasure, as is Catherine. That family will, when time comes, be sterling Monarchs. There was talk of there maybe not being enough Royals to carry out all the duties but I think that is something that does not need to be worried about.
Prince Edward, who, in years gone by, was mocked and teased by the media for being useless and flippant, has turned out to be anything but. He is carrying out his late Fathers’ role superbly and out of all Her late Majesty’s children, he is the one ti have given her least cause for concern. His wife, Sophie may have had a rocky beginning but she has excelled herself at being the consumate consort.
Catherine knew precisely what she was getting in to before she married William yet she has never complained nor grumbled. Her early days were nervous for her but over the years, she too has excelled in her roles, bith as Princess of Wales and also as consort to William.
Theit three children will, eventually, come in to their own, especially Charlotte. I have seen video footage where she instructs George in protocol, and tries to calm down Louis when he becomes entertainingly excitable. She is a very dutiful child, she picks up on protocols very quickly, she is steadfast in public and gregarious in private. She is easily a Windsor with, I think, her personality being a good mix of her Aunt Anne – the dutiful side – and her late great-great Aunt Margaret – the gregarious side. Charlotte is one to watch. She is blossoming already and by the time she comes of age, she will be a full working Royal and excelling in the role too.
I love my Monarchy. They are always steadfast, dignified and inspirational.
Hi, what’s in the charts for William and Catherine? I noticed that she is not in the photo. Thank you Marjorie!
After the earthquake 2011 in Christchurch New Zealand, William came and spoke to people for two hours at the memorial, he than did the same at Pike River mining disaster and flood victims in Australia. Like his mother he can handle grief in people. I so admired him and now am quite a fan.
Family patterns….often somewhat spooky I think. I notice that William’s birthday is close to those for American divorcee Wallis Simpson, 19th June, 1896 and Edward VIII, 23 June, 1894 – subsequently known as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Their romance and marriage created many ripples for decades within and outside the Royal Family.
William’s Ceres is 12 Scorpio
Edward’s Uranus, 11 Scorpio
Wallis Simpson’s Saturn, 12 Scorpio
William and Harry’s composite Mars, 13 Scorpio
UK Mars 11 Taurus
There’s also a Cardinal theme:
William and Meghan composite Jupiter 18 Libra, Pluto 23 Libra, Nodes 22 Capricorn. Sun 21 Cancer, Venus 19 Cancer
Wallis Simpson – Moon 21 Libra, Mars 21 Aries, Chiron 20 Libra
Edward – Saturn 18 Libra, Black Moon Lilith 19 Capricorn, Mercury 27 Cancer
William and Harry composite – Mercury 22 Cancer, Pluto 27 Libra
UK Moon 19 Cancer
There’s more than this, but it seems as if there are resonances, and some kind of unresolved (so far) pattern that affects the family. Because of their position in life, this impinges upon public discourse (Moon) and perhaps some collective anger (Mars) too? William and Meghan’s composite Mars in Leo square Uranus in Scorpio also connect with Wallis Simpson’s Nodes, 27 Aquarius and Edward’s natal Venus, 23 Taurus, plus that composite W and M Chiron, also 23 Taurus.
It’s said that Prince Philip’s private nickname for Meghan was ‘DoW’ (Duchess of Windsor) because she reminded him of Wallis Simpson.
William is clearly a good man, a wonderful father and will be a popular king. Those children look happy and well-adjusted. I think that, being a new Moon Cancer, his purpose was to break from his own background and give them the warm and stable family environment he did not have, healing himself in the process. I can relate to that entirely from my own family history and planets in Cancer. A happy and balanced generation in the dysfunctional Windsor family is quite an achievement.
Of course, none of that would have been possible without the right partner. Catherine not only provided the strength and emotional stability he needed, she has become the backbone of the dynasty. She decidedly is not Diana. While Harry appears to be a lost soul searching for his mother, for William Meghan may have been a fatal attraction who destroyed his brother’s life.
William and Catherine are in their own way positive models for our time, like the Obamas. They are turning their great advantages into a new form of service. Whatever happens to the monarchy, we must be grateful these good human beings are there.
What is a little baffling for me is William and Meghan composite Sun/Venus/NN. I’ve seen this and similar a few times in composites and it has never gone this way before, but I suppose they will always influence each others life direction in some way, even if in this case it seems they don’t like it.
Have in mind always that a planet is also the ruler of at least one house.
Venus and Sun are in the third house of siblings which makes sense.
Yes, just about – but also closely conjunct the IC, the “nadir”, the very root of the chart, private and personal. It’s angular and quite a powerful influence. The sign of Cancer adds to the family issues focus, as well as nurturing and motherhood.
Yes, their connection is based on Meghan being married to William’s brother which could be implied by the Sun and Venus in the third house. But both are located very close to the IC and the NN is in the 4th – so could their shared destiny be related to endings or “end of the matter” (4th house) issues in some way? Reading other posts it seems as if the Royal soap opera has a turbulent few years ahead.
Thank you. What do you think that reveals here?
Sometimes an affectionate/friendly Sun Venus gets overshadowed by other heavier, more difficult aspects. In this case it is a Sun Venus square Pluto which kind of made me wonder initially if there might not have been a hint of attraction in it. But if there was a smidgeon there it clearly turned the love/ hate balance in a negative direction.
The key in many ways apart from the explosive Mars square Uranus – is that power-struggling for the upper hand Jupiter Pluto.
Yes, I noted the same about the Pluto square Sun+Venus, although I do think composite Sun/Venus conjunctions are overplayed in a lot of astrology literature out there. I think it’s more the NN involvement that’s thrown off what I’ve previously observed, even with squares from malefics. It’s a weirdly emphasised conjunction with the NN and being angular, plus tying in the UK Moon.
I agree with all Andre’ has said about William and Kate. Amazing steady and loyal couple with beautiful children
It’s like Meghan is the Yoko Ono of the Royal Family. Thanks, Marjorie