Solar Returns are an astrological staple though can be mystifyingly vague at times and spot on at others. With an added layer of complication depending on which location to choose to set the Solar Return – birth or present home.
Prince Harry poised on his 40th is a good test case since the birth time is accurate and every last minute detail of his life is on record.
He was born 15 September 1984 4.20pm London which gives him an intense, secretive, determined 8th house Virgo Sun in a volatile square to Mars in his 11th house of friends and square a dreamy, addiction-prone 12th house Neptune. His Taurus Moon is in the 4th house of family and roots; and his Ascendant is traditional Capricorn.
Relocating his birth chart to Montecito, California, puts his Sun in the hidden 12th and his Moon in the deeply buried 8th; with his Venus just below a sociable Libra Ascendant. Saturn is in the chart area of finances hinting at a need to be sensible about money. His 3rd house of siblings is confused and argumentative with Mars, Neptune, Jupiter there and Uranus on the cusp.
One problem with relocating charts is ‘you take you with you’ wherever you go and while the chart may highlight and improve one area of life it can make another area of life trickier. Eg. Career good, but relationships or health more stressed.
His Solar Returns in previous years marked his exit from Royal life with a Solar Return that had Uranus in the SR 10th and Moon in the SR 9th which indicates a career change and home abroad. The success of his Spare misery memoir was marked with a jubilant Jupiter Uranus in his 10th.
Solar Return headlines can be descriptive though it won’t tell the whole story and needs to be added to by other predictive methods to get a rounded picture.
His natal Solar Return for 2024/25 set to London, gives a sociable Libra Ascendant with Venus in the 1st close to his natal Venus. The Sun is in the withdrawn 12th trine Pluto in the 4th for a trapped feeling where family and domestic matters are concerned. Both trine Uranus in the 8th which may reflect his sudden inheritance from his grandmother the Queen Mother. An Earth Grand Trine will be stabilizing though it is all behind–the-scenes. His Moon in the 5th suggests nurturing from children. Saturn and Neptune in his 6th – lacklustre energy and low motivation. Jupiter and Mars in his 9th house of travel and communication. There is also an Air Grand Trine of Venus, Jupiter, Moon which will get him in crusading mood to boost his favourite causes.
A Montecito Solar Return for 2024 puts the Sun in the rooted, home-loving 4th trine an 8th house financial though stuck Pluto trine Uranus in the 11th. Saturn Neptune in the 10th – hard working but confused about direction. Mars on a Cancer Ascendant will make him assertive if not argumentative.
In an odd way it strikes me that in landing in California he has shifted certain elements of his life but in certain respects kept similar house emphasis – 8th/12th/4th.
And the Solar Returns in both locations echo the same preoccupations with money, privacy and decision making about career.
I would never use Solar Returns as standalone guides. On transits, he has another year plus of tr Saturn moving through the nadir of his low profile 1st quadrant where money and psychological issues loom large. He won’t really hit his stride in terms of fulfilment about the direction of his life until almost the end of this decade. He’s downbeat at the moment with his Solar Arc Saturn moving to square his Sun exactly in 8 months but in effect throughout the next year. His relationships with friends and intentions as to future plans are in a state of upheaval as his Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Uranus now. Late January and March 2025 will be a sobering time though impatient with tr Saturn square his Mars and opposing his Sun.
After I got interested in yods, I’ve started spotting them everywhere.
Harry seems to have a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune, both inconjunct the North Node. I’m not sure how to interpret yods with Nodes as elements.
Also, tr Pluto is almost exactly square natal Pluto. I think that will force some change onto him and get rid of some old baggage. Perhaps a fuller breakup with the Royal Family?
In Harry’s 40th birthday statement to the BBC he gushed about his children but there was no mention of Meghan, which seems somewhat unusual for someone who was happily married. Harry and Meghan remind me of the Blue Angel story where a respected professor becomes mesmerised by a nightclub singer resulting in the loss of his job, savings and dignity. In the 1959 film remake the professor is ultimately rescued by an old friend and Harry’s old friends do sound concerned for him right now. Whether he can or wants to escape who knows but as Marjorie says his relationships with friends and intention as to future plans are currently in a state of upheaval.
I watched a tarot reading on YouTube that suggested that his wife (as bad as she is), was a stabilising influence on him. Without her, he would be many times worse. To me this doesn’t make her a good thing. She just takes advantage of a situation to behave badly with his encouragement.
My gosh how toxic and judgmental… You don’t know these people. Not everything you read is true and no one in the royal family is “perfect.”
Why is Meghan bad? Let’s assume you don’t know her from a bar of soap. Just stop!
Generally, Returns are calculated for the current place of residence: Celeste Teal, “Identyfying planetary triggers”(1st edition, 2000, Llewellyn), Mary Fortier Shea, “Planets in Solar Returns” (3rd edition, Jume 2018). Some astrologers (for instace, Ciro Discepolo) believe that relocating or traveling for a short period can change the SR chart, emphasizing different areas of life. Shrewd manipulation of destiny.
I noticed you mistakenly wrote that Prince Harry was born on September 15, 2024….when I’m sure you meant to write 1984.
“Relocating his birth chart to Montecito, California, puts his Sun in the hidden 12th and his Moon in the deeply buried 8th;”
That would put the Sun Moon midpoint marriage signifier in the 10th, showing the interplay between his career/work and his marriage.