Sentebale, the Lesotho charity[ founded in 2006 to help children and adolescents struggling to come to terms with their HIV and AIDS diagnosis has been torn apart by a rancorous dispute between the chairman, a Zimbabwean lawyer, Dr Sophie Chandauka, and the founders Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho and the board of trustees. It was initially set up in April 2006 in honour of Princess Diana.
On a quick skip through the tabloids it would seem to be a push to have African-led leaders of the organisation, not helped evidently by a meeting last year when Meghan attempted to sideline Dr Chandauka to distance her from Harry in photographs. So presumably partly a personality clash with overtones of a backlash against colonialist founders and trustees.
Prince Harry continues to be travailed by less than helpful astrology with Tr Saturn having just finished opposing his Sun.
Dr Chandauka, 19 February 1978, Harare, Zimbabwe, is a Sun Pisces opposition Saturn in can-be-self-important Leo; with an argumentative Mars (Moon) in Cancer in a ruthless square to Pluto and a volatile trine to Uranus with her Uranus in an outspoken square to Mercury. A forceful and difficult personality.
Her Uranus sits exactly on Harry’s Midheaven throwing him off track; with her argumentative Mars in his 7th; her chilly Saturn square his Moon and her Neptune conjunct his Mars, which would paralyse his ability to respond. That was never going to work.
Their relationship chart has a hostile composite Mars Saturn indicating serious dislike.
Prince Seeiso, 16 April 1966, Lesotho, is a late Sun Mars in Aries – and his relationship chart with Chandauka is even worse with a composite Mars Saturn opposition Neptune square Venus.
Dr Chandauka’s Mars sits exactly on Meghan’s Ascendant for a competitive chemistry – and the relationship chart was worse than the above in a different way with a composite power-struggling Mars square Pluto, and Mars trine Uranus sextile Saturn; and a needs-space Sun opposition Uranus.
It should have been possible to oust the chairman but for some reason the courts refused to handle the matter. Nothing seems to be going right for the Harry household.
There’s been further updates to this story and I read yesterday that the chairwoman proclaimed that the way Sentebale was operating was “was no longer appropriate in 2023 in a post-Black Lives Matter world, that funders were asking for locally-led initiatives” (CTV News). She further stated that “various controversies around Prince Harry following his relocation to the US had affected the charity’s ability to diversify its donor pool and hire people”, claiming “When you start to interview people, they’re asking questions about, well, these mixed messages around the patron” (BBC News).
I think this is the start to Uranus in Gemini with it’s trine to Pluto in Aqua. Pluto in Aqua will continue with it’s push for diversified voices to lead the charge with various uprisings, current events etc and will resist against those with power and privilege from claiming the glory. Meanwhile, Uranus in Gemini will see a push towards local investment, local trade, local voices, and local engagement. And not only as a means to push back against histories of colonization, but also with the backlash against mass immigration, mass tourism, and globalization. And as Trump applies tariffs on anyone and everyone, people will want to support their own communities.
What gets lost in these discussions though is who has the power and privilege, and is local support enough to sustain entire populations? In other words, while we can all agree that Prince Harry has enormous power & privilege, does Meghan not as well, or does her being black (half-black) negate that elevated status? And without the generosity and publicity offered by Western backers to charities in underdeveloped countries, can those charities still sustain themselves? Who do they go after next in the name of pushing out Western philanthropists, Bill Gates?
Maybe Neptune and saturn in aries is the end of the charity “business” as a vehicle for celebrities and others to enrich themselves on the backs of the misfortune of others. The photos of Meghan hugging african kids for a photo op before she met harry are particularly odious. Maybe we are all learning that the awards “industry” is also full of self serving motives and individuals, so something to thank harry and meghan for.
Thank you Marjorie. Another mess it seems, and we probably don’t have the full story at this point either. I noticed something that points to Harry’s powerful links to his late mother, Princess Diana – who inspired this charity apparently. She seems to have shaped his life in numerous ways, and he’s understandably been unable to see her as a real human being.
Diana had her Aquarian Moon square Venus, opposing Uranus in Leo, and widely Mars at 1 Virgo. Something erratic and probably exciting there.
Dr Chandauka has a Moon/Mars alignment in Cancer, Diana’s Sun sign. They sextile Harry’s own 21 Taurus Moon and Nodes, 29 Taurus/Scorpio. A superficial feeling of familiarity for Harry there? But then Diana’s natal fixed t-square also connects with Dr C’s Saturn, 26 Leo, opposing Mercury, 24 Aquarius. The Meghan M/Dr C composite here shows a 27 Leo Moon square 21 Scorpio Uranus, and a 21 Taurus Sun – putting pressure on Harry’s natal Moon and 29 Taurus Nodes, perhaps triggering his emotions and sense (or lack) of direction in life? Diana’s natal Nodes chime in, at 29 Leo/Aquarius, her natal Uranus 23 Leo, her Moon 25 Aquarius. Weirdly, Diana’s BML was 16 Leo, square Dr C’s Uranus, 16 Scorpio. Harry’s Saturn, 12 Scorpio.
Uranus in Taurus has been pressing on all of this, trying to shake something free, unsettle the emotional status quo, or even bring some kind of ‘eureka’ moment? Dr Chandauka and Meghan maybe form one channel for those electrical energies to find expression, perhaps even freedom?
For the mutables, which will feel the upcoming Uranus in Gemini transit there’s:
Harry: Mercury 5 Virgo
Diana: Mars 1 Virgo, Pluto 6 Virgo opposing Chiron 6 Pisces
Dr Chandauka: Sun 0 Pisces, Venus 7 Pisces
Dr C/Meghan Composite: Nodes 4 Virgo/Pisces
Lunar Eclipse, August 28th, 2026: 4 Pisces, square Uranus, 5 Gemini – close to the anniversary of Diana’s sudden death on 31st August. I tend to tie Diana closely to the Moon, for she’s named for a Moon goddess, her Sun was in Moon-ruled Cancer, and she liked to express herself through extensive charity work and motherhood.
I do feel for Harry, despite his astonishingly privileged circumstances and wealth. He seems to be someone desperate for an anchor, a safe harbour. I hope he finds it one day.
It would seem Sentebale has received over $50 million from USAID.
Would the synastry with that organization shed a bit more light, I wonder?
In light of the recent revelations stemming from the waste, fraud and abuse within, there may be more to this story than meets the eye.
Does anyone know if there’s any indication that Dr Chandauka committed any improprieties or did anything wrong or illegal? Or is this just a personality clash or power struggle? Or could it be that she’s an “uppity woman” taking on powerful figures?
Some UK papers are now reporting that Prince Harry demanded that the charity boss publicly defend Meghan but Dr Chandauka did not want to use the charity as an extension of the couple’s PR.
Thanks, Debbie! That makes s lot of sense. I used to work in nonprofits in the US. The reality is that no matter how altruistic they are at their founding, so many become politicized — in the broadest sense of the term, not electoral politics — to advance the personal ambitions, egos or other needs of the leadership or board members and the mission is subverted to those personal interests.
As Jane commented below, I gravitate more to the small, primarily volunteer-led nonprofits, especially animal welfare organizations, where the money is stretched farther and doesn’t support massive six-figure salaries. One international charity I still support after writing about it is World Central Kitchen, which hasn’t lost its central focus and, despite the scope of its work, is still volunteer-based and does enormous good feeding the desperate after natural disasters and in conflict zones.
From the BBC: “https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crldrrxz33ro”
But somebody thought Dr Chandauka was a good idea. Maybe specifically to break up what seems to have been a cosy old mates club of absentees?
Harry’s vulnerable because he lacks agency. He doesn’t know and seems uninterested in learning how organisations work and therefore can’t protect himself. The much disparaged Palace ‘suits’ took care of all that boring stuff.
It may be a way to prise him out of Invictus.
Apologies for lack of astrology although a lot of hiddens seem to be on manoeuvre so perhaps the swan song of Neptune which may eventually help him to wake up.
The problem is that his motive of transferring it to America seems self-serving. Nobody has even mentioned the African Parks fiasco, where he never responded to the complaints against the violent behaviour of the rangers employed by the charity. His way of dealing with it was to remove himself from the line of fire and into a lesser position. Either way, Harry’s foray into charitable enterprise as a business looks to be rapidly coming to an end.
Quite agree. I hope so. There’s a lot to uncover, not just his and M’s ‘charitable’ enterprises, but also the whole celebrity charity thing, in fact all charities which are becoming increasing political especially their lobbying. Fine line to draw. Many fulfil functions that the state used to perform, but without the usual caveats.
Also agree. Perhaps Saturn and Neptune in Aries will show the way forward to reforming the current situation? I no longer donate to big charities, but have chosen some very small, local ones that do great things on tiny budgets instead.
There was nothing the courts could do once the Trustees cancelled the meeting they had called to vote her out and resigned en masse instead. It’s highly likely that Meghan was behind all this with her bullying reputation but she seems to have met her match with Dr Chandauka. Their composite power struggle Mars square Pluto says it all but it’s Hapless Harry who has ended up the biggest loser.