Prince Charles – a gritty homecoming


Prince Charles has arrived back from his seventeen day tour of New Zealand and the Pacific, which was completely overshadowed by Prince Andrew’s self-created Epstein furore. The Mail would have it he’s set for a showdown with his brother though quite how they know this is unclear. In recent years they have evidently mainly communicated through their households – aide talks to aide. But in this instance a face-to-face may be inevitable given the larger concern about the damage which has been done to the monarchy.

Charles has tr Saturn square his 4th house Venus now till December 1st which will throw a wet blanket over family relationships. Through 2020 Charles has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune square his Mars from late April onwards, on and off till late 2021. And his Solar Return from this month for the year ahead has the bleak Saturn Pluto in his SR domestic 4th. So he’s not doing cartwheels of joy as he moves closer to the throne.

There’s not much indication of changes to his career trajectory instantly. Though his Progressed Moon is moving through his 5th for the next two years which will make him more outgoing. Ironically the Andrew scandal has made him appear in a better light and will boost his popularity.

His relationship with Andrew, twelve years his junior, was never close and probably the coolness between them was exacerbated by the Queen’s obvious fondness for Andrew and Charles’ sense of resentment at being badly treated. Andrew’s Uranus is conjunct Charles’ Pluto which won’t help since the ’free-spirited’ younger brother will heighten Charles’ sense of being trapped by duty. And Andrew’s Sun opposes Charles’ Saturn with Andrew’s Pluto conjunct which is very downbeat. And Andrew’s Mars in an aggravated square to Charles’ 10th house Moon.

Their relationship chart has a competitive, argumentative composite Sun Mars; with a cold composite Moon square Saturn.  It’s already been under pressure last year from tr Saturn conjunct the composite Sun Mars and will be more stressed ahead. There’s a huge disruptive upheaval now till late December, followed by a calamitous five weeks thereafter – clearly fun festivities are off the agenda; with more humps and bumps from late March with a complete turnaround as tr Pluto opposes the composite Uranus – so the Royal foot may be firmly put down. With more and more after mid year with tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn and into 2021 square the composite Moon. It’s not likely to thaw any time soon. Possibly made worse by the fact that neither Andrew nor his tone deaf family have any idea how to conduct themselves in this kind of a mess.  The intelligent response would be to disappear out of sight and stay under the radar for several years.

Words is that Prince William isn’t a great fan either and his relationship chart with his uncle has a nasty composite Mars, Neptune, Saturn which doesn’t suggest much sympathy coming from that quarter and even less from Kate.

9 thoughts on “Prince Charles – a gritty homecoming

  1. The Security Services undoubtedly know where Maxwell is. Much horse trading and deal making taking place behind the scenes I think, a choreography of concealment. She is an Israeli spy as was Epstein imo gathering kompromat on the “ great and the good”. That takes a lot of delicate effort to unravel with the eyes in the world looking on

  2. Prince Andrew was born with his Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius almost exactly conjunct fixed star Etamin which among other things is associated with solitude, dishonour, disgrace and loss of prestige. He is currently experiencing his Jupiter return so this degree of his chart is being activated. Interestingly, Andrews previous Jupiter return was in December 2007 when Pluto was also exactly conjunct this degree. This was precisely the time the Florida police were carrying out the investigation into Epstein that led to his conviction in June 2008 for felony prostitution. Andrew claims to have first met Epstein in 1999 but the press have been suggesting that they may have met earlier in the 1990s so it is possible that the relationship started during 1995 when Andrew had another Jupiter return or in 1992-1993 when Pluto was conjunct the Duke of York’s natal Moon.

    All the players in the royal drama including the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew have planets in the 20-25 degree sector of fixed signs which are also sensitive degrees in some U.K. and English national horoscopes. Mars by transit will be at 24 Scorpio at the time of the annular solar eclipse on 26 December 2019 so all the individuals involved and the U.K. as a whole will be impacted by that event.

    • With Mars now transiting his Scorpio South Node and Mercury of all planets, recent events must be quite intense for Charles, given the supposed rivalry with Andrew.

    • 1992 was described by the Queen as her “annus horribilus” – and Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson separated that year, with attendant scandals and photos in the media. Plus, there was all the upheaval and eventual separation for Prince Charles and Princess Diana, a fire at Windsor Castle, and I think Princess Anne got divorced somewhere in this as well.

      It’s also interesting to see that Ghislaine Maxwell’s birthday is 25th December, so right in line for the solar eclipse on Boxing Day. And Mars will be just past opposing the Neptune in Taurus in the 25th December 1066 chart for England.

      • Jane, I’ll be on “Ghislaine Watch” now too. I listened to a podcast “Broken”, co-producted by Julie K. Brown this week, and one of the specialists interviewed – one thing I hate about podcasts is checking names is difficult said FBI almost certainly knows where she is.

        Also, Koo Stark dodged the bullet. I just read a story on her, and she seems to be leading an independent life and is truly stunning in her 60’s.

        • Solaia – I like the idea of Ghislaine Watch! Yes, I agree about FBI and imagine other security services around the place will also be aware. I have heard pretty solid rumours that some of her friends also know where she is. It would be possible for her to disappear I suppose, but perhaps not in a financial sense. Eclipses are supposed to conceal and reveal, so we shall see.

          Yes, Koo Stark escaped very well. She is a talented woman, and not at all the floozy she was painted by the ever delightful press.

    • Interesting, I’ve never really looked at Etamin but what you’ve got fits. I would have considered Betelgeuse at 28 Gemini first, as it’s a bigger, brighter star; even though it’s a dying red super giant and rapidly shrinking, it’s still a magnitude 1. It’s been said for a while that the supernova is imminent and it’s on borrowed time; sometimes the actual characteristics are more telling than the myths and symbolism assigned to them 😉

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