‘The gift that keeps on giving’ in the portly form of Prince Andrew must be delighting the anti-monarchy lobby with more revelations this time about a Chinese spy, once an invitee to an Andrew birthday party in recent years, now banned from entry to the UK as a security risk. He was evidently a close confident of the prince who was seeking investors in China. Letters and texts revealed in an inquiry showed the Chinese authorities regarded access to Windsor as a prize.
There is stupid and stupider. Was no one keeping the hapless Royal under check?
What is astrologically delightful is that relocating Andrew’s chart to Beijing puts his defiant, can-be-lawless Uranus (on the focal point of a yod) exactly conjunct his Midheaven and his Neptune exactly conjunct his Ascendant. With influential Pluto in the 10th and Jupiter in the financial 2nd.
Maybe – finally – it might just be the tap that brings the dominoes tumbling over. After Kazakhstan, a risible international golfing/trade envoy job, various financial horrors, Epstein and a refusal to budge from his 37 room abode despite an inability to pay for its upkeep – even his guardian angel must be ready to throw in the towel. King Charles with his 4th house Neptune will be less than enamoured about delivering the coup de grace that would see him knocked out of the frame for good. Though William is a different matter, of which more anon.
Andrew’s chart, 19 February 1960 3.38pm London, has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his 4th house Neptune exactly now and tr Uranus opposition his 4th house Scorpio Moon on and off between June 2024 and April 2025 = family meltdown and major pressure to uproot and move, against heavy Scorpionic resistance. Plus his Progressed Mars is exactly conjunct his 8th house Mercury now for a financial and otherwise shock with accompanying arguments; and an undermining tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Midheaven throughout 2025 as well as in a financially disappointing and confidence-denting square to his Jupiter in February 2025. On from there his SA Neptune will bring uncertainty as it is conjunct his Saturn in Capricorn in late 2025/early 2026. As per usual he has a couple of Jupiterian lucky breaks boosting his confidence in 2025 so he may well attempt to bullsh** his way out of a tight corner at times.
King Charles’ relationship chart with his brother Andrew has a competitive Sun Mars hard aspect, similar to William and Harry.
But it is William and uncle Andrew’s relationship chart which is fascinating with a composite Sun on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mars conjunction. And that is a pile up of bad feelings which has been under acute pressure through 2023/24 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun – and will explode out into the open with some vigour as tr Uranus moves into Gemini opposing the composite Saturn, conjunct the composite Ascendant from July 2025 and then in 2026 opposes the composite Neptune Mars. Oceans of separation.
ADD ON: The oddity was always Queen Elizabeth’s unshaken support for her errant second son. On the synastry his enthusiastic Mars Venus in Capricorn was conjunct her Ascendant and his Moon was on her Midheaven both of which suggest a significant connection. But his yod focal point disruptive Uranus was in her 7th house of close relationships, and his controlling Pluto fell in her 8th, so she’d be constantly pushed and pulled. His Moon was conjunct her Saturn which hints at her overly dutiful approach interfered with his nurturing which may have given her a guilty conscience. His Saturn fell in her 12th opposition her dedicated 6th house Pluto which is chained together though not altogether comfortable.
What I have always struggled with is their relationship chart with a composite Sun opposition Neptune Moon – illusion, delusion and fantasy. A relationship guaranteed to bring disappointment when reality seeped in – though by all accounts Queen Elizabeth never really faced up to the calamity that was Andrew.
Banished from the family gathering at Christmas is rather Dickensian I felt. Albeit very understandable. He is a magnet for scandals it seems, there are just far too many of them now. Curiously, we’re just passed the anniversary of the death of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s beloved husband. 14th December, 1861 also saw Neptune in late Pisces, 28 degrees. It opposed Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo. Andrew’s 28 Sagittarius Jupiter, and 24 Virgo/Pisces Nodes connect. Venus was also in Aquarius, Mercury in Sagittarius in 1861. The connections with 1066’s Pisces Moon square Sagittarian Uranus are interesting.
The alleged ‘spy’ named today, Yang Tengbo, has a reported birthday of 21 March 1974. If accurate, then his Sun is 29 Pisces or maybe 0 Aries. His Nodes are 23 Sagittarius/Gemini, squaring Andrew’s at 24 Virgo/Pisces – potentially a karmic kind of association for both individuals, and in line for next spring’s Lunar Eclipse and Saturn transit. Perhaps by then they will have decided what comes next.
And with all the Neptune around, what was going on with our security services?
Any ideas as to the relationship between the Princess Royal and her brother, with her sturdy common sense she may, even now, be able to pull him together.
Worse even than with Charles and Andrew. She’s come to the end of the road with him methinks.
From today’s BBC:
The Duke of York will not join the rest of the Royal Family for the traditional Christmas gathering in Sandringham, royal sources have told the BBC.
It is expected that Prince Andrew will “honourably withdraw” from Royal Family events at Christmas to avoid being a distraction.
He is instead expected to stay at home in Windsor on Christmas Day.
I remember a Prince Andrew from the 80s who was an icon. I remember him being really handsome. I think I remember him being in soldier’s clothes? I remember Boy George saying foolishly he was ‘in love’ with Prince Andrew. The Andrew we know now seems really different. The partying seems to have caught up. The dower and crumpled face. It is a shame where he looks like he is now. Is it possible he feels overlooked like Princess Margaret? There is a TV play called ‘The Queen’s Sister’ which shows Margaret being in that socialisig overdrive but Margaret seemed, not bitter, but overlooked which she seemed that same sort of dower that Prince Andrew appears to have the same. Sort of people who have been eclipsed by situations that devalue them and rob them of their happiness or responsibility sort of style.
He now looks like Queen Mary, unfortunately.
Currently, His Age Harmonic for 64+ years, has AH Karma exactly conj his MH, and square to Asc opp Neptune.
Also transits, he has transit Karma conj natal Uranus.
William opposes Andy’s lack of work ethic. Willliam in natal 12th opp
Andy’s 6th, stellium of Saturn-Mars-Venus…..Negative: “Overly cautious
approach to taking initiative develops into a lack of aggressiveness.”
In Andy’s Age Harmonic chart for 64+ years. William in Andy’s 1st House
square’s Money in Andy’s 4th, home, castle.
Charles also in Andy’s 1st throws a suspicious Neptune projection into
Andy’s 7th, open enemy. There is some sympathy via Charles’ sextile
to Andy’s Venus, ruler of shared resources….maybe he gives him a loan.
William & Charles are both capable of Andy’s undoing as both fall in his
12th of undoing. Wm opposes Andy’s natal Saturn, while Charles
aspects show a lack of sharing resources. So maintaining the castle may be
That Jupiter seems to really be strong for Andrew because no matter what scandal takes place he still getting on as usual riding his horses a few days later.
I do wonder though with all the money the royals have why not share with some of the outer royals so that they aren’t going around begging for money.
This seems to have always been a probelm. Only the king/queen are rich everyone else is depending on him/her.
It’s a sad cycle.
Poor teddy. I really laughed at him, I’m sorry to say! Thanks Marjorie.
This must have all been brewing behind the scenes for quite some time. I noticed the Lunar eclipse next March is on Andrew’s North Node, with tr Saturn in Pisces opposing across A’s ‘financial’ 2nd and 8th houses. Venus then turns direct at 24 Pisces a month later, on the karmic South Node, with Saturn in Pisces 25 degrees for, perhaps, more karma, maybe of a financial nature? Mercury also turns direct at 26 Pisces a week earlier, conjunct Venus and Saturn. Quite a lot of activity in one house, nudging the Nodes – which may also signify Andrew’s (dubious) connections with others? Those alliances of his have certainly shaped his adult life.
The nodal themes of sacrifice and service to others aren’t Andrew’s favourite things in life. But with Pisces there can be a whiff of scandal (old photos?), and Virgo is also a wordsmith and communicator, so possibly more in the news by Spring 2025?
I don’t know whether an eclipse is important for a composite chart? The Solar eclipse of September 2025 is 29 Virgo, opposing Saturn 28 Pisces – it’s aligned with Andrew and William’s composite Pluto. I think it might be significant in general, since it connects with the UK 1066 Moon, 29 Pisces. Plus the rise and fall from a great height fixed star, Scheat in Pegasus…..
@Jane, the teddy is the kind of humour we need in these times, when power seems to go unchecked.
Thank you for the article, Marjorie. Catherine and William are said to loathe him, and interesting to see that yod in their composite. But I am chuckling merrily at that teddy photo!