Pluto in Aquarius – rebellions and inventions


This is a reprise of an old post about Pluto in Aquarius which is up and coming in three years’ time.

Pluto has been grinding its way inexorably through Capricorn since 2008, pulling down old structures – in the Capricorn-ruled arenas of finance and government – razing the old status quo to ashes, with the hope of rebuilding better on the far side. Pluto only gets back round to the same sign every 230 to 240 years so it is significant. Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023 staying till 2044. Past experience associates this phase with an upsurge of more significant rebellions than usual and a flowering of inventions.

Previous Pluto in Aquarius phases:

1778 -1797: The USA had declared independence in 1776 so the Brits were in retreat, though elsewhere were fighting the French, Spanish, Dutch and Indians in different spats. The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. James Watts’ improved steam engine revolutionised production.

Aquarius is scientific, so no surprises there were major advances in chemistry. And, with blissful syncronicity, William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius. Explorers, another Aquarian strength, were also out and about with Captains James Cook and William Bligh leading the way to ‘new’ lands.

It was a productive period for philosophical and social thinkers – Emmanuel Kant and Thomas Paine (Rights of Man); with cultural highpoints from Mozart and Scottish poet Robert Burns, who later established a global footprint.

1532 – 1552: Henry V111 declared himself head of the Church in 1531 and was excommunicated in 1533 by the Pope. The RC versus Protestant schism got under way in earnest, which led to centuries of conflict.

1287 – 1307: Welsh Rebellion against the English. Edward 1 of England put John Balliol on Scottish throne with William Wallace rebellion following.

1041 – 1061: Macbeth succeeds to throne of Scotland. Great schism between the Western RC church and Eastern Orthodox churches.

796 – 816: Charlemagne becomes Holy Roman Emperor in 800. He unites most of Western Europe, laying the foundations for modern France and Germany. He dies just as Pluto is about to exit Aquarius.

551 – 572: Mohammed is born.

So world-changing events during Pluto in Aquarius.

This next time round tr Pluto in Aquarius will march in time to Neptune in Aries (2025 to 2038) and initially to Uranus in Gemini (2025 to 2033) – so early on there’ll be a Uranus trine Pluto sextile Neptune after the mid 2020s – innovative and creative. Of the earlier historical happenings which might repeat, we can expect more advances in science and exploration (outer space/bottom of the sea/under Arctic ice?). For the rest – the US and France will have come full circle back to their first Pluto Return or the immediate aftermath, so significant shifts/adjustments, epochal events in both countries. Sometimes empires that rise on one Pluto cycle, fall on the next.

Hugh Fowler comments;

At the risk of becoming an ephemeris bore I have checked the 11th century to see what was happening in the run up to the Norman Conquest. The record shows Pluto ingresses into Aquarius in 1041 which was the year Edward the Confessor returned from exile in Normandy to become the heir to his half brother Harthacnut. The latter died in April 1042 and Edward became king almost precisely at the point of the Neptune ingresses into Aries in May 1042. Edward’s accession to the throne, his Norman upbringing and his failure to produce an heir set in train the series of events that would lead to the fall of the Anglo Saxon royal house of Wessex and its replacement by the Dukes of Normandy. Again the transition seems to fall at a deeply significant moment where a seemingly mundane event in the historical process kicks off changes that run very deep and last centuries. One final point it should be noted that however big the change Britain seems to always reset to old patterns. So while all the Norman and Angevin dynasties ruled for centuries by the end of the 13th century the kings of England were being titled Edward again.

As a quick addendum I have checked the ephemeris to see what was happening at the time the Roman province of Britain was created. It essentially began in 43 CE when Claudius army invaded. At that time Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune was in Pisces. Rather spookily the conquest was essentially completed and made permanent for the next four centuries when the Boudiccan revolt was crushed between 60 and 61 CE. That was precisely the time that Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries. This transition does seem to echo down the centuries for the inhabitants of Britain.

Scots are looking through the wrong end of the telescope at the astrology here. If the past is anything to go by Pluto moving into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries in the 2020 signals some sort of transformation of English identity and its relation to the world if the 1530s is anything to go by since that is the last time it happened. Moreover it all be generated internally (ie the English nation will do it to themselves for good or ill). I can’t even guess what is going to happen but as in the 1530s what triggers the change (Henry VIII lack of a male heir from his Spanish wife) won’t necessarily be as significant as the changes it brings.

43 thoughts on “Pluto in Aquarius – rebellions and inventions


    I’ll make a prediction. Always dangerous! But what the hell. I’m not getting paid so its just a free-for-all.

    First of all, full disclosure. I’ve been a student and practitioner of astrology since summer 1971. So last year was my 50th year anniversary. I’ve never made any predictions based upon that study. But this one I feel is worth a go.

    Pluto is a planetary symbol (not the ‘dwarf’ planet of astronomers) of metaphysical powers relating to death and rebirth. It was discovered on February 18, 1930 at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, by astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh, et al. It is the planet, astronomically, farthest from our Sun. As a result it has the longest period of revolution, taking 248 years to complete its orbit. As a result it stays in each zodiacal sign for the longest time of any planet (times vary based upon certain factors I’ll not get into here).

    Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn on or about November 27, 2008 and it will take 16 years for it to traverse that sign. It completes its transit through Capricorn on or about January 21, 2024. Then it will move on into the sign of Aquarius.
    Now that I’ve set the stage, so to speak, I’ll get to my prediction. I believe that once Pluto leaves Capricorn things will begin to get better on many levels: social, political, financial, and so forth. Why? Let’s return to the “meaning” of Pluto: death and rebirth.

    I see the World as having gone through a “death” of many things related to the sign of Capricorn, which is the sign of the Collective. That is, it represents that aspect of human life concerned with Society and its needs — Groups not individuals. This ultimately results in the rise of the State and its power over the People.

    During the past 14 years (with two more years to go) we have witnessed the “triumph” of the State over the sovereign individual. The Empire has indeed struck back! The people have needed to see this in order to understand the State in its ultimate and inevitably negative manifestation.

    As one looks back over this period of time, we can see clearly the beginning of this rise of the State, the Collective, in the financial collapse of November 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn. This financial crisis had consequences across all human endeavors: social, political, personal, psychological and even spiritual.

    The financial collapse was created by the misuse of the financial system by the State and those it had favored with the State’s money: financial institutions (banks, mortgage companies, the stock market, etc.). This misuse benefited the “1 Percent” over the rest of the people. It also gave rise to more political power being put into the hands of the few, a true Oligarchy (one might even say a “Plutocracy?!).

    Well nothing can last forever. No matter how much power and wealth it has behind it. Ultimately the People will prevail over the Few especially if, as they are now, that “Few” is against the People and the greater good.

    The influence of Capricorn/the State will give way to the influence of the sign of Aquarius — and Aquarius is very different. As my astrological teacher Dane Rudhyar put it, “Aquarius may see the constructive development of the State and civilization through…social improvements and the glorification of special social virtues. It may … mean revolution and a complete upheaval of State and civilization by the power of a new type of human being and of new ideals which the existing State blindly refuses to tolerate, or against which it must fight because it cannot possibly assimilate it”.

    Keep in mind this: the last time we were in this kind of situation was 240 odd years ago, in the 1780s when last Pluto was in Capricorn and moving into Aquarius. During that previous Capricorn period Americans were still part of the British Empire and were ruled from England and by the King. The rule by the British brought about such intolerable conditions that the American colonies decided to revolt and break away from its rulers.

    We Americans were once taught to remember and understand these words of Thomas Jefferson, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”.

    Jefferson went on: “… when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them (the People) under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States”.

    The American people are presently under just such a form of “absolute Despotism” at the hand of the current Federal Government of the United States. This government has assumed the role that previously was filled by the British Crown and Parliament. In some ways We the People today are subject to even worse abuses!

    Two more years. We are nearing the end of the death and rebirth lessons of Pluto in Capricorn. Remember that it did not take a majority of the People to throw off the rule of Britain. One amateur historian writes, “We have very limited data to state any percentages at all. From newspapers of the time, we can assert that the independence movement was centered in New England with a great deal of certainty. At no time did more than 45 percent of colonists support the war. Today there are easily (at least) that percentage that are deeply opposed to the present regime in Washington, D.C.

  2. Will the final stages of Pluto being in Capricorn then be the most powerful?
    That is between now and 2024?
    Thank you if you comment.

  3. Thank you if you look into (forgot my manners!), though realise Jupiter expands, Saturn restricts/creates boundaries
    and Pluto will probably come along in Aquarius with a 25 foot plough!

  4. I’m interested in Outer Planet Interaction. Although I don’t think Uranus will square Pluto at any point, I think the middle part of the Pluto in Aquarius with Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries will be more interesting than the early stage. I would not count out a Mars colony happening! Pluto in Aquarius in the 16th Century was when Spanish colonization of America was finalized.

    • “Pluto in Aquarius in the 16th Century was when Spanish colonization of America was finalized.”

      Yes and chillingly, forced transportation to Australia during the late 18th century. Aquarius hints of faraway, isolated places outside the “old rules”, detached islands of all sorts and colonialism.

      I have often thought that the issue of all these tax havens and private islands would come under an intense spotlight, but reading about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island, you have to wonder at what goes on in these places besides tax evasion and financial dodgy dealings. Uranus in Taurus right now is perhaps only the beginning for this issue.

  5. Marjorie: One thing I keep thinking will be due for massive change is the economic system and business attitude of resource extraction for profit (oil, gas, coal, etc), which is decimating our planet and causing global climate change, an imminent disaster. I’ve been hoping that Pluto (the volcano) will upset the earth-raping business (Capricorn) and set the stage for the innovations and change of mind-set that Pluto into Aquarius may protend. Is this too much to hope for?

  6. Wondering if Pluto in Aquarius conjunct the US natal moon would have anything to do with this sinister little group? There is a documentary on Netflix called The Family which I haven’t yet seen but it has the feel of the Handmaid’s Tale to it (or rather, what could potentially come of it.) There is clear evidence that American politics are deeply influenced by a right-wing strict Christian sect who basically control presidents from either side of the spectrum. I wouldn’t be surprised if this group of powerful people is what many people refer to as the ‘secret government’ yet they were unable to describe what the secret government is, until now. The documentary points out it is all down to a need for absolute power. I find when religion gets mixed up in laws and legislation and structuring a society, it sits very ill with me.

    Also, Donald Trump seems to answer as much to this sect as the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas did. Many think Trump is their savior to clean out the deep state, but if these stories have anything to go by, they are clearly indicating he’s cut from the same cloth and (imo) very much chosen by them to their bidding.

    Marjorie, is it possible to do a reading for ‘the most powerful man in Washington nobody has ever heard of’, Doug Coe: 20 Oct 1928, Oregan, USA. and if you can find anything about their sect/organziation?

    Guardian article on The Family:

    Netflix trailer of The Family:

    • UK politics may be a gigantic mess and infected by the Oxbridge/Eton set but thank heavens religion plays remarkably little part in it. There is nothing more loathsome than come-to-Jesus hypocrites. If He ever came back for the Second Coming he’d descend the temple roof on their heads.

      • Completely agree with you. Its quite scary though the power they have. Oil aside, it also makes it much more clearer about this insane need to meddle in the affairs of the Middle East. I’m hoping all this exposing of pedo priests, the bombshell of nuns being raped by them, the knowledge that the Vatican know and couldn’t give a damn, and now world politics have now been exposed to be ruled by the iron grip of power hungry bible bashers, is a flushing out of this utter sewage that cannot stop controlling people for their own benefit?

        The Guardian piece tries to make light of it but as that man says in the trailer, church and state DO NOT mix. Its dangerous.

        • As a Netflix watcher, I made note of ‘The Family’ but decided not to watch it since quite frankly there is currently such a tsunami of disturbing behaviour and events connected with the Powers That Be, that I simply cannot add yet more depressing knowledge to the weight of Saturn/Pluto-in-Capricorn misery that is currently lowering the collective spirit. But I wholeheartedly agree that the combination of creepy Old Testament folk-Christianity in the US and politics is a toxic one and I’m glad that at least we don’t have this type of madness in the UK.

          • I know what you mean about becoming ‘witness’ to such things and how it can lower your vibration which in turn affects the collective like a poison. I’m also of the belief that focusing on it and worrying actually helps to anchor it (what you focus on expands.) Over 13 years ago I got into the conspiracy theories territory and ended up leaving it behind because it does not help knowing about it and being powerless to do something about it. It’s designed that way. It really lowers your energy. I’m very much of the belief that our consciousness has something to do with massive change; if only people got their damn heads out of their phones and the deliberate distractions of the mainstream media/politics for long enough. We are more powerful than we realize!

      • But Marjorie, He is already here, and announced Himself in the White House driveway—King of Israel Donald “the Chosen One” Trump. The top trending twitter subject after King Donald’s announcement was “antichrist”. Bible verses trending on twitter were Second Thessalonians 2:3-10 (the Man of Sin), Matthew 24:24 and Revelations 13.

        His John the Baptist is Wayne Allyn Root, who said “President Trump is the greatest president for the Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best president for Israel in the history of the world and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he is King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God”. Sounds like it was written by King Trump.

  7. “they’ are ready to rob you blind while you argue trivial issues. the final haul of cash from the us treasury before the whole thing(eu ,too) goes belly up. Please wake up.
    cap stellium(sun ,merc,venus, a node)
    aquarius moon

  8. Good point you bring up Alex.No one usually gets elected President in the U.S., unless there’s syncronricity
    with the U.S. Moon in Aquarius.

  9. What are the, presumably fairly tumultuous, effects of Pluto in Aquarius conjunct the US natal moon? The masses of the people, and women in particular seem likely to be profoundly transformed in some manner I’d guess. It has a Handmaids Tale feel to it…

    • I looked up and found out in 1795 (when Pluto last hit the USA moon in Aquarius there was a Treaty with the UK called Jay(s) Treaty. Couldn’t that be a representation of something with the moon (motherland?). In fact during that period there were a few other international treaties. Considering Pluto in Capricorn is supposed to be clearing the decks in terms of finances etc.(from what I’ve read here) , and Trump has certainly been creating a fuss if not clearing decks, could not the return of Pluto to Aquarius hail a new form of international transactions rather than a dystopian view of all things women and Netflix once he’s off the map? I am not an astrologer, but it seems to me a lot of them always take a doom laden view. Surely there are more positive interpretations that could be read?

    • Depends which USA start time you use for the 1776 chart but is a fair ways away – tr Pluto conjunct the USA Moon possibly well into the 2030s.

  10. Concepts being floated about such as the ‘universal’ basic wage, ‘universal’ basic services will take effect during the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, but first, Pluto in Capricorn still has to break up the established economic & political order. 2020 will be crucial as Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn and the political & economic earthquakes which are long overdue, will finally start to manifest.

  11. One further thought is that Pluto was in Aquarius 306-328 CE when the Roman Empire converted to Christianity. The key moment being the battle of the milvian bridge in October 312 with Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn Neptune in libra and Pluto in Aquarius
    That is a turning point and a half and makes one wonder about the spiritual reflections of pluto in Aquarius and their consequences in the mundane world

  12. Chris, That’s fascinating on ethnicity and race. We’re all mongrels. If you look at British history – there were invasions from Anglo-Saxons, Vikings And Spanish in certain coastal regions and the French. And Europe in ye olden times must have assimilated a fair amount of Mongol blood after Gengis Khan’s rampage.
    Triple conjunctions usually coincide with vast migrations of people over ensuing decades. So we’re still feeling the effects of the one in the late 1980s.
    There’s a sentence in Lawrence of Arabia’s Pillars of Wisdom which I’ve never been able to find again – which says something along the lines of – the Arabs dislike the Indians and the Indians dislike the Africans. Everyone dislikes someone and it can be colour-based or just antipathy to the Other.

    • I agree. And if you look at the history of Spain (my family’s ancestral country), there were the Celtic tribes, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, the Sephardi Jews, Romans, Greeks, Byzantines, Germanic tribes (like the Vandals, Visigoths), the Moors (North African Arabs and Berbers), Guanches (indigenous Berbers of the Canary Islands), etc.

      Even today, Spain is made up of many ethnic groups, ethno-linguistic groups, and ethnographic groups including: the Basques, Andalusians (my heritage), Galicians, Cantabrians, Extremadurans, Canary Islanders (again, my heritage), Catalans, Leonese, Gitanos (Romani Gypsies), etc.

      Racial purity and racial homogeneity is actually very rare in our world and that’s why I always thought the “one drop rule” (a belief that if you had any admixture of any kind, you couldn’t identify as “White” – many White people historically held that belief here in North Florida and the rest of the American South) was ridiculous.

      I’ve met plenty of people who took DNA tests and came up 100% European…BUT….those same people were mixed with Irish, German, French, Polish, etc. in their DNA test results. So, there was still mixture of some kind (even if it was between different Caucasian ethnic groups).

      Also, the definition of “White” has changed with the centuries. Did you know that here in the United States up until the mid-19th century, many European ethnic groups (all of whom are considered “White” today) were NOT considered “White” back then? For example, in the mid-19th century, ethnic groups such as Italians, Greeks, “Irish Catholics,” Ashkenazi Jews, and Bavarian Germans were not considered White by many Protestant Anglo-Americans.

      Anyway, I may have to look up that line from Lawrence of Arabia’s Pillars of Wisdom myself – I’m curious now that you brought it up.

  13. Hi Marjorie

    Thanks for this, as always, very interesting article.

    I’m French and I would like to know if, according to You, Pluto in Aquarius will bring another French Revolution or, on the contrary, the end of France as she was built from 1789… & 1793.

    Friendly yours

    • Sometimes – historically – it skips one and the changeover comes next time round in 250 years. But also it has to be taken in context of the 21st Century – a 1789 revolution is not likely.

  14. For the US, the years of Pluto in Aquarius coincide with a racial shift. When the United States was formed, it was 80% white, a statistic that held until 1950. The population in 2044 (the last year of Pluto in Aquarius), will see whites becoming a majority-minority (that is, having a population less than the total of all minorities, which will soon lead to a true white minority). As soon as 2020, there will be more non-white children in America than white.

    (Hispanics, who will become the majority US race in the 21st century, also have a lower mortality rate than whites, known as the “Latino Paradox”.)

    These statisticals are from the National Vital Statistics System and the National Center for Health Statistics. For those interested in knowing if banning abortion will adjust the racial difference to favor whites (it will not) the CDC maintains an Abortion Surveillance System which will provide you with those numbers.

    • @ Mrs. Bhali,

      Actually, the statistics are a bit misleading and the projections are misleading as well. White people are still projected to remain the majority in the U.S. in 2044…. because when you combine the “White Hispanic” population (White Hispanics make up 60% of the overall Hispanic American population right now) as well as the “Non-Hispanic White” population….they will make up an overall majority.

      However, it’s true that “Non-Hispanic Whites” alone will not make up an overall majority in 2044….BUT “Non-Hispanic Whites” will still be the largest single ethnic group in the country.

      Anyway, I’m a “White Hispanic” myself (meaning I’m of Spanish /European ancestry with no admixture from other groups)….and I can tell you… Hispanic and Latino is technically NOT a race – we’re an ETHIC GROUP.

      It really irritates me that so many people are ignorant about Hispanic and Latino people in this country.

      Hispanics and Latinos can be of ANY race.

    • Actually, the statistics are a bit misleading and the projections are misleading as well. White people are still projected to remain the majority in the U.S. in 2044…. because when you combine the “White Hispanic” population (White Hispanics make up 60% of the overall Hispanic American population right now) as well as the “Non-Hispanic White” population….they will make up an overall majority.

      However, it’s true that “Non-Hispanic Whites” alone will not make up an overall majority in 2044….BUT “Non-Hispanic Whites” will still be the largest single ethnic group in the country.

      Anyway, I’m a “White Hispanic” myself (meaning I’m of Spanish /European ancestry with no admixture from other groups)….and I can tell you… Hispanic and Latino is technically NOT a race – we’re an ETHIC GROUP.

      It really irritates me that so many people are ignorant about Hispanic and Latino people in this country.

      Hispanics and Latinos can be of ANY race.

      • Are the Jews a race? I googled that question and saw a LOT of gobldigook.

        What makes a race? Purity of DNA? I’m very curious…

        • @ larryc

          I’ve studied anthropology and genetics for many years. I know the difference between ethnicity and race. People in mainstream society often use the terms interchangeably but, really, the terms are not as synonymous as many seem to think.

          To answer your question, Jewish is considered an “ethno-religious” group. As for your question: “what makes a race?,” the answer is phenotype, haplogroups, and genetics.

          Although…I’ve noticed that skin color is not as relevant in determining race when you really get into the meat and potatoes of anthropology. For example, people of White European heritage often think the term “Caucasian” refers exclusively to them – it doesn’t. By anthropological standards, “Caucasians” include: White Europeans, Mediterranean Europeans, North Africans (indigenous Berber peoples), many ethnic groups in Central Asia and the Middle East (like the Tajiks, Pashtuns, Persians, Kurds, etc.), and South Asia (Indo-Aryan ethnic groups of Northern India and Pakistan). In other words, many of the ethnic groups that are anthropologically considered “Caucasian” are not considered “White” by mainstream society’s standards – however, they ALL share similar genetics despite variations of skin color.

          I read a fascinating study one time that hypothesized the Indigenous Berber peoples of North Africa may actually be the world’s oldest “Caucasian” peoples and they could be the ancestors of modern day Europeans.

          For the record, I would hardly consider “purity of DNA” being a factor in determining race. For example, I identify as a “White Hispanic” because both of my grandparents were refugees from Andalusia Spain and the Canary Islands during the Spanish Civil War. I had 2 DNA tests done from two different companies and it revealed that 87% European, 10% North African, 2% Middle Eastern, and less than 1% Sub-Saharan African. I wasn’t surprised I had North African and a small percentage of Sub-Saharan African ancestry – I mean, the Canary Islands are right off the coast of Africa. I know I said in an earlier posting that I didn’t have any “admixture” from other groups….but what I should’ve said is I do have admixture…but very admixture.

          • A very thorough reply; thank you! I’ve not done any family/lineage/DNA research. Looking back on family history, certainly European is there (Italian/Ukranian) with a rich blend of other spices 😉

      • Sorry, Chris, if I offended you with my inclusion of “hispanics” in my post, given what it means personally to you. The term used for the 2044 shift is majority-minority, meaning self-identified whites will still have the single-race majority population, but the total of all the minorities (and the Census bureau lists hispanics, blacks, asians, and multiracial as minorities) will be larger than the white population. If you do research on the site, you will find that the government is considering folding hispanics and asians into the “white” category. Not only does this protect the “white” majority numbers throughout the 21st century, it will take hispanics and asians out of protected civil rights programs and minority assistance programs. Another way for the government to find the money to increase their corporate welfare and millionaire tax relief.

        • @ Mrs. Bhali,

          I wasn’t offended by what you said; I was addressing how the census statistics are a bit misleading. As a Hispanic person myself (I’m a “White Hispanic”), I’m opposed to the way the U.S. Govt. simplifies things by lumping all of us into one single racial category…when in reality, we as Hispanic and Latinx people are actually a VERY heterogeneous and diverse group.

          There are “Mixed-Race Hispanics and Latinos” (who are the majority in Latin America and usually identify as “Mestizo” [if they are mixed with Native American and European or Middle Eastern], “Mulatto” [if they are mixed with African and European], or “Zambo’ [if they are mixed with African and Native American]). They have their own cultural identity.

          Then there are “African and Black Hispanics and Latinos” Again, they have their own cultural identity apart from other Hispanic groups..and they need to be recognized.

          And…then there are “White Hispanics and Latinos” like myself. “White Hispanics” (also known as “Criollos” in Latin America) are descendants of European AND Levantine Middle Easterners who settled in Latin America. There were actually MANY Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, German, Italian, Basque, Iberian Spaniards, Portuguese, Ashkenazi Jews, Poles, Corsicans, French, Irish, Welsh, Ukrainian, Norwegians, etc. immigrants who settled all throughout Latin America and have remained endogamous. For example, Italians are one of the largest ethnic groups in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Chile has one of the largest Palestinian communities in Latin America, and there are many German-speaking enclaves and villages in Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica, etc.

          Then there are “Asian Hispanics and Latinos” This is another group that is often overlooked by the U.S. Censuses. Many Chinese, East Indian, Japanese, Javanese, and Korean immigrants settled in countries like Mexico (many Koreans settled in the Yucatan), Brazil (which has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan), Peru (President Alberto Fujimori was of Japanese heritage), Costa Rica, and Panama (which has the largest Chinese community in Latin America).

          Last but not least, there are the “Pueblos Indígenas Hispanics and Latinos” (Indigenous peoples) They are yet another group who’ve been totally ignored by U.S. Censuses. Mexico has the largest Indigenous population (about 26 million plus) in Latin America. Guatemala, Peru, and Bolivia also have very large Indigenous or (Indígenas) populations. Many immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico who live here in Florida are of ethnic “Mayan” heritage and they speak various “Mayan” languages in addition to Spanish.

          So, that’s why I’m opposed to the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino” being used as “racial categories” here in the U.S. because it’s misleading. By continuing to use “Hispanic and Latino” as a racial category, it overlooks the diversity of the community.

          If you were to travel anywhere in Latin America and the people what their “race” or “ethnicity” was, they’re NOT going to say they’re “Hispanic” or “Latino.” They’re going to say they are: Asian, Black, Indigenous, Mixed, or White.

          Frankly, I’d like the U.S. Census to change how it categories us. They need to have an “Asian Hispanic or Latino,” “African / Black Hispanic or Latino,” “Indigenous Hispanic or Latino,” “Mixed-Race Hispanic or Latino,” and a “White Hispanic or Latino” category on the form instead of just “Hispanic or Latino.”

          – Chris Romero
          Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

          • Chris, I always look forward to your posts; you come up with questions and analysis of current events that always gets to the heart of things.

            I brought up the census info because it exactly fit the years of Pluto in Aquarius (!!!).

            Feature article of the day at The Census Bureau: Are Women Really Opting Out of Work After They Have Babies? (Seems like they harvest more personal info than just population figures.)

  15. Expect the 2020’s to be a fast-moving, revolutionary, change-oriented decade. In addition to the transits of 2020 which will kick it all off, the big event of the decade will be tr. Saturn and Neptune moving into Aries together in 2025, making a conjunction at zero degrees. Something new being born, Saturn conjunct Neptune also tends to bring lots of peasant revolts and such. In Aries, I imagine this condition will be heightened, especially with Jupiter in Cancer squaring that point also that year.

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