Phil Shiner – lies came with a hefty price tag

Phil Shiner, a once esteemed ‘lefty lawyer’, scion of the LSE, the Guardian and human rights lobby ruined lives and ran up a £27m bill for taxpayers with bogus claims of war crimes by British troops in Iraq. He received more than £3 million in taxpayer funding and had described the behaviour of Britain’s troops in Iraq as “the UK’s My Lai”. But the inquiry (costing £24 million) found the allegations of wrongdoing were “wholly without foundation and entirely the product of deliberate lies”. “The falsely accused have paid a huge price — shattered lives, broken marriages, ruined finances, stalled careers, poor mental and physical health.”

 He is now struck off, bankrupt and perhaps facing prison time for his offences.

  Born 25 December 1956 Coventry, England, he has an ambitious Capricorn Sun trine Pluto, square a go-ahead Mars in Aries on one side a confident Jupiter in Libra on the other, He also has an entrepreneurial, attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of Mars trine Saturn Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Leo, formed into a Kite by Mars in an opportunistic (and wide) opposition to Jupiter. Not shy and retiring, for sure.

  His Scorpio North Node does hint at a life transformation only possible when he lets go everything he held valuable.

His strongest harmonic is the 11H with a Sun opposition Uranus square Saturn Pluto (= war) which in negative form suggests dishonesty and greed, and is associated with disloyalty and betrayal.

 He also has a notable 5th harmonic  – again on the negative: irresponsible, self-indulgent, deceitful, “the player”. Ditto the money-loving 9th harmonic and the wheel of fortune 10H which contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.

2 thoughts on “Phil Shiner – lies came with a hefty price tag

  1. Thanks Marjorie. Interested to see the Libran Solar eclipse opposing his Aries Mars, and the next one aligned with it. One symbolic meaning for Mars in Aries would be a warrior or soldier. Shiner seems to have nursed some toxic hatred of the military, alongside his greed and duplicity. Yet again I wonder what is wrong with people.

  2. David Hamblin’s 31st Harmonic chart if fascinating for Phil Shiner. When 2 or more
    planets come together in the 31st Harmoni, their effect will bring into conscousness
    feelings and desires which would otherwise remain buried beneath the surface.
    The “shadow” side of the personality comes more easily into the open iand is expressed
    in external behaior. It seems that the effect of Thirty-oneness is to looken and overcome
    the inhibions and constraints which cause other people to keep their “shadow” side hidden. click magnifere to enlarge.
    Others with strong 31st Harmonic…Marquis de Sade, Jeffrey Dahmer, Wayne Gacy,
    Freud and Jung(who studied the unconscous and the Id.Ego)

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