Peter Sutcliffe – a rational serial killer

Peter Sutcliffe, the serial killer dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper, convicted for killing 13 women and attacking many others was sent to Broadmoor for the criminally insane in 1981, claiming he heard voices. He has now been pronounced sane by his shrinks. He’ll be moved, it is thought, to a standard high security prison. An investigating detective on the case and his brother both thought he made up the mental illness to get a cushier berth inside.

Born 2 June 1946 8.30pm Bingley, England, his chart has a packed 8th house containing Moon Saturn conjunct in Cancer and Venus in Cancer, as well as Pluto and Mars in Leo (not conjunct). A 7th house Gemini Sun is trine Neptune in the 10th, sextile Pluto. The Sun is also conjunct Mercury Uranus in Gemini trine Jupiter in the 10th, sextile Mars in Leo. So a carapace of confidence and charm along with some megalomania and an extreme difficulty in intimate relationships.

Such a strong 8th house will give him connections to other realms, way below his conscious mind so voices may well be a possibility.

He’s already had one heart attack and tr Uranus square his Moon Saturn in 2016 suggests a serious upset and high tension. Tr Neptune will also be squaring his Sun which will not be uplifting.

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