Dutch investigative reporter Peter de Vries known for his focus on the criminal underworld has been seriously wounded in a shooting in Amsterdam. He is renowned for his work on exposing mobsters and drug lords and helping police solve a number of high-profile cases.
He was involved in the case of the kidnapping of beer magnate Freddy Heineken by one of the Netherland’s most notorious gangsters Willem Holleeder now doing a life sentence for five murders. Holleeder was also convicted of making threats against de Vries. The movie Kidnapping with Anthony Hopkins was based on de Vries’s novel. He also won an Emmy for a TV show about Natalee Holloway, a US teenager who disappeared on the Caribbean island of Aruba in 2005.
Recently he has been acting as an adviser to Nabil B, a former gang member testifying against alleged drug lord, Ridouan Taghi, presently on trial for murder and drug trafficking. Nabil B’s former lawyer was assassinated in 2019.
Peter de Vries was born 14 November 1956 8.22pm (unverified) Aalsmeer, Netherlands, and is a Sun Mercury in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces. Scorpio is often a good researching sign and known as good at foraging in the gutter to find nuggets of gold. They don’t mind walking on the dark side, indeed are curious about runs below the surface and will get their hands dirty if the end result merits it.
Mars in Pisces is traditionally thought of as less courageous/assertive Martian than other sign placings, but skipping through a few mafia journalists’ charts, some of whom lost their lives exposing crime, two out of the four I looked at had Mars in Pisces – Paolo Borrometti and Jan Kuciak.
De Vries’ Mars is also in an adventurous opposition to Jupiter so he would aim for a lively, challenging lifestyle.
The birth time looks feasible with his Sun Mercury in his attention-grabbing and entertaining 5th house along with serious, well-informed Saturn in Sagittarius which is in turn in an unyielding square to Pluto. Pluto in the 3rd also points to an inclination to dig way below the surface. His 10th house Aries Moon suits a go-ahead public career.
His Solar Arc Mars and Solar Arc Midheaven are in the vicinity of the destructive Fixed star Algol at the moment; tr Neptune through this year has been in an undermining conjunction to his Mars and several of his Mars midpoints are heavily stressed by Pluto and Neptune transits as well, so all in all not a great time.
Sadly he has died today. Hopefully a huge wakeup call for the Netherlands. Allowance turning into chaos. Organised crime undermining the rule of law. The 21-year-old shooter is a nephew of one of Taghi’s henchmen so can be no doubt where the order came from. A show of brute force: “you can lock me up but I can still take you down”. What will be the response, I wonder?
Peter R. de Vries was born on 14 November 1956.
Thanks. Have changed.
My husband is Dutch and has a Mars in Pisces, never underestimate these men, they will leave no stone unturned to get justice.
Thank you for this, Marjorie. I am Dutch and like most of my country men I was shocked to hear that Peter R. de Vries has been shot, possibly mortally wounded, yesterday. I have to admit that though I have been impressed by De Vries’ work in the past, I had been sort of taking himf for granted. It is only now that I truly realize how extremely brave and indispensable De Vries is. He did not want to have security. It is shocking to think how brutal this criminal Taghi and his henchmen are. Praying for De Vries and hoping that justice will prevail…
Yes, ladies, you are right….he has always been in the news, persistent as hell in pursuing justice. Marjorie remarks that Mars in Pisces is involved in this sort of work, which seems strange, but today we had the solid evidence of it when the government – after years of doing nothing about stateless people in NL – who Peter backed solidly for citizenship for years- they have today been granted that privilege. Coincidence? absolutely not! He’s part of the fabric of Dutch life but his persistence paid off and now TEN THOUSAND stateless people living in the Netherlands will be granted citizenship. I do think Mars in Pisces adds a subtlety which may make us smug citizens feel ashamed….. – he has always worked from the heart but cynics believe always it is for personal glory.
There are heroes disguised as other things, everywhere, thank God…… he has left a legacy, a very decent man.
I hope he survives this horrible attack. I found him to be quite an abrasive man on TV but he always stood up for the underdog and went after people who he saw as “getting away with murder”. Also keeping unsolved cases in the public eye, particularly those involving children or young women. There is a lot of speculation of course about who might be behind this attempted execution. I would put my money on Taghi who is intent upon silencing Nabil B and sending a message to the authorities that he is invincible. Dutch justice is slow and errs too much on the side of caution with the result that these international criminals think they are safe here and when they do get caught show only contempt for the system. Peter R. de Vries shines a spotlight on them and their corrupt ways.
wish him good health, your analysis of the birth chart is positively refreshing and yes also inspiring to read .
Like to read the beautifully worded attributes , almost personalized to perfection