Parris & Johnson – Tory fractures widening

Former Tory MP and aide to Margaret Thatcher, Matthew Parris, used his Times column to launch an attack on Boris Johnson which has sent the twittersphere into hyper-mode. He accused Johnson, Mayor of London and pro-Brexit leader, of ‘alleged dishonesty, vacuity, sexual impropriety and veiled homophobia’.

Parris, 7 Aug 1949 Johannesburg, South Africa; Boris Johnson 19 June 1964 2pm New York, USA.

Parris is a controlled/controlling Sun Pluto in Leo which sits square to Johnson’s head-in-the-clouds Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune so MP will find his BJ’s flights of fancy hard to stomach. MP’s meticulous Saturn in Virgo is also conjunct BJ’s maverick Uranus; and MP’s volatile Mars Uranus in Cancer is conjunct BJ’s North Node and MC. Mars on another’s MC can indicate rivalry and therefore envy.

Their relationship chart is a real mixture with a composite Sun trine Jupiter and square Neptune so blowing hot and cold, between liking (Jupiter) and distrusting (Neptune).With an envious Mars trine Neptune and a power-struggling Mars sextile Pluto. The composite Mars is also square Jupiter which often hints that the chemistry between the individuals prompts rash actions.

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