Paris Jackson, ‘daughter’ of Michael, led a weird life for 11 years before he died, which she describes as idyllic; and a tumultuous one since – multiple suicide attempts from depression and addictions in her early teens, stranger sexual abuse, a long spell in a remedial school which she says cured her, acquiring 50 tattoos along the way. Her elder brother says she is exactly as his father was, highly emotional and prone to misjudgements; and she is fiercely loyal to her father who brought her, she says, only joy.
She shows no sign of wanting to be out of the public spotlight now that she’s turned 18, giving a long interview to Rolling Stone, part of it conducted in Hollywood’s gruesome Museum of Death, filled with autopsy and decapitation photos, snuff films and serial killer memorabilia.
She said when she was very young her mother ‘didn’t exist’ and she was content to be living in the cloistered Neverland world with her father, siblings and the Disney Channel. She completely discounts the child abuse allegations against her father and believes he was murdered. Now she models, acts, plays several instruments and lives with her 26 year old musician boyfriend.
Born 3 April 1998 6.26am Los Angeles, she does have a troubled chart with a 12th house Aries Sun trine an 8th house Pluto, sextile a 10th house Uranus, so she will be a maverick, though constantly feeling constrained by circumstances beyond her control. She also has a high-stress and frustrating Mercury Saturn Mars in Aries in her 12th, so will have a huge reservoir of anger and an inability to sort out fact from fantasy with such a loaded 12th house.
She also has a Yod of Uranus sextile Pluto inconjunct a Cancer Moon. Such an afflicted Moon makes for over-sensitivity, defensiveness, a fear of intimacy and a subsequent tendency to withdraw into a protective shell to block out emotional realities or unpleasantness.
Her relationship with Michael Jackson wasn’t that easy with his Saturn falling in her 8th and his Mars in indulgent Taurus squaring her Venus in Aquarius; but his Pisces Moon was conjunct her Jupiter and his Sun Pluto Venus all fell in her 5th, so they would be a fun playing-games companions. He called himself Peter Pan and called her Tinker Bell. And his head-in-the-clouds Neptune Jupiter was conjunct her Descendant so she would absorb an idealised view of him.
Their relationship chart was complex with a chained-together composite Saturn trine Pluto trine Sun, with the Sun opposition an illusory/delusional Neptune. Plus a volcanic Moon Mars opposition Uranus; and a chilly Moon Venus Uranus square Saturn.
It’ll be a considerable tangle to unpick as she grows older and indeed she may never see her father clearly. She is under strain this year with tr Uranus conjunct her Mars Saturn earlier this year; and a disruptive Solar Arc Mars square her Uranus, exact in four months; with a jolting Solar Arc Saturn square her Uranus in 2018; and more so when tr Pluto squares her Mars Saturn in 2019/2020.
The fates didn’t hand her an easy hand of cards to play, that’s for sure.