Hunter Biden – the President’s Achilles Heel ++ ex-wife memoir adding pressure

The tortured tale of Hunter Biden’s ‘laptop from hell’ abandoned in a repair shop may finally be about to wriggle free from the smog of claims and counter-claims about disinformation. The media largely buried the story before the 2019 election partly because the Trump camp had lied and smeared so copiously it was easy to … Read more

Roe V Wade – SCOTUS provokes a furore over abortion

The Pluto Return for the USA was always going to infuse key debates with harsh rhetoric and the desire to dominate. With extreme opinions being adhered to with a fanatical zeal resulting in bitter and resentful reactions. All courtesy of the USA Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto, which in the past has spewed up fundamentalist … Read more

Putin’s mission to restore Russian glory folds in 2023

Putin’s first phase attack on Ukraine having failed in its purpose of a takeover complete with puppet government, there are fears he will bolster his dented pride by expanding operations elsewhere.   Transnistria, a breakaway segment of Moldova, controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 1992 which hosts 1,500 Russian troops and a large arms depot, borders … Read more

Elon Musk – Twitter times are achanging ahead

Elon Musk has agreed to buy Twitter for roughly $44bn, putting him in control of the influential social media platform that millions rely on for news. He describes himself as a “free speech absolutist” and in the past has attacked regulators and critics, though he’s not above blocking those he dislikes personally. The deal is … Read more

Astro-Health – treat with care

Health is a subject which astrologers tend nowadays to approach with caution when it comes to predictions or definitive statements. Although historically it was one of the principal tools in medical treatment – gauging the individual’s susceptibility on the basis of their chart, matched with the date of onset of the condition. There is still … Read more

Sarah Palin – blast from the past grabs opening

Sarah Palin, the raucous right-winger, former governor of Alaska, has announced she is running for Alaska’s only seat in the US House of Representatives, after the previous incumbent died last month. She was John McCain’s VP running mate in 2008 when the pair lost to Barack Obama and she has since been a vociferous supporter … Read more