Benjamin Netanyahu – an eclipsed Moon, an epic crisis

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, is facing the crisis of his life after a catastrophic intelligence failure. With this week’s Solar Eclipse conjunct his Libra Moon he was always due an emotional upset of considerable proportions. Trump had a similar Eclipse to Moon conjunction in late 2020 when he lost the election.   Not that … Read more

Jeffrey Epstein – fighting against the Goliaths ++ JP Morgan Chase and Virgin Islands

The sordid Epstein saga is now into season two with two of America’s biggest banks, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, accused of enabling Epstein’s years of abuse. The latest allegations focus on two titans of Wall Street, long-term friends and business associates of Epstein, Jes Staley (former JP Morgan, then CEO Barclays, resigned over Epstein … Read more

Project 2025 – dismantling democracy

Project 2025, an American  conservative campaign, preparing for the possible election of Donald Trump in 2024, has issued a blueprint for the reshaping of the federal government closer to Trump’s vision. One insider said, “The president Day One will be a wrecking ball for the administrative state.” Politico on the other hand says “little of … Read more

Murdoch – the baton passes with trouble ahead

Rupert Murdoch has resigned and allegedly retired (though maybe not from backseat driving) to hand over Fox and News Corp to his son, Lachlan, a ruthless promoter of the right-wing zealots who made Fox a consummate money-spinner until recently. Lachlan takes over with defamation lawsuits over reporting of Trump’s 2020 election conspiracy theories likely costing … Read more

Andrew – Royals torn about family embarrassment

Royal watchers are perplexed by Prince Andrew’s rehabilitation into the family as he attended a church service along with the Royal tribe.  It is odd for two reasons – one it misjudges public antipathy which is implacably opposed to his resurfacing and therefore risks damaging the monarchy and Charles’ popularity. The other is that William … Read more

Australia – truth and reconciliation in the balance

Ensuring an Indigenous voice in the Australian parliament appears to be causing an unholy fuss. A referendum on the issue, a requirement before the Constitution is changed, will be held this October on the 14th, the day before the Libra Solar Eclipse.  The referendum campaign has been vitriolic and racially charged despite the PM Anthony … Read more