Prince Harry & Meghan – on a winding path

        Meghan Markle and Prince Harry continue to step out together with relatively little fuss (comparatively speaking) apart from the odd bitchy piece a la the Daily Mail today suggesting she’ll get not-invited to Pippa Middleton’s May wedding lest she steal the limelight. I’m still not convinced it’s a together-till-eternity match with … Read more

Trump’s puppet master – the Algol ploy

  Trump may be incapable of controlling his temper or curbing his pathological vengeful streak but there is some method in his madness. As one commentator remarked he is practising a pinball version of government – ‘multiple metal balls ricocheting in all directions, unleashed by an intemperate and gleeful player-in-chief, all accompanied by a non-stop … Read more

George Clooney & Amal – Earth Earth with Air Fire, chalk and cheese

    George Clooney and wife Amal Alamuddin are having twins in June according to reports. It was always expected with his social activism and her human rights career, that together they would venture at some point into either politics or other significant humanitarian work. He’s got tr Saturn moving across his midheaven now and … Read more