Paris Hilton – triumph of hope over experience

      Paris ‘famous for being famous’ Hilton, American socialite, model, singer, actress, own-brand promoter and media celeb, has ventured for the third time into betrothal. Twice promised before, never married. She’s the great granddaughter of the Hilton Hotels founder and has been a regular tabloid headline since her teens, with a sex-tape scandal, … Read more

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard – losing traction

    Protests in Iran are gaining a surprise momentum, driven largely by poor workers, in contrast to the 2009 demonstrations by educated liberals. What started as economic gripes against the President Rouhani’s policies has turned into vociferous criticism of the ruling clerics, corruption amongst the elite and the monies being spent on foreign incursions … Read more

Frances McDormand – funny, foul-mouthed and violent

    Frances McDormand is about to delight in another of her trenchant performances in the upcoming Three Billboards, described by the Times as ‘angry, funny, foul-mouthed, prone to startling acts of violence’. She is that rarity, a character actress who can be a starring lead. Her long career is littered with awards, but most … Read more