Osgood Perkins – history changing moments

Osgood Perkins is a child and adult actor turned horror movie director which could be a run-of-the-mill Hollywood tale. Except his father was Anthony Perkins and his mother was killed in one of the 9/11 plane crashes.

 What struck me as astro-intriguing is his connection, albeit unwanted, to key historical events which resonated with the spirit of the times. His father starred in one of the most iconic movies of the past fifty years – Psycho – was gay and died of AIDs having fathered two children with Berry Berenson, a photographer, sister of actress/model Marisa Berenson. His mother died as her plane was crashed into the North Tower on 9/11.

  Osgood, 2 February 1974, no birth time New York, is an upbeat Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius in a go-ahead square to Mars in Taurus; with his Sun in an ambitious trine to Pluto and sextile Neptune. But most significantly he has a talented Air Grand Trine  of Uranus trine Saturn trine Mercury Jupiter, formed into a kite by Saturn opposition his North Node. Putting his North Node, indicator of the spirit of the age, as the central and driving point of his chart.

 When his father died in 1992, he was on a Nodal Return. And at 9/11 the transiting Saturn (opposition tr Pluto) was exactly conjunct his Solar Arc Mars. The transiting Moon was conjunct his South Node and Saturn exactly.

He made his directorial debut with the horror film The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2015) and has since became known for directing horror films such as I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (2016), Gretel & Hansel (2020), Longlegs (2024), and The Monkey (2025).

One thought on “Osgood Perkins – history changing moments

  1. Thanks Marjorie. An interesting chart and perspective. Aside from the nodal perspective, I noticed that on this noon chart he also has another kite, with an air grand trine of Sun tr Moon tr Pluto, formed into a kite with the Moon opposite Neptune. The Tr Saturn opp tr Pluto fell across the Moon opp Neptune on 9/11.

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