A volcanic Oscars 2017 – with Emma Stone more than hopeful

emma  octav  viol


The Oscars 2017 kicks off at 5.30pm, 26 February, Los Angeles, on an overly excitable day with a deeply buried, intense 8th house Uranus Mars in Aries opposition Jupiter square a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th, so bubbling with underground anger and the possibility of disruption. In addition Mars Uranus are trine Saturn which is edgy and bad-tempered. Plus a filmic and vague Neptune conjunct the Solar Eclipse in the 7th – so quite a day.

Emma Stone, up for Best Actress for La La Land, is a determined Sun Pluto in Scorpio, with a lucky natal Jupiter in her 10th; and a showbiz/actress T Square of Mars in Aries opposition Venus Moon in Libra square Neptune in the performing 5th She looks very much on edge with tr Uranus square her Sun/Mars midpoint but since tr Jupiter is also square Sun/Mars; and tr Uranus is trine her Jupiter/Pluto and opposition her Jupiter/Node, she should be in with a real shout.

Viola Davis, 11 Aug 1965, up for Best Supporting actress for Fences, is a Sun Mercury in Leo; with Jupiter in Gemini trine Mars in Libra maybe trine an Aquarius Moon; and Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto (Venus) in Virgo square North Node in Gemini – so quite unpredictable and a firecracker. She looks upbeat in the run up, though overly intense through the Oscars with her rewards coming in April.

Octavia Spencer, 25 May 1970, is a Sun Gemini trine Uranus in Aquarius maybe trine an Aquarius Moon; with Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Libra – so a communicative Air chart; with Mercury Saturn in Taurus and Pluto in Virgo giving her some practical ballast. Like Viola David she has little showing over the Oscars (without a birth time); and gets better news towards May.

2 thoughts on “A volcanic Oscars 2017 – with Emma Stone more than hopeful

  1. I think there will be a lot of angry winners who take to the stage to protest against what Trump and his Third Reich Army 2.0 is implementing and no doubt, Hair Flick Trump’s ego will be so bruised from the lack of adulation, he will tweet out his usual petty, immature bitchisms. I think the 2017 Oscars will defintiely be very political on an incendiary scale, without a doubt. And why shouldn’t it?

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