Oliver North – tied into the dark side



An infamous blast from the past has been elected President of the NRA. Oliver North was central to the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s under Reagan. He created a network which secretly sold weapons to Iran and diverted the proceeds to fund armed Nicaraguan anti-communist groups. It was the major controversy of the Reagan presidency, as Congress had forbidden sending military aid to rebels in Nicaragua. He was tried, found guilty and given a suspended sentence which was later vacated. He later became a conservative radio host and was a Fox News contributor.

Born 7 October 1943 12.43am San Antonio, Texas, he has a 4th house Sun Libra trine Uranus, sextile Pluto and trine Mars which is, in turn conjunct Saturn. His military Mars Saturn is sextile Jupiter in showy Leo and in an argumentative square to Mercury. With a singleton Capricorn Moon. Hard-edged, controlling, tied into the darker side of the zeitgeist with his Pluto conjunct a leadership Leo North Node.

His Sun is square the ruthlessly determined Mars/Pluto midpoint; and his Pluto aspects his Mars/Saturn – a tough nut.

He’s not looking confident ahead with a decided dip in his enthusiasm through this year and the next two. He’ll talk a good talk but 2019/2020 look littered with losses. Wayne LaPierre, Exec VP, also looks disheartened from mid this month into 2019. So not all going their way despite the political climate.

One thought on “Oliver North – tied into the dark side

  1. North is closely tied to the nation’s destiny: born on a combined Mars and Uranus return re: the USA 04.07.1776 chart, with personal ascendant conjunct national Sun.

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