Nordic countries are on edge with underwater telecoms cables in the Baltic Sea being cut which is regarded as possible sabotage. Swedish citizens being issued with a pamphlet advising the population how to prepare and cope in the event of war or another unexpected crisis. Norwegians are also getting updated advice. And Finland has issued its own fresh advice on “preparing for incidents and crises”, and explains how the government would respond in the event of an armed attack, stressing that Finland’s authorities are “well prepared for self defence”.
Sweden, 6 June 1523, Stockholm, is heading for its Uranus Return from mid 2025 onwards and is also in a forcefully confident mood with its Solar Arc Jupiter approaching the opposition to its Pluto in coming months. The relationship chart with the Russia 1917 chart has a composite Uranus Pluto at 10 degrees Aries which is catching the recent and next March’s Solar Eclipse, perhaps why Sweden is on alert. There will be bumps and bends along the way in 2025 though with more obvious separation between them in 2026.
Finland, 6 December 1917 3pm Helsinki, has an emotionally intense tr Pluto conjunct its Venus now till late December; some confusion and concern with tr Saturn Neptune square its Mercury mid 2025 into 2026 and then square its Pluto – but major problems look more to be 2027/28. Relationships with both Russian charts show an increasing gulf through 2025 with some upsets and disruptions; with relief coming by 2027/28.
Norway, 7 June 1905 11 am Oslo, Norway, looks more unsettled in 2026 than before – though relations with Russia will be bumpy across late December to mid March 2025, more worrisome in 2026.
Estonia, 20 August 1991 7.04pm, has the same Jupiter in Leo as Ukraine catching the lucky tr Uranus square in April 2025, but with a few humps and bumps thereafter. Relations with Russia which are always aggravated, look fraught in the extreme at the moment through November with disruptions in December. Tense through 2025 but nothing too alarming. Lithuania ditto.
Denmark, 5 June 1849 12.15pm, shows a few ups and downs with Russia but nothing turbulent until late in the decade.
The NATO chart, 24 August 1949 11.42 am Washington, DC, will be on alert from August 2025 with tr Uranus square the Virgo Sun but that may be other pressures. Relations between NATO and the Russia 1991 chart hint at disappointment and high anxiety through 2025.
Not sure whether this is too enlightening but it looks bumpy rather than explosive – assuming the dates are sound.
Fixed star Markab, which acts like Mars, aspects Sweden’s Asc, and
squares natal Russia. Robson says Markab is present in cases of cutting.
Trans Cuts aspects Sweden’s natal Uranus, Telecomm pipeline. Trans
Russia also aspects this Uranus, pointing Russia as the culprit.
Trans Hades, evil act, aspects, natal Pluto, under water activity.
Trans Pluto aspects natal Uranus and trans Russia. Trans Sabotage
sits on the 6th cusp of damage, injury. Trans Chiron sits on Sweden’s
8th H. cusp of cable death.
“Finland, 6 December 1917 3pm Helsinki, has an emotionally intense tr Pluto conjunct its Venus now till late December; some confusion and concern with tr Saturn Neptune square its Mercury mid 2025 into 2026 and then square its Pluto – but major problems look more to be 2027/28. Relationships with both Russian charts show an increasing gulf through 2025 with some upsets and disruptions; with relief coming by 2027/28.”
In Finland, the main issue is economy. Zero growth in 2023, massive uptick of unemployment and bankruptcies, with the right wing government cutting unemployment benefits and the new Welfare county model of public healthcare administration and financing being a unmitigated disaster. The mood is very tr. Saturn opposing Moon. Strangely, if it wasn’t for the war in Ukraine, it would likely be even worse. The support from elected officials is unanimous.
For the reference, Saturn and Neptune direct hits to Finland’s Mercury in the late 1980’s were time of unprecedented economic growth – on loan money, which unfortunately led to an Iceland style economic collapse in the early 1990’s, when then Finnish economy faced a perfect storm of bilateral trade with the Soviet Union ending practically overnight, private and company loan credit losses exploding and Finnish markka being devalued. Pluto conjunct Mercury was interesting in that Finland escaped the 2008 credit crunch with minimal damage – success of Nokia and opening of Russian markets to Finnish consumer product (especially food, by the old Imperial tradition Finnish cheese and butter became gold standard for aspiring middle classes of Russia) had boosted the economy, and some lessons had been learned. Latest Saturn passage was interesting in that it was around this time Finland became extremely cool internationally – I would have journalists and influencers flocking to clubs in my neighborhood, but there is some overlap with tr. Saturn conjunct Venus.
Overall, I’m as confident of us weathering this one as the previous ones. We are a Jupiter on Ascendant (conjunct my Jupiter/MC) country with a practical Moon/Mars in Virgo (my Asc is in the middle). I think this was the astrological blessing we had when other 1917-18 countries fell during WWII.
Ah well, then I won’t be too worried for us in Estonia either : )
@Stering, as Marjorie put it there, Baltic States in general look relatively stress free.
There are also interesting things going on in Russia: Apparently, Putin hasn’t appeared in public in 2 weeks. Kremlin seem to have timed certain announcement, such as the change of nuclear doctrine. It’s not the first similar vanishing act, but these seem to have become more frequent. So, there’s always the “Putin is dying” aspect to be considered.
Hi Solaia. Thanks for writing, I love reading your comments. I think that Russia has successfully managed to create illusions of power and grandeur, to the extent that even the best informed policy makers and analysts of the past 10 years have been unable to assess Russia’s real power accurately. Slowly the illusion is being eroded by reality and as we progress, the real Russia is revealing itself to us in all its glorious dysfunction and weakness. It has nukes, gas and a mega disinfo industry. Nukes the West also have, so it doesn’t serve any purpose. Gas can be gotten elsewhere so they’re left with the disinfo. And that is currently backfiring, with Russians completely confused
Also about Putin: I would like to believe the theory that the real Putin is dead and his body kept in a freezer at his main home outside Moscow, with Patrushev really in charge and a fake Putin being paraded around the block, shlept around from meeting to televised speeches. Tbh, whether he is alive or dead matters little right now. I work for a Russian company and everyone I work with is Russian. Nearly everyone shares Putin’s worldview, even the most educated and well traveled of them. Their state of mind will only change once they understand the mismatch between their worldviews and actual reality. There is such a thing as a collective reality. I was never much of a believer in relativism and this will hit them hard
I think Saturn Neptune conjunction will bring the reality check Russians desperatly need right now
People are losing jobs due tu AI – the tech sector has a 20-30%- real contraction and more will come in 2025 with the release of AGI. What does Putin do? Let’s bomb the heck out of this world. At this rate he won’t have much left to bomb. He will be the king of nothingness provided he can survive the Alien in the machine.
@ria, you didn’t hear about Putin’s plans to get rid of 500 k public employees by using more IT? 😉 But seriously speaking, while the Soviet Union and yes, even Russia, produced admirable programming skills, the experience I had on my only (likely in my lifetime) visit to the country was absurd. I was there on a “visa free” 40 h cruise back in 2012 with my co-workers after winning a sales contest and some people thinking St. Pete would be a nice change from Tallinn or Stockholm. Well, staying in line for 1.5 hours waiting for a lady who could have starred a spy movie situated to the 1980’s to stamp our passports was quite a surreal experience, even if I wasn’t half as hungover as the co workers who’d gone overboard with the unlimited vodka at the buffet the night before, then being minibussed to a Saint Isaac Church quarter and seeing truly elegant locals was quite surreal.
Thank you, Solaia, for putting a smile on my face today. That was the eastern red-tape state of society, I think even the indians are moving faster than these people. Here, where I live, all the initiatives that meant reducing the time of interaction between the citizen and the state were short-lived, in a year after implementation everything was back to ‘normal’. When the AGI – ASI comes these people won’t even be able to know what hit them. I suffer only because I’m aware and I’m too insignificant to change anything. 😀
The Saturn-Neptune conjuncton in Aries in 2026 after a year of AGI agents that learn from each other and are already at an IQ of 130 as we speak, seems like the perfect storm. Maybe USA will use this magic bullet for the better, as it happened last time, with Hiroshima. Without the catastrophic consequences.