



The collapse of the old left-right political battleground in the UK has led to Reform stepping up as a viable alternative with a recent polls giving Reform (24%) the edge on Labour (23%) with Tories just ahead (26%). Even Morgan McSweeney, the PM’s chief of staff, said it is unclear who Labour’s main opponents will be come 2029.
[Major caveats include polls being notoriously unreliable; and Starmer et al may not make it for a full term.]
However Nigel Farage for all his oddities does seem to be giving his Reform party a boost in the midst of widespread disillusionment with what went before. At a recent meeting he declared with his characteristic bombastic flourish, “We are about to witness a political revolution the likes of which you’ve not seen since Labour after the First World War.”
Sir John Curtice, the pollster said: “The electorate fractured in 2024. At the moment it is fracturing a bit more.” There is speculation that at the next election an insurgent party will be the incumbent or main challenger in most constituencies.
Farage, born 3 April 1964 4.30 pm Farnborough, England, has an 8th house Aries Sun widely conjunct Mars in upfront Aries in his 7th; with Jupiter in Aries conjunct Mercury in Taurus also in his 8th = intense, competitive, confident. He has the rebellious, disruptive Uranus Pluto conjunction sitting on his Ascendant so will be in his element as a troublemaker and upsetter of the status quo, rather than as a steady hand on the tiller.
He is on a communicative roll at the moment tr tr Pluto square his Mercury and just off the square to his Jupiter; and tr Jupiter across his 10th now till April 2026 should be successful. Tr Saturn now rising above his Descendant will also bring him more prominence in a hard-working patch ahead. Tr Uranus square his 6th house Saturn from August 2025 into 2026 could throw up odd health issues given his smoking and drinking habits. 2026/27 will not be progressive years for him with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct his Mars. And 2026 could see a sharp change of direction on the career front with tr Uranus crossing his Midheaven.
The Reform Party chart, 23 November 2018, will be on their toes with tr Uranus opposition their Sagittarius Sun from August 2025 and then tr Uranus opposition their Jupiter and square Mars in 2026/27. They will be highly visible, buoyed up by confidence but tending to go off like a scattergun. 2028/29 look less certain with tr Neptune square the Saturn. [Another caveat – political party charts are not always the best guide.]
The much vaunted Elon Musk/Farage bro-romance is built on shaky sands with their relationship chart having an illusory composite Sun opposition Neptune which will be upended next March/April. Plus an aggravated Mars opposition Pluto with Saturn inconjunct Pluto as well.
Marjorie, Farage’s birthplace is Farnborough, Kent, not Farnborough, Hampshire. This makes a very slight difference to the angles, but it puts Pluto very close to the Ascendant (by a matter of a few minutes of a degree).
However, looking at Farage’s Sun/Moon midpoint it is circa 20 degree of Aquarius which give him the ability to be leader of groups. His Moon/Saturn midpoint is late Capricorn, which it trine his Venus, perhaps giving his charismatic edge in leadership? The real midpoint that will annoy Starmer is Farage’s, Ascendant and Uranus/Pluto midpoint in Virgo, which from memory sits in Starmer’s Sun/Pluto midpoint – activating and disrupting Starmer’s tenure. This midpoint also is trine the U.K. Sun. Farage’s Sun in Aries square the UK’s 1801 Sun which is an oman for any leader. Yet could give Farage a determination to push forward new beginnings. Farage’s Saturn/Sun midpoint is circa 22 degrees of Pisces which is trine the UK’s 1801 Moon. Farage is not a stark power chart, yet with his midpoints, along with Jupiter in the 8th house (politics) and Saturn in the six house- a Neptune quality of a messiah leadership? Farage has the ability to draw a crowd, give a concise message. No-one should underestimate Farage in my view.
I never really considered him a leader of groups. I actually think of him as Loki, a trickster who creates chaos, then goes away in a jiffy, leaving a burnt wasteland behind him. He is not capable of doing anything else. That is my intuitive vision of him. In a way he is also similar to Trump, a hurt being who didn’t know how to deal with the pain, had his personality be corrupted by the pain, and is now inflicting it on others, consciously or not, that I don’t know.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Unlike Mercury in Gemini, which is Air and inquisitive, Virgo is an earth sign, methodical and concise in what is required. Farage’s Venus is in Taurus and his Moon in Sagittarius, he can be quite charming when his wishes and may have contact around the world. There is a lot more to Farage, as whilst his is seen to be the “Del Boy in politics” he has more than likely networked with his Sun/Moon midpoint is in Aquarius. Conjunction are seen as the most powerful, yet maybe not? As they are a life long worksheet for the individual to work through, in my view.
Ditto re your observations
re Loki.
I’ve always thought NF
was a supreme trickster who
leaves a trail of chaos,
wherever he goes.
He promises much, but
rarely delivers.
He hates power-sharing as evidenced by the Aries Sun in the 8th and has thus far been very elusive towards his Clapham constituency. He is, like Johnson essentially lazy. There is a reason why he stood for Clapton, as one of the UK’s poorest, most deprived constituencies. He made claims in September that the speaker had advised him not to hold surgeries due to security concerns, but backtracked when the speaker’s office said they had certainly not advised him in the way he claimed. His recent forays into women’s abortion rights is obviously something he picked up from his prolonged stays in the US, but it is certain to go down very badly in the UK, as we don’t do religious, evangelical fervour or zeal. I agree, a loki figure.
I’m so sorry everyone 🙁 *Clacton!
From memory. I believe David Cameron had a Virgo Sun and also Jupiter(?) in Virgo. Which Farage politically disposed of, perhaps Starmer?
DC – Libra Sun with Jupiter Moon in Leo
Thank you. Actually that makes it even more interning as Cameron’s Jupiter/Sun midpoint is virtually the same as Farage’s Pluto/Uranus midpoint.
Thanks for the midpoint info. I don’t know much about midpoints or asteroids interacting with eclipses ( I recall eclipse midpoints are sensitive but only world events) but I noticed that Farage’s sun/mars midpoint ( and 8th house cusp) is conjunct the March 29, 2025 eclipse and his chiron is conjunct the September 7, 2025 eclipse.
Is a natal midpoint affected by an eclipse degree and is an eclipse midpoint able to affect a natal planet?
In a by-election held in Cardiff last week, the Reform candidate came 5th with 13% of the vote. Maybe, despite all the astroturfing and Telegraph PR pieces, they remain protest vote provocateurs in times of hardship and perceived as such.
Perhaps the astrological dead-halt suggested across many charts in 2026-27 could be rebirth of political systems around the globe. Trying my best to remain optimistic with Saturn-Neptune at the World Point dead ahead, and oligarchs running rampant right now.
It is difficult to believe that Farage and Reform have the human resources to pull off a government. People who really know what they’re doing. But then, even with Conservatives and Labour, all sorts of people run all sorts of departments and ministries and jumped from police to healthcare and transport.
So if the local elections next year look like they will be challenging for Labour and Starmer, it seems that Reform’s chart is looking quite favourable for the next couple of years.
Farage, with Jupiter conjunct his ruling planet Mercury in the 9th (good for diplomacy), well aspected in a trine to Pluto and Uranus conjunct his Asc, sextile Saturn on the cusp of the 7th, and square Venus conjunct his MC, that’s quite a favourable chart for political advancement in my view, but we will see.
Using Whole-signs house division.
Do you see anything with his ruler 11th (politics) or 10th (career aspirations, societal standing, the pinnacle)? Merjorie does mention Uranus crossing his MC not too far off into the future.
> El Aznar. In 2026, as Uranus conjuncts his MC by transit, Pluto trines it, as both those square it natally it certainly suggests stormy waters.
At the same time Saturn conjuncts his natal Sun and Neptune conjuncts his Mars, but neither of those planets make hard aspects to his Sun and Mars natally so I doubt whether their effects will be drastic.
His ruling planet Mercury rules his 10th which seems positive.
The Moon rules his 11th, in 2026 his progressed Moon will be conjunct his 8th House cusp and sextile his MC, make of that what you will.
Thank you, Claire! Something is happening.
Neptune conjunct or hard aspect Mars by transit is usually a sinker for any politician. I seem to remember Theresa May had this transit circa 2017 and she lost her Parliamentary majority with things declining from there on in.
It is possible, but if you look at Theresa May’s natal chart she has Saturn, Neptune, Mercury and Pluto all at 29 degrees, all interacting with each other and other personal planets. Neptune was always going to be a sinker for her I would argue.
2026/27 seems like year of disruption in many UK politicians charts.
I remember Marjorie mentioning it for Starmer, Reeves, Streeting and Labour Party in general. Now Farage’s too.
I started reading this forum in order to get a view of events from an astrological point of view
I have learned a lot… but I didnt think I would have to read such a lot of people’s pesonal views especially when it involves political back biting often accompanied by bad grammar
Let’s leave it to the astrology
I agree on the back biting. Grammar I would suggest is less of a problem especially for those for whom English is not a first language.
Nigel Farage is a man of chaos….look at his natal chart, see natal Sun
exactly conjunct Chaos. Now look at his current biwheel. He has
Chaos and Pallas, politics, squaring the nodal axis.
In classical astrology, if a planet or asteroid, that was square the nodes
was said to be “at the bendings”, and this planet or asteroid would become
a focal point of CHANGE & CRISIS due to unwelcome change or (that)
things will “bend” in the direction that is away from that which is proper.
For him things will change and bring chaos into his poiitical life.
Does Kier Starmers chart show his lies and contempt for his native country , letting the old freeze
and giving billions to other countries
It would be nice if all the unpleasant, divisive people in positions of influence would have some difficult astrological influences but the world doesn’t seem that way right now. Maybe there’s a bigger plan but from where I’m sitting it doesn’t look a good one.
Oh, I will say the next few months won’t be good for ol’ Nigel, regardless of his astrology (which, however, offers confirmation).
Assad Regime has fallen in Syria. Rebels are driving through Damascus suburbs leading to his palace unopposed, several private and Syrian Government planes have left the civilian airport that is still (barely) held by Government.
I wrote, two years ago, that the first regime we’d see falling due to Russian support wavering due to Russian economy collapsing was Syria. And then it would be free fall. I think many of the people who built their influence on Russian money will see the day of reckoning coming by the New Year.
@Solaia, do you also see this collapse for Trump and the US, Farage and the UK and Le Pen and France?
Has the world recently had a worse crop of benighted “leaders”? Where are the visionary leaders now when we need them most?
@Nicole Sours Larson, Le Pen is under embezzlement charges, and according to Marjorie’s post from 2022 on her heir apparent Jordan Bardella doesn’t look happy 2024-25. France is one of those countries where political winds change fast, and with 5th Republic Libra Sun chart, I’d say Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini won’t bode well for social conservatives there.
Trump, I’m still seeing his term being cut by natural causes rather than a “come to Jesus” moment by the American press and public.
Farage – there might be a true investigation to some of his dealings.
…and lo, Assad’s regime fell this morning (according to APNews).