The UK National Health Service which has been creaking for years is deemed in a “critical condition” by a new report. A&E is in an “awful state”; the UK has higher cancer mortality rates than other countries and the service has been starved of capital investment, meaning “crumbling buildings”, mental health patients in “Victoria-era cells infested with vermin” and “parts of the NHS operating in decrepit portacabins.”
Rising levels of illness are risking economic prosperity, with 2.8 million people unable to work because of poor health. Health Secretary Wes Streeting has pledged to spend a greater proportion of the NHS budget on GPs, social care and “community services” than on hospitals, which he said would help alleviate pressure.
The NHS founded 5 July 1948 has an empathetic if not realistic Cancer Sun square Neptune which is being rattled up by the approaching Libra Solar eclipse and next March’s Aries Solar eclipse both impacting on the Neptune – which is not altogether reassuring since Neptune tends to avoid direct action even when challenged to change. There is also a Mutable T square of Jupiter opposition Moon, Venus, Uranus, Mercury in Gemini square Mars in Virgo hinting at an essentially scattergun and not well organized approach. It is being undermined from various angles by Neptune – with tr Neptune square Venus, Uranus, Mercury into and throughout 2025; and exactly now by Solar Arc Neptune square the Mars for a sinking feeling of failure, continuing on for the next five years as SA Neptune opposes the Venus, Uranus, Mercury. Plus a downbeat tr Saturn hitting the Mutable T square early and late in 2025 into 2026.
2025 looks a particularly jolting year with the Solar Arc Sun square Uranus.
Wes Streeting, the health secretary, 21 January 1983, is tough, which he’ll need to be with an Aquarius Sun square Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in final degree Libra; with Mars trine Saturn Pluto. But it’ll be an uphill struggle with 2026 looking grim for him as tr Pluto starts to square his Saturn and tr Uranus is conjunct his Mars.
[There is an oddity in that many Labour/Government charts and Labour relationship charts point to 2026 as a calamitous time – which for a new administration does seem strange.]Although the removal of the winter fuel allowance for better-off pensioners has caused an almighty fuss, I wonder whether the change in mindset might in future allow for a shift over a European system of health care where there is a mix of state medicine plus some funded by private insurance. Those who cannot afford it get it all paid for while others chip in a contribution.
Would anybody be able to explain how many doctors and nurses are needed per hospital bed please, it is obvious that the shortage of hospital beds reduced over the years is one big problem for the NHS
On Astrology, Eris the planet of Chao is still in 24~25 degree Aries 2026. Eris will only leave Aries in 2042. Someone marked Aug 2025 as having outer planets all making aspect within 1 degree orb. Something or many things is there to be dig as usual or wait and see.
From outside the UK, local trend of the gen x and y are shifting toward legalised euthanasia as cost of medical care rises and singles people or childless couples are also increasing.
Sorry I mean pushing for law changes to legalising euthanasia. Euthanasia is not legalised yet. As more and more people knew someone or have some love ones who had gone through chemotherapy, the gen x and y are really not interested in having a lowered quality of life during treatment they rather not have it cured. Or even live out a long life in hospice while being in dementia.
Health service in France explained.
Thank you Marjorie, and very belated lovely Solar Return to you too. It interests me that the whole Neptunian theme is echoed in the NHS being seen as a ‘religion’, and evoking similar passionate polarisation of views.
Meanwhile, a new and horrendous scandal brews around Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, involving an apparently rogue surgeon, and the sadly familiar complaints by patients’ parents that nobody listened to them. The hospital was founded on 14 February, 1852. This approaching Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is conjunct its Venus, 26 Pisces. That date is also having a Pluto transit to Pluto in Aries, Saturn in Aries, and surgery Mars in Cancer. Moving on, tr Pluto will (and has) square Uranus in Taurus.
It is hardly surprising the NHS is creaking when the number of surgical beds has been reduced by 50% since the 1980s while the population has grown. The current NHS now has something like 3 nurses and 1 doctor for every hospital bed occupied by a patient. While hospital stays have undoubtedly shortened it is not difficult to understand why backlogs of surgery occur when hospital beds get blocked due to delays in discharging patients. This is in many cases because of an inadequate social care and medical support outside the hospital environment. While better care in the community would alleviate a lot of issues experience has shown that when this solution is touted by politicians it is often just a euphemism for neglect as many mental health patients can attest.
The NHS was born with its Sun in Cancer opposite the 1801 Sun in Capricorn, its Chiron exactly conjunct the UK Neptune in Scorpio and its Saturn conjunct the U.K. Saturn in Leo. The U.K. Moon in Cancer shows the people have found it easy to subsume their identity with the institution. The problem is that the NHS itself has in many ways become a self serving organisation where the bureaucracy and the structures have become in many ways more important than the health care it delivers. This in part may be a reflection of that Saturn in Leo. One point to note is that by the end of September the NHS progressed Saturn will have transited to 0 Virgo where it is going to sextile exactly the progressed Uranus that moved to 0 Cancer back in 2005 when NHS reform was first being considered by the Blair government. It will be interesting to see if the move of Saturn from rather self focused Leo to more service oriented Virgo changes the way the NHS operates as an institution.
There was an interesting article on the astrology of the NHS posted on the Optimesia web site back in 2022 which is well worth a read
‘Neptune – which is not altogether reassuring since Neptune tends to avoid direct action even when challenged to change.’ It also can be unreliable taking responsibility for unethical action. The NHS has had stories coming out in the last few years of a culture of unprofessional behaviour and when accused of illegal treatment by staff or patients being defensive, bullying – not giving an inch. I would have expected a strong Pluto for this type of problem though.
I feel like the best antidote to Neptune obfuscation in an institution is people with a strong Uranus or Pluto; Streetings Uranus sits on the NHS solar direct Mars and ASC position. I don’t use solar arcs so unsure how relevant that is. His Mars though is in Pisces, they are not direct people in a tough situation.
I like the Wes Streeting chart with Chiron at 22 Taurus and the Uranus Jupiter conjunction this year, trine to the 2020 conjunction. Midpoint equals 22 Pisces.
NHS chart was completely overwhelmed by the Jupiter Neptune of 2022 on its Mars in 12th house. So major astrology completely fits. I don’t think Saturn through Pisces is helping either if you are feeling ill in UK. Watch it at 22 and 23 degrees.
No matter what nothing will affect the politicians re health care because they will always go to the front of the queue and that’s what is so annoying when they pontificate about the populace. I can’t even get to see a GP like millions of others.
I think Labour or any other political party are incapable of dealing with all the problems in the UK and
will probably implode in some way in 2026
They’ve certainly been handed a lemon, with chronic neglect and corruption during 14 years of Tory rule.
Pluto is on the NHS Nodes midpoint, with the nodes drawing in Scorpio and Taurus. Taurus is personal peoples’s money, with Scorpio representing Politician’s and others people’s money – so apt! Pluto transiting Aquarius ruled by Uranus, which is positioned in Gemini could possibly be community hubs and new groups being formed? Interesting that there are four planets in Gemini in the NHS 9th house, which can mean the philosophy of the NHS needs to change? As Jupiter is in Sagittarius in the third house opposing the Moon, Venus, Uranus and Mercury in Gemini. Gradually the NHS will change as the philosophy of free health will merge with personal responsibility. Uranus will ensure this. Jupiter also represent Religion, like all religions and Icon worshipers, the believe that a God/Organisation will live our lives for us is proving to be an impossible dream . As Pluto transits Aquarius the dissolving of concept of a perfect health system breaks down, completing this awakening when transiting Pluto opposes Pluto in Leo. Finally forcing us that the self has to be responsible within a community. Streeting has his Lilith opposite transiting Pluto in Aquarius. Also the Aquarian Pluto transit opposing his Sun next year. The change within himself will transform him and make this a personal journey. Like Marjorie points out there is a lots of transformative work emerging in this Government in their first tenure, not necessarily as they thought it would work out either. As Pluto is making this a personal transformation, not a political one!
Pluto will conjunct his Sun not oppose, so I feel he will be even more detached but hopefully more egalitarian, Aquarius.
Starmer has Sun/Pluto in Virgo in his natal chart.
It does not surprise me that Labour is heading for difficult times in 2026, or perhaps sooner. Starmer & Co were elected with a massive majority and quickly decided to blame the previous government for every ill under the sun. And the Conservatives were deserving a good deal of criticism. Labour arrived, however, with UK inflation under control, a more optimistic economic outlook than for some years and a slowly improving exchange rate. They were also elected with many voters expecting them to do a better job of controlling illegal immigration; primarily based on what they had said during the run up to the election. But there is only so long that you can blame a previous administration when things go wrong or fail to improve. Neither, with such a large majority, can you blame opposition parties for blocking legislation.
Ken, as you say, ‘Starmer & Co were elected with a massive majority’ which resulted in number of seats won, but it must be noted that around 66% of the voters did not vote Labour. Immediately blaming the outgoing lot for every ill under the sun also removing the winter fuel payment has not endeared them to the 66% who did not vote them in. As Marjorie noted,
2025 looks a particularly jolting year with the Solar Arc Sun square Uranus.
Keir Starmer has quite a weak chart and will not be able to withstand the accumulation of problems, (plus the astro aspects applying next year and 2026) especially as he is unable to deal with those arriving in small boats – before winning the election he had many years to formulate a response to this problem – upon becoming Prime Mininster it is clear he had no plan in mind.
With Pluto in Aquarius, the NHS will have to re-invent itself totally to reflect advances in technology but the entrenched road to action through using chemical compositions to deal with health problems rather than the non-drug wholistic solutions available will be the major stumbling block in the future. The combination of tr Saturn and Neptune into Aries will be make or break time.
Labour have been in power for two months.