New Zealand – tough and dramatic decade ahead


New Zealand will keep a closed border policy for a considerable period ahead according to PM Jacinda Ardern. This will hit the tourism industry as well as trade with China – both of which are essential to the economy. The NZ finance minister warned last month that the country is facing an economic shock “a quantum greater” than that of the 2008 crisis, with high unemployment. With a population of around 5 million they have had 20 coronavirus deaths to date and are easing internal restrictions.

New Zealand always was facing an exceptionally tough decade starting on its Uranus Return, followed by a series of heavy, challenging transits right through the 2020s. Tr Pluto moving into the 4th house this year and staying for many years ahead bringing internal disquiet and strains, will conjunct the NZ Capricorn Sun Mars and square the NZ Pluto from early 2021 to 2024; with the economically destabilising tr Uranus in Taurus square tr Saturn in Aquarius in 2021 hitting on the NZ (Uranus) Saturn. The Solar Arc Saturn will square the Sun in 2021, then Mars in 2023, then oppose Pluto in 2026 bringing a series of setbacks. By which time tr Pluto has moved into Taurus and will form a disruptive (revolutionary) conjunction to the Uranus and move onto a tough-slog conjunction with Saturn up to the end of the decade.

The Bank of New Zealand, 1 August 1934, is stressed this year with tr Uranus square the Sun, tr Pluto square Pluto and a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Sun opposition Uranus. But isn’t as stressed in the following years as after 2008 or indeed the UK joining the EEC in 1973 when there was economic pain.

The country is earthquake prone so there may be an element of natural disasters ahead. Though the major 2011 and 1931 quakes both occurred when Uranus was in Aries and that has moved on.

The China ‘situation’ will have a serious impact on the country with considerable strain showing on the relationship charts with China 1912 and 1949 right through till after mid-decade.

Jacinda Ardern’s First Term chart, 26 October 2017 11.20am was blessed with a lucky and successful Sun Jupiter Venus in the 10th. She’s up for re-election on September 19 this year. There’s no birth time for her, 26 July 1980, but she does have a lucky tr Uranus trine her Jupiter in Virgo over the election; as well as (probably) a successful Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto; with one less-than-helpful tr Pluto square her Saturn/Uranus midpoint which could be a stumbling block. Her 2021/22 look less than exuberant with tr Neptune undermining her popularity in square to her Venus and in an uncertain opposition to her Saturn; and her Solar Arc Saturn is in a blocking square to her Sun. If she is back in, she’ll have a less progressive second term.

9 thoughts on “New Zealand – tough and dramatic decade ahead

  1. Currently the Reserve Bank tell us that the financial situation is much better than predicted, and better than pre Covid. I refuse to believe this as we can see businesses struggle, poverty getting worst, expenses rising… Can you please provide an update chart for NZ 2022? We are in a social crisis now with poverty worst than ever and House prices over the top…Thank u

  2. Hello Marjorie, Could you please do an analysis of Australia over the next five to ten years, particularly the banks and the economy? Thank you.

  3. Tourism brings around 5 per cent of New Zealand’s GDP, and unlike Greece, the country can’t be reached by car in a day by 10s of millions of people. With the hit airlines will take, it may well become the “billionaire apocalypse refugee” some have seen it as.

  4. Marjorie, riveting reading……can I ask why you use the Bank of NZ as the chart, rather than the country’s chart (i.e. Treaty of Waitangi)…. I know banks are entities and crucial, but when I was taught by Garth Carpenter who set up the NZ astro society in the 1970’s, he insisted we were a Capricorn country…..but everything I now read contradicts this. Of course I am still stuck back there (he was a gifted teacher with huge vision) …..just curious about where the emphasis should be chart wise. (Yes, I’m probably indoctrinated…and so …70’s!). On the earthquake scene you are totally correct – I’m from Wellington and the y have had huge tides never experienced previously which are higher than the sea barriers (never present until….?) but yes, with the current lineup, and especially Thursday this week with the supermoon in Taurus, we have to cross our fingers…….Kiwi’s don’t get out of bed for less than a 4.6, so some girding up of loins might be on the cards this week… I always think anything in an earth sign, even if benasp the rest, does the job especially Taurus……..we all had earthquake kits at school in the late 1950’s!!!!

  5. Thank you very much, Majorie, for your analysis of Aotearoa-NZ this decade. Not cheerful but that’s reality for you!

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