Naftali Bennett was sworn in last night as the new Israeli prime minister at the head of an unwieldy coalition of right, centre, left and Arab-Israeli replacing Benjamin Netanyahu.
This is just a memorandum for the future with more details in the previous post of June 3 2021.
He was sworn in probably at 9.02pm on 13th June . This gives an almost exact, lacklustre, indecisive Gemini Sun square Neptune; an exact contradictory, can-be-autocratic, doesn’t-practise-what-it-preaches Uranus square Saturn and a ruthless, but road-blocked and frustrated Mars (Moon) opposition Pluto. It may not last for long and will certainly limp and lurch along.
Bennett for all his macho reputation as ex-special forces and pro-settler right winger isn’t the control-freaky power figure that Netanyahu was for the country. Netanyahu’s Pluto falls in Israeli’s 10th in contrast to Bennett’s Moon being there. But Bennett will be a disturbing influence perhaps economically or with behind-the-scenes manoeuvring since his aggravated Saturn Mars falls in the Israel 8th and his Pluto and Uranus in Israel’s 12th.
Netanyahu won’t go down without a fight given tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter till late this November which will pump up his confidence and determination.
The swearing was in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv
Thanks. Have amended with 9.02pm time
One question is whether Netanyahu will remain leader of Likud, if they dump him then more difficult for him to make trouble. The vote may have been 60 – 59, however, according to the Times of Israel, there were up to three Knesset members who would have abstained rather than vote against the new government if needed.
Another astrology site has a 9:02pm time for the new prime minister That site predicted the new government would not last more than a few months