Another day and the tit-for-tat atrocities pile up. Hezbollah has blamed Israel for the death of nine people after the simultaneous explosion of thousands of pagers used by the terror group in Lebanon yesterday. Thousands were injured in the attack, with 200 people said to be in a critical condition. Hezbollah said Israel would get its “fair punishment”.
Previous posts lay out the detail: Israel & Hezbollah – the unhealable wound 25th August 2024 and Israel and Hezbollah – hope of peace receding fast – 1st August 2024.
What was always mystifying, given the rolling carnage causing internal Israeli outrage and unease as well as international consternation was/is how undescriptive Netanyahu’s 29 December 2022 4.30pm Term chart is. A confused, indecisive Neptune on the Midheaven alongside an admittedly successful Jupiter Moon in the 10th sextile Pluto Venus on the cusp of the 8th with a hidden 12th house Mars inconjunct the Sun in the partnership-dependent 7th. It doesn’t immediately leap out as a crisis Term, nor indeed was there ever any obvious exit point.
His own personal chart shares Mars at 26 degrees Leo with Trump, with the latter recovering from his second assassination attempt; and Netanyhau is now on war footing with Hezbollah and the Lebanon. Tr Uranus is now back squaring their respective Mars for a moment of high insecurity running on for several weeks and repeating next spring. Netanyahu also has his Virgo Midheaven triggered by yesterday’s Lunar Eclipses and next year’s early Lunar and later Solar Eclipses. And if his birth time is exactly accurate he has his Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Midheaven in 2026, hinting at a change of career direction.
Netanyahu’s relationship chart with Israel looks rattled in the extreme at the moment and undermined. Tr Neptune is square the composite Uranus now till early 2026; and tr Uranus is square the composite Mars, then the calamitous Mars/Saturn midpoint and the composite Saturn from mid 2025 into 2026.
His Term chart has the tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the 10th house Jupiter Moon from April 2025 on into 2026/27 which will undermine high hopes and confidence.
There is nothing in the country/Hezbollah charts to suggest peace any time soon (see previous posts).
Netanyahu’s continued political future which is vital to stave off corruption charges is dependent on a far-right coalition. A key figure is Bezazel Smotrich, the Israeli Minister for Finance – a hard-line, far-right zealot, a settler in occupied West Bank, illegal under international law, who supports expansion of Israeli settlements and opposes Palestinian statehood. Born 27 February 1980, he is a Sun Pisces opposition Mars Jupiter with a passionate Venus opposition Pluto. Those two oppositions are colliding by 2026 with the SA Mars Jupiter being conjunct his Pluto which looks unnervingly over confident. Indeed it may trigger in 2025 since that is when his Venus is being aspected.
His relationship with both Netanyahu and Israel look severely stressed as tr Uranus moves into Gemini mid 2025 onwards. He is a rabble rouser and won’t be easy to control.
I think what gets lost in the accounts of Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah is that the Lebanon is for all its travails a kind of functioning democracy based around the power sharing principles set out in the Doha Agreement signed on 21 May 2008. In this set up Hezbollah is not just a militia but also a political party running candidates for the Lebanese Parliament and participating in civilian government. In some ways Lebanon offers an alternative example of what Israel might have become had history turned out different. There are lots of connections between the Doha Chart and the Israeli national chart. The Doha Mars, Saturn and Pluto conjoin the Israel Moon, Mars and Pluto. The Doha Neptune squares the Israel Sun and the Doha Uranus squares the Israel Uranus.
I am not sure there is a lot of good news in the short term with the upcoming Solar Eclipse falling on Israel’s natal Neptune. There are also three tense Pluto Mars oppositions coming up in November 2024, January 2025 and April 2025. The last falls very close to Israel’s natal Moon at 4 Leo so will be impacting the nations people as a whole as well as triggering the Doha Mars. In many ways the fate of Lebanon and Israel are inextricably intertwined.
Apologies that should read
“The Doha Mars, Saturn and Pluto conjoin the Israel Moon, Mars and Jupiter.
Marjorie used the Lebanon 1 Jan 1944 chart before in her old post. That chart
Mar/Saturn Midpoint and Uranus/Saturn Midpoint at 13 Gemini is triggered by Saturn Transit at 15 Pisces. currently. The orb (>2) might be too wide in this case.
I keep looking for some sources of hope for this war’s end in astrology and of course find none. My initial sympathy for Israel after the October attacks has long since worn out as Netanyahu and the IDF inflict atrocity upon atrocity on the desperate Palestinian people and commit new acts of aggression designed to prolong the war.
I’ve said this many times before: Netanyahu and the hardliners took the wrong lessons from the Holocaust. My sense is that more and more Americans, including most of my Jewish friends, are turning against unconditional support for the pariah state Netanyahu has created.
(?netanyahu’s bro was the only israeli casualty in the raid on entebbe rescue, could this be his own root rather than the holocaust?)
I think, for him, like Trump, the motivation is to retain (or regain, in Trump’s case) power and stay out of jail.
My point about the Holocaust was the push for total annihilation of the perceived enemy.
Israel again investing in its continuing state of victimhood – with new avengers created with each atrocity. Since when have children qualified as Hezbollah fighters?
I don’t care so I will say it. This is about humanity (same humanity the West proports to represent when they stick their nose in many countries’ business if it suits them), so it is seriously concerning that the West are not saying anything about this yet they always have their 2 cents worth about others. Hmm….!
@ Jennifer E,
What you’re describing isn’t exclusive to just the “West” (or the Global North – which is a more contemporary labeling for the developed world). While it’s true that some Global Northern countries (like the U.S., the U.K., France, and Israel) can sometimes be intrusive, overbearing, controlling, hypocritical, and have a propensity to abuse their power due to having more money, weaponry, and other resources at their disposal, I’ve observed similar mentalities with many nations in the Global South.
For example, the governments of China, the Russian Federation, India, Türkiye, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Iran are pretending to value the humanity of the Palestinian People in Gaza and their politicians will give impassioned speeches and histrionic performances and play the victim card by reminding everyone how the “Wicked Westerners” are imperialists and colonizers as they exude irony and hypocrisy for engaging in the same crimes against humanity (like the genocide and oppression of the Uyghurs, Kurds, Ukrainians, Dalits, Karens, Rohingya, and Indígena Amerindians) and seizing and occupying land that isn’t theirs (like Crimea, Donbas, Kurdistan, all of Siberia and the Caucasus, Tibet, and East Turkestan) themselves.
In other words, I think the Global North (or the “West”) vs the Global South “whataboutism” rivalry is irrelevant to me. Both geopolitical and socioeconomic regions of this planet are guilty of the same injustices. So, Western and Global Southern nations look so stupid and childish when they excoriate each other, point fingers, deflect blame, and proclaim their moral consciousness to be higher than the other.
It infuriates me whenever I see a politician, journalist, or human rights activist – regardless of what part of the world they’re from – engage in whataboutism, selective empathy, or exploitation of a humanitarian crisis just to try and prove a political point. Unfortunately, I’ve been seeing a lot of that with the coverage of the genocides and wars taking place in Gaza and Ukraine.
I’m beginning to wonder if most governmental systems and international agencies are even capable at this point of putting humanity first and foremost. For example, the United Nations has been utterly useless in recent years due to corruption and certain rogue nations (ones engaging in human rights abuses) holding top positions.
It would be nice to see civil society gain the upper hand. Perhaps if civil society had more power in our world, private citizens would be working together to end these devastating genocides and wars taking place in Gaza, Ukraine, Kurdistan, Sudan, West Papua, and elsewhere on the planet.
@Chris – well said 🙂
Chris you are right on one hand but on the other hand it feels like in so many words you are providing justification for the lack of firmer intervention by our countries. I am from and live in the Global North and I care about what we are doing or not doing. I don’t live in China Russia etc. Two wrongs don’t make a right. So who is going to put on their big boy pants man up and stop this?
@ Jennifer E,
I too am from the Global North (I’m from the U.S. to be exact) and I also care about how we interact with other nations and how we handle humanitarian crises.
No, I’m not suggesting we excuse or justify Israel’s actions in Gaza nor am I suggesting we downplay or sugarcoat the atrocities that have taken place there.
I was just pointing out how Geopolitics can sometimes impede progress when it comes to humanitarian matters and that I don’t think one side (whether it be the Global North or the Global South) is in any position to vilify the other.
I do think it’s about time for people to start viewing themselves as “global citizens” and adopt xenophilia in place of xenophobia.
After watching many world governments and international alliances less than satisfactory response to the humanitarian crises in Ukraine, Rojava, Kurdistan, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and now Gaza, I’ve become skeptical of most countries policy positions regarding human rights. There are probably very few countries acting out of altruism and good faith on this matters.
You asked an interesting question: who goes first to put an end to such madness? My answer is: I think it should be civil society.
I know it may not seem like much, but I try to boycott certain products that come from nations where children and workers are exploited, Insign petitions, I donate money to various humanitarian charitable organizations, and so on.
I know my actions alone won’t end what Russia is doing in Ukraine or what Israel is doing in Gaza, but I’d like to think if others are doing the same, such actions might pay off.
Exploding pagers! Like something out of a Jason Bourne film. But, yeah. On it goes.