Neptune moves into Aries in conjunction with Saturn from April/May 2025 onwards. Below a reprise of earlier posts.
Neptune, planet of spirituality, illusion, delusion, deception, creativity and vision moves out of its own sign Pisces, where it has been since 2011, into Aries in 2025 staying till 2038.
Looking back on historical events linked to Neptune in Aries:
1861 – 1874: Most notably this covered the American Civil War, which arose after the abolition of slavery, which had been banned in Europe decades earlier.
Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head (ruled by Aries) and died.
In Russia Alexander 11 signed the Emancipation Act liberating serfs in 1861.
The Bahai faith was founded as was the forerunner to the Salvation Army and the Geneva Convention established the Red Cross.
‘Neptune in Aries may be about individuals submitting themselves to a bigger cause than themselves. It does seem to coincide, in the Western world at least with an increase in individual rights and was one of advancements for formally disenfranchised people.’
The first UK trade union was legalised in 1872 and in the U.S. the “Knights of Labor” was set up. The U.K. Education Act of 1870 bringing in elementary schooling for all children and legislation on child labour. The USA gave voting rights to all ethnicities. The UK Married Women’s Property Act allowed married women to retain their earnings and inherit.
Italy was unified in 1860 and Canada came into being.
Prince Albert dies, Victoria’s consort and the ‘uncrowned king of GB.’
In the UK parliament, the inspired leadership of Benjamin Disraeli pushed forward with parliamentary reform.
Famines in Finland, Sweden and India – of greater magnitude than usual.
1697 – 1710: The ill-fated Darien Scheme, which lost 20% of Scotland’s money, led to the Act of Union with England in 1707.
The Act of Settlement in 1701 establishing the succession to the English throne, put the childless protestant Queen Anne on the throne, leading on her death to the establishment of the Hanoverian Monarchy in 1714.
Peter 1 Great regenerated Russian society and started expansion westward.
Famines of greater magnitude than usual in Estonia, Sweden and Finland, the last wiping out almost a third of the population. Two million die of famine in India; 250,000 die in East Prussia and 600,000 in France.
1533 to 1547: Henry VIII is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII and the split from Rome establishes the Anglican Church.
Wales becomes part of the Kingdom of England.
Henry declares himself and his heirs as Kings of Ireland, replacing the Lordship of Ireland with the Kingdom of Ireland.
1370 to 1383: In England, the ‘Good Parliament’ attempted to highlight the corruption of the Royal court and to reform the government. John of Gaunt, the effective ruler, replaced it the next year with a ‘Bad Parliament’ which undid the advances.
1206 to 1219: The English Barons force King John to sign the Magna Carta, in an attempt to curb the power of the monarch.
1042 to 1056: Westminster Abbey built, 1050. East-West schism in Catholic Church.
Edward the Confessor became King of England and restored the Saxon line after the Danes had conquered England under Cnut. As in 1533 England took a break from the European continent though it did not last long.
878 to 892: England has become unified for the first time under Alfred the Great a few years before (871).
SATURN NEPTUNE CONJUNCTIONS come round roughly three times a century in 1989 in Capricorn, in 1953 in Libra and in 1917/18 in Leo. The next one falls in Aries in 2026.
Andre Barbault writes about the hopeful side of the 2025/26 Saturn Neptune conjunction: “It is the most benefic configuration of the century and the interplanetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. It contains a harmonious relationships between primordial polar opposites, the coming together of the external and internal, rational and spiritual, mind and soul …. human beings surpassing themselves while experiencing life on a higher level. “
Historically Saturn and Neptune together have been associated with the fight for womens’ and workers’ rights, epidemics, religious events and collapsing empires.
The English Peasants’ Revolt during the Saturn–Neptune conjunction in Aries in 1381, demanding an end to serfdom was suppressed and its leader, Wat Tyler, beheaded. Two conjunctions later, in Virgo, Irish rebel Jack Cade leading the Kent and Essex peasants’ revolt, was also killed. Another two conjunctions further on, in Pisces in 1524, there were extensive peasants’ revolts in Germany.
By 1845 with Saturn–Neptune in tolerant Aquarius, Engels was writing The Condition of the Working Class in England. Still under the same influence, the Irish potato-crop failure of the following year drew attention to the plight of the starving and the suffering. By the next conjunction in Taurus in 1881, British prime minister William Gladstone had passed the Irish Land Act to prevent excessively high rents, although the outrages of 1882, when 10,500 Irish farming families were evicted, gave every indication that Saturnine rigidity and greed still held sway. In the United States, the American Federation of Labor was founded in Pittsburgh in 1881.
One conjunction on, in 1917 in Leo, striking Russian workers rose up, and were joined by soldiers to overthrow the last feudal tsardom.
During the last Saturn–Neptune conjunction of the 20th century, in Capricorn in 1989, Solidarity, the Polish workers’ party, came to power in democratic elections. The fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe freed workers to control their own lives and government. There was also mass rehabilitation of Russian citizens who were victims of Stalin’s brutal purges, Stalin himself having succumbed on the Saturn–Neptune conjunction of 1953. Also in 1989, the Tiananmen Square demonstration in China, staged by students and workers, was brutally suppressed, resulting in 2000 deaths. In Britain just a year later there were the violent Poll Tax Riots, the first serious mass revolt against the government in decades.’
There’s always a dual nature to them – Neptune undermining health and Saturn finding new remedies. Suppression of heretic religious leaders and the building of cathedrals. They oversaw successive peasants’ revolts in England and the Russian 1917 revolution; and the crowning of Queens and the enactment of legal protections for women.
Although Saturn Neptune doesn’t sound rebellious it tends to bring the state and the status quo (Saturn) into conflict with spiritual movements or the underdogs (Neptune). The flower power, hippie movement was very much a Saturn Neptune in Libra phenomenon in the 1950s.
The 20th Century ones aren’t necessarily a good guide since the 1989 one was a triple conjunction with Uranus; and the 1953 had Saturn Neptune square Uranus.
The 1917/18 Saturn Neptune oversaw the Spanish flu epidemic which wiped out more people in a single year than the Middle Ages black death plague had done.
Saturn in Aries tends to be tough and hard, producing circumstances that require self-reliance; Saturn Pluto is war-like and deprived; Neptune Pluto fosters megalomania. But there’ll be enough good in there to produce positive changes (Saturn Uranus), creative inspiration (Uranus Neptune) and the perseverance to make at least some benefits of new thinking stick.
All countries have their own specific arc of history but looking at the UK, the first key change towards the emancipation of women came with the Married Women’s Property Act of 1882, with Saturn Neptune together in Taurus, which gave wives for the first time the right of separate ownership. Then on the next conjunction in 1917–18 in Leo, the campaign for women’s suffrage succeeded in getting the vote for women over the age of 30.
Both Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne to exert feminine influence over matters of state on Saturn–Neptune conjunctions — in 1558 in Taurus, and 1953 in Libra. Both of them were enduring monarchs in typical Saturnine fashion, Elizabeth I ruling for 45 years, the present Queen still in place after 70 years. Benazir Bhutto became the first woman prime minister of Pakistan on the conjunction in Capricorn in 1988, though it proved a short-lived triumph.
In a previous Saturn Neptune in Aries in 1702/1703 England’s Queen Anne took over as monarch from her brother-in-law William of Orange to reign for five years.
Literature also rose to the challenge and produced memorable novels by or about women – Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer and Laclos’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses; Molière’s The Misanthrope and The Dumb Lady. More recently Pedro Almodovar, the Spanish film-maker, produced his cult movie Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown.
Not that anything happens without a backlash and Saturn Neptune also has associations with the persecution of witches – arising from the masculine Saturnine fear of the mysterious, less rational feminine in Neptune.
Would Saturn Neptune signify pandemics? Or is that Saturn Pluto? About every 100 years humanity gets hit by a pandemic and there is a huge population Cull. With the proposed Leader of HHS – I am worried. So much misinformation out that. So much. Not sure if everyone has noticed – bird flu is mutating and crossed over to a teenager last week who is hospitalized in Critical Care. They have been watching Bird flu with concern for years. Spanish Flu – 1918. A flu pandemic we dodged in the 50’s due to vaccines. The elimination of small Pox – which ravaged Europe and the states and India – through vaccines. Cholera – 1850’s, Yellow Fever, Europe Black Death, Justinians Plague. Dad telling me stories about being kept home for a summer by his mother due to a polio outbreak in his home town of 700 people in NC. Ebola. Ebola could have very well made it here to the states to wreck havoc. They contained it and there are vaccines created. We are lulled into complacency by our own success.
Last time I had a flu in 2019 December, I had a 104.5 fever for four days, and I could feel my lungs “Cackling”. I have diligently gotten a flu vaccine ever since with no further issues. It really scared me.
Measles resets the immune system. I am old. I had it when I was 4. It settled in my eyes, and they were worried about permanent vision loss. It ended up being ok. Lots of folks don’t know kids die from measles, and it completely resets your immune system All prior immunity wiped clean.
I had to explain to a kid (20) who was painting my house yesterday who likely voted for Trump why they were so worried about the Covid Pandemic. If everyone had gotten it at the same time, it would have overwhelmed the hospitals, possibly causing a collapse. A lot of people don’t get that. Health care workers are people and if it gets to be too much – they too can break. It came close in NYC. It did happen in Africa with Ebola – hospitals collapsing.
Now we have Marberg to worry about – it flew from Rwanda to Germany recently. I will post links.
I am hopeful for women’s rights. Hopeful. We have to bring the working class and the kids along.
Sorry for all this. The cycles of Pandemics – I am looking for that.
Some Links
One of the most unique—and most dangerous—features of measles pathogenesis is its ability to reset the immune systems of infected patients. During the acute phase of infection, measles induces immune suppression through a process called immune amnesia. Studies in non-human primates revealed that MV actually replaces the old memory cells of its host with new, MV-specific lymphocytes. As a result, the patient emerges with both a strong MV-specific immunity and an increased vulnerability to all other pathogens.
Sorry –
I am very hopeful. Very hopeful. But there is so much misinformation flying around. I thought I would share what I know.
I simply put Pandemic in the Search box and this was first up … https://star4cast.com/plagues-and-pandemics-of-yore-neptune-in-overdrive/
The bird flu is already gaining traction in the press–reports show that small numbers of people who work on farms are already coming down with it, and it’s already been noted in Los Angeles’ wastewater. The chance of dying from it is apparently kinda high.
A Trump-era repeat of Covid, except worse this time? Groan… Bring on the hydroxychloraquine!
Fortunately the first vaccines are going through trials now so there is major hope!
Thank you. That was a good article.
I don’t think it is any accident that Lewis Carroll wrote and published Alice In Wonderland in 1865 when Neptune was last in Aries. Neptune in Pisces had rather run out of control with many people emulating the White Queen in”believing six impossible things before breakfast”. At the same time there is also a suggestion that like the Red Queen humanity is running faster and faster just to stand still. One imagines that Saturn conjoining with Neptune will be a major reality check. At the same time Saturn is in Fall in Aries so it is not necessarily going to be an easy process. The Moon and Chiron are also in Aries so the people en masse are likely to be suffering as a consequence.The fact Chiron will be sextile to Mars in Aquarius at the time of the conjunction means there is a fair amount of anger associated with any pain.
I do wonder about Saturn in Aries – people with it in their charts are forced to be self reliant. Less or little support breeds resilience (in some). Stand on your own two feet is the ethos – so it won’t all be picnics and roses.
I have seen it described as that Aries wants individual choices. Neptune offers all options including ridiculous ones. Saturn restricts and really demands that a path is selected and other things are given up. It is essentially saying it is your choice so pick it wisely. This is one reason why the placement is difficult particularly when Neptune is involved.
Archetypally action without thinking is a hallmark of Aries. Just dive in there and figure it out as you go along. Run off to the new exciting thing when it gets boring or too difficult.
Neptune and Saturn are going to punish that in their own ways. Saturn will provide consequences until Aries has to look before it leaps. Neptune is going to show Aries many glittering prizes to inspire its action until its head spins. It must not rush ahead or it risks tripping over and getting lost. Aries needs to spend some time thinking (head) in a quiet place if it’s not to make mistakes.
But those aren’t guaranteed to change Aries people. It’s easy to point the finger and become someone who complains and blames. If they do that they will stop being the hero they want to be.
Hardship also can also increase cohesion of within groups in society. Working class solidarity in the U.K. which has decayed in my lifetime was largely born out of adversity. The British Trade Union Congress was established in 1868 and the Trade Unions Act which legalised Unions was passed in 1871. The First International was created in 1864. All these events occurred while Neptune was in Aries. The Trade Unions in particular were not pie in the sky idealists. They were very much about improving the material circumstances of the individual worker which may be a Neptune in Aries theme.
To be honest I don’t know how this major conjunction at the start of a cycle for both planets will work out. The way it starts may not be how it ends and needless to say the transits of the other planets particularly Pluto Uranus must be considered.
saturn neptune Russia
It is hard to believe any social or spiritual progress can be made while Trump is President. And yet. In my view, on January 20 all three major powers will be dictatorships. The fact that France (at least not until 2027) and the UK are not will be a mitigating influence.
Saturn-Neptune must not be considered in isolation but will have central importance. They are linked this time by sextile to Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. The overall effect will be beneficial but specific consequences will vary in each country. Given the major and positive impacts of the conjunction in Russian history, my interpretation is that the first of the three dictatorships to end will be Putin’s, which could of course also bring Trump’s downfall. 2024 and 2025 may be terrible but resistance should be building in both Russia and the US. 2026 should be a turning point that could lead to a final confrontation with China in 2027-28.
Canada not only has Neptune in Aries in its 1867 chart, it also has its Ascendant in mid-Aries. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction will occur in its 12th house. Expect a lot going on behind the scenes, much of it foreign interference which will be a tremendous power play for the soul and identity of the country. I would like to know more about the relationship between Pierre Poilievre, the first far-right Canadian prime minister who is expecte to win the federal election next spring, and Elon Musk.
Fascinating Andre.
Thank you for the note about “behind the scenes” of the upcoming Neptune aspect. It certainly puts the revelations of extensive parliamentary and media foreign interference, made by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), into new light.
I might add as a courtesy for non-Canadian readers, Pierre Poilievre is the leader of the decidedly mainstream, Conservative Party of Canada.
Currently he has an overwhelming lead in the polls for the expected Autumn election, with both popular vote and projected seat count.
It would be challenging, by most reasonable standards, to consider either Poilievre or the CPC could as anything but centre right.
Interestingly, despite my country being hit by famines both in 1697-98 and 1867-68, I am looking forward to this. My only Fire are Leo Saturn and Sagittarius Neptune trining each other (with Libra Pluto in the middle). Neptune in Pisces in particular has been trying, especially since half of the passage happened in my 6th house. I feel the “fighting” fire energy suits me better, I will also get about 9 years without any slow moving objects in the 6th, possibly making everything in my health and work life feel less “faithed”.
This conjunction opposes my Pluto but exactly trines my Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and sextiles my Sun and my Mars. It’s in very wide opposition (8°) to my Moon so not sure if the orb reaches. The conjunction happens in my 5th, but I’m still unsure what to make of it, going forward, given all that above.
@Martha, this genuinely made me chuckle, because there has been a photo circulating of them eating McDonald’s in the plane on a way to UFL match. RFK Jr’s face is priceless. Expecting some governmental action on health will be taken by an administration that’s effectively trying to dismantle bodies regulating health care and food safety is really not realistic.
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction chart with a KITE focal point of these
2 planets points to the 6th House of sickness. The USA is suffering
from an epidemic of obesity & diabetes. The new US administration
of Kennedy Jr & Trump should take action, Mars, 12th, in improving
this health issue.
@Martha, this genuinely made me chuckle, because there has been a photo circulating of them eating McDonald’s in the plane on a way to UFL match. RFK Jr’s face is priceless. Expecting some governmental action on health will be taken by an administration that’s effectively trying to dismantle bodies regulating health care and food safety is really not realistic.
I became seriously ill in 2011 and have struggled since. Hoping for positive change now!
After a long life of fairly good health, I too became ill in 2012. Neptune in my 6th house. Each year thereafter, yet another health problem sprung on me. I’ve had my eye on Neptune. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…a joke I think.
Im sorry to hear that, I understand hoe debilitating that can be. I also have NN in 6th house so double whammy. (Rudimentary astrologist).
Can’t come soon enough!! I might have a celebration when it changes sign. Champagne…Interestingly, I only have Chiron in Aries in the 12th but have a fire stellium in my 8th. In terms of water, I have Neptune and Venus conjunct in Scorpio and IC in Cancer. I hope this shift into Aries helps the collective!
Thank you Marjorie. It’s a relief to see something (possibly) vaguely positive and progressive up ahead!
Reading Greene’s book on astrology having mythology that it was Neptune which trapped Venus ..I was always fearful of it but weirdly it uplifts women and strangely seems to empower women 🙂
Though famous for blessing with fame, it’s slow healing is big secret…
I was wondering about Sat/Nep in Libra, being the opposite sign. 1952, and exact around 18 November. Perhaps someone can help me out with history – certainly the Great Smog in London in December which seems appropriate for an Air sign conjunction. QEII to the throne (Feb). Perhaps someone else can help with history for some other events.
Correction to myself for pointless repetition.
29May53 – the ascent of Everest – conjunction the week before.
Very Saturnian – climbing the highest peak
Very Neptunian – looking out at the most glorious landscape and down upon the whole world like a god.
Cool, thanks. The endurance of Saturn meets the vision of Neptune, up in the clouds for an Air sign.
Neptune in Aries may be about individuals submitting themselves to a bigger cause than themselves.
This is a very weird description of Neptune in Aries, since submitting to a bigger cause and dissolving individuality is more Pisces than the very individualistic Aries.
I suppose Aries can bring about materialization of collective action. Where Pisces cannot
If Aries is individualistic, Neptune dissolving that individualism making them submit to a bigger cause makes sense.
@El Aznar, you can commit to a cause without loosing your individuality. I have an example: Most of the Finnish Golden Age artists were of the 1860-70’s Neptune in Aries types. Composer Jean Sibelius, painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela, architect Eliel Saarinen, to name a few. They most certainly retained and developed their individual style, even when their art was directed to build a national identity.
I agree. It’s about spiritualisation of warfare for a higher cause. Also, a mythologcial use of violence and a religious association with guns, particularly when Neptune will sextile the US Mars in Gemini and be inconjunct the US Neptune in Virgo. Neptune sextiles the US Uranus at the time of the US Uranus return, which has always brought a major war. This time, the spiritual nature of the conflict will be emphasised, but it always begins with a bang like Pearl Harbor. Likely in 2026-7.
Andre, I would request that you tone down your sensationalising and catastrophising – it is getting wearing. Pearl Harbour was more to do with other astro-indicators than the ones you mention.
Great answers, everyone! Thank you so much!