Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe – victim of a Boris blunder



Bumbling Boris, the UK Foreign Secretary, could well have condemned an Iranian-British woman, Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe, to a longer prison sentence by not reading his brief with care. In parliament in a belated attempt to put pressure on the Iranian government he said she had been teaching journalists in Teheran when in fact she had been on holiday visiting her parents with her daughter. She was arrested early last year on specious spying charges, it is thought as political leverage against the UK government. As per usual the UK Foreign Office to date have been their usual limp-wristed selves about ratcheting up pressure to have her released. Now Boris opens his mouth and makes the situation immeasureably worse.

She’s been in prison now for 18 months, the first half in solitary confinement which sent her into advanced depression. This weekend, she was taken to an unscheduled court hearing in Iran where Mr Johnson’s comments were cited as proof of her guilt. She now faces new charges of spreading propaganda against Iran and has been threatened with another five years in prison – on top of her existing five-year sentence.

Born 16 September 1978 she’s a Sun Virgo square Neptune, with Saturn Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus Uranus in Scorpio – hard-working, communicative, idealistic. Although she’ll get two minor pieces of good news early next year, it doesn’t look great through 2018/19 with tr Pluto square her Mars/Pluto midpoint; and tr Neptune opposing her Sun/Saturn and Mars/Jupiter midpoints – scared, trapped, extremely anxious and discouraged. She might be more heartened in gradual stages in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto trine her Uranus/Jupiter midpoint which could bring a lucky break.

Boris, 19 June 1964 2pm New York, US, looks equally disheartened and trapped ahead, though no doubt in more comfortable surroundings. His problem is his afflicted Mars in Gemini on the point of a T Square to Uranus (Pluto) in Virgo opposition Saturn, which tends to send him off like a scattergun in all directions at once – disorganised, inconsistent, rarely achieving much since he lacks focus.

Tr Neptune is opposing his Pluto till January, undermining his power with a downbeat tr Saturn opposition his Sun Venus in Gemini this December. Also in this December tr Pluto is in a catastrophe strewn square to his Mars/Saturn into early January 2018; and is followed by an even more destructive tr Pluto opposing his Mars/Uranus in Jan/Feb (repeating till late 2018), followed by tr Pluto opposition Mars/Pluto from Feb on and off till late 2019. Plus an undermining, failed-plans tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars from mid 2018 to end of 2019.

Theresa May no doubt dropped him in the Foreign Office assuming constant travel would keep him off her pitch and not stoking up trouble from the backbenches. In the process she’s made the UK even more of a laughing stock globally and done real damage to Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe.

3 thoughts on “Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe – victim of a Boris blunder

  1. It seems that Priti Patel who wanted to hand over UK tax-payers money to support the Israeli army will now lose her job in the Cabinet, when she returns from her latest jaunt in Africa, however both she and Johnston should be sacked, not just demoted, imo.

    It’s just heartbreaking to think that Boris the Clown has just exacerbated Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe’s hellish situation and that her daughter could be starting secondary school before they are ever reunited.

    Johnston and Patel were two of the main players in relation to convincing English and Welsh people to leave the EU. How anyone could have been duped by them just beggars belief. Leaving the EU and the continuing Westminster fiasco could also bring about the end of the United Kingdom in the very near future too. Pluto in Capricorn heralding in ‘transformation’ big time.

  2. Crass, lazy, and overwhelmed with his own personal ambition. His scattergun Mars as you mentioned is indicative also of his lightweight, “butterfly” approach to his brief, just distracted, careless and unfocussed. A wretched creature that should have been fired a long time ago. Not to mention Pritti Patel, meeting with senior Israeli politicians (including Netanyahu) on twelve occasions!! while on a ” family holiday”, without telling the PM or her nominal boss, the aforesaid BJ. She was evidently discussing giving hard pressed British taxpayers money to that dreadful regime (!) Wonder what was in it for her? The stench of decay, snouts in the trough and incompetence from this government is mind boggling

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