Nancy Pelosi – Democrats losing the faith



Democrats licking their wounds after the failure of Jon Ossoff to win the congressional seat in Georgia in a strongly Republican area have turned their ire on House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. The New York Times describes her as “one of the most successful congressional leaders in the modern era. She is the Democrat most crucial to determining whether her party can take back the House and torpedo President Trump’s agenda.” But some want her gone.

Born 26 March 1940 in Baltimore, MD, she’s a Sun Aries trine Pluto, with Jupiter also in Aries; and Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Mars spread out through Taurus; and her Saturn square Pluto – so quite a steamroller of energy and relentless determination.

Although she’ll stay bullishly confident at points through this year and next, she’s also got a fair amount of discouragement pulling her down in 2017/18; with some hints of career losses later in the year; and certainly major upheavals in 2018 with tr Uranus conjunct her Saturn and square her Pluto – though given her age that could be other non-political factors at play.

Jon Ossoff, 16 Feb 1987, the documentary filmmaker who ran in Georgia, is a Sun Aquarius on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries; and a risk-taking Jupiter square Saturn Uranus – so not short of high-energy, initiative or guts. He’s young enough to have a long career ahead of him, once he recovers from the car-crash Solar Arc Mars square his Sun this year alongside the high of Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars.

2019 has tr Uranus opposing his Pluto, for a radical change of lifestyle; 2021 will see him in confident campaigning mode with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter, but it then moves a year later into a blocked square to his Mars.

Impossible to say what his future holds politically but my sense is he’ll fare better once Pluto moves out of Capricorn and tr Neptune gets over his Jupiter, which would look like 2024.

One thought on “Nancy Pelosi – Democrats losing the faith

  1. Saying it again: he didn’t even live in the district he was running in. He’s got to pay attention to the basics if he wants to be successful.

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